
1 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Just stop supporting the biggest actor in the market.

How many % of these 70% can't upgrade to windows 11 due to hardware limitation?

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Microsoft got to much time on their hands. Can they please work on the more important stuff like completing the transition from controlpanel to settings?

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Real buttons that you can feel. Hence could use them without looking at the screen.

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Thank you for all this time. I still use it today, along with pidgin.

As someone once said to me. Microsoft is not something you like, but is something you have to withstand due to Enterprise use it so much, and have so many users.

But when it comes to the browser, then you have to follow the standard for HTML, and suddenly you can choose something else.

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Firefox does not have a way to force them into it.

  • ChromeOS - Chrome only. Default. Google.com beggs you to get an account and try Chrome. Android, comes with Android preinstalled.
  • Windows - Annoying Try Edge popup force them during boot. Bing Chat is Edge Only.
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As long as you can't see Linux machines in normal computer stores it will not happen. Users never get the opportunity to experience it. Today there is no killer feature really like the other OS have.

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Pidgin. Consume soo little memory in comparison to other chat applications. Is really fast, just try start and scroll history in a chat conversation. But it looks ugly.

I think Microsoft should actually be forced to either extend support or give the user one option to be secured. With the later I mean pay for license or click here to automatically choose a Linux distro that the user will be migrated to. It could be Mint or one of MS own Linux distribution with OneDrive preinstalled and links to Office 365 online word. Even install Android could be one option.

This is better than getting all the devices on the landfill.

Remember that 99% don't know what to do with their computer or are lazy. One easy fix should be available.

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They already have with Apple M1 Macs

Only 3 years of OS updates, then you need a new phone. Give 5 years directly so you can start thinking about competing with iOS. What is the problem? They have control of the software and the hardware like Apple.

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EU should force a choice for all new PC. What OS do you want to run? Windows, Linux or Android? Then you would be able to see real competition in the OS market.

Maybe something like the raspberry pi OS chooser. In the best of worlds you have everything installed and just choose in the boot menu what to run.

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You are allowed to send ads to your own customers. A bit questionable if that then have to include unsubscribe and doing it when you dont want it. Think if TV makers did the same.

Amnesia - I wound not know that I have a password manager. I wound be very screwed. No one else in family even understand what it is. I don't know what to do about it. At least they know I have a Gmail account. But I don't use it for logins. Maybe I can regain access to my domain with BankID. I have the password file on phone, server and on my workstation. So I will be fine regarding hardware failure.

People will not leave Youtube. They got too many videos. I believe they will just find some proxy solutions or similar. Using anything else will for the author just result in they get paid less.

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They should make it possible for the community to help out with server resources. Relay or decrentralize it maybe.

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It would be wonder if they last forever and easly could be repaired. Making it better to keep the car then buy a new one. It just need to be upgradedable to the latest standards that might be more safe, efficient and agree with current law.

But I am pretty that would never exist - too hard.

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Om Windows 10 you have the option to turn off showing news about new features. I guess it would cover this. Try Google it.

Not until you can actually choose it. Think if you could in the store see Linux Desktop to buy and to try out.

What if EU forced computer manufactures to install both OS, Windows and Linux Desktop, and you had to choose during the first boot what you want to use. Trust me, the that will change the numbers, just because of all who picked the wrong one by mistake.

It is so funny how stuiped people are as they can't see they are the reason. In China they need to wear masks due to the pollution makes the air unbreathable. They also burn coal to get electricity to run AC, especial now with the heat weaves.

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Servers in school. Learned how to setup a website, Linux tools test. Then at home how to setup a Counter Strike server.

It was not an option one week ago when i tested it. Maybe because I was in WiFi range and Microsoft assumed you have to know the password to at least one of them to pass the wifi screen. No skip button. But could create a new account as unverified using gmail address.

Can someone please explain to me why they can't create the account even if it is used as disposable? Storing one text file with the login on their side does not cost much storage at all.

But we have more areas to apply this to. I still can't ask my PC to do some work, like Unistall OneDrive or change a setting in the OS. Send a message on Teams. Where is Jarvis?

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That is very little and propably due to steam deck.

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Why not just adapt to the new rules? Others have to do the same.

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Please also remove the text places and make use of that space

Passkeys supported?

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Putin, please stop this war without demands.

Keepassxc + syncthing to phone in read only mode and to other machine. So 3 copies on different machine, while one of them is on me

Forbid whatever shell is selling. Only except might be is if it saves life and there is no good alternative. Wait - did I just solve climate change?

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I dont like Chrome have so big market share. Also it is making less dumb desions for me, you can actually disable stuff I dont like.

Apple users use to pay a lot for their device. So they just continue on with theme.

First day they sell one.

Would it be a downside? Slower? Very costly?

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Are they required by law or something to send those out? It is almost like needing to reconfirm your cookie in the webbrowser

I actually want Microsoft to do better. Then can, they just ignore user feedback about user choice, design, what to work on etc. Good if they start to get some competition. I wonder what will happen when ARM gets common in a normal PC-build. Good opportunity to make some big changes.

If there is a problem at low power usage then you can easily solve it by temporary add more power. Lets say add a 40watt lamp or something, later remove it from the calculation.

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Firefox boot slower on Android. Webkit-based browsers boot much faster. I think they make use of some preloading of the browser itself.