Margot Robbie

0 Post – 253 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

She/Her, Also

Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.

She is all of us, yet I'm not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.

So what will be my ending?

I think this is a fake quote that somebody made up for an Internet comedy bit, since it seems unlikely for Hollywood actress Sydney Sweeney to have such uncharacteristically strong opinion on software version control, of all things.

Because she of all people would know that there isn't anything wrong with using git merge, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference to what you are used to.

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You are goddamn right it is.

I am inevitable.

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These "compressed towel tablets" are about 2cm across in diameter, and not pill sized as this picture implies, and are closer to wet wipes than actual, fluffy towels.

Still useful cleaning at music festivals though.

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And at the beginning everyone was worried about "Eternal September". It's only been two months.

People will come in waves, instances and communities will grow and die, just like how it was on reddit, we'll probably start seeing meme/politics free or even more specialized instances soon. But all of this is going to take time.

The turning point will be when companies/websites start spinning up their own Lemmy instances as their official one to replace their forums, which I think will happen.

So, being on Lemmy is a long term investment for me.

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I don't really know how people can even use YouTube without ad blockers. Sitting through minutes of advertisement is not going to make me want to buy your product if I start mentally associating your product with frustration and annoyance. If these video ads are going to be repetitive and annoying, at least make them funny.

It seems like there is nowhere on the Internet to get away from ads currently, even here, where you thought you are safe, you are now reading an ad for my newest movie (you know the one), now also available on streaming!

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The best purchase I've made this year has to be the tickets for the "Barbie" movie on opening day July 21st. As I watched the movie in theater (the best way to watch a movie), I was literally moved to tears by the performance of the lead actress, whom I might add, deserves an Oscar this year.

Fellow lemmings, I, for one, will definitely be buying "Barbie" on Blu-ray to have it in my collection.

Multiple copies, in fact.

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Of course, that's because both of them are characters played by, you guessed it, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie.

The only times I've seen toxicity like this is ironically whenever there is a big wave of reddit user influx, things usually settle down for a while as they adapt to the cultures here (or get banned), it's not as much of an Eternal September as much as it is a Irregularly Scheduled September.

Most of the active comms here are smaller but better quality than their subreddit equivalent. You even get good discussions here on memes sometimes. (Politics and News here still could be better, though.)

For someone who's been very unhappy with the state of social media for quite a while, Lemmy is a breath of fresh air, even though there are definitely growing pains.

Nothing. Literally nothing. Bad gifts are for annoying close friends, any amount of effort put into a gift for your father would imply that you care what he thinks.

We have been fighting the CSAM (Child Sexual Assault Material) posts all day but there is nothing we can do because they will just post from another instance since we changed our registration policy.

It's likely that we'll be seeing a large number of instances switch to whitelist based federation instead of the current blacklist based one, especially for niche instances that does not want to deal with this at all (and I don't blame them).

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That's esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!

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Instagram had slowly morphed from a website to share artsy filtered cell photos to an advertisement platform, where people are turning themselves into characters living the perfectly imperfect life on social media, in an attempt to turn themselves into living advertisements, to buy and sell products, Every photo (especially the natural looking ones) is carefully shot, curated and edited by a team to imitate authenticity, no different than shooting a movie or a TV show.

So then, what happens if that role of a living advertisment can automated by machines, equally as heartless and unrealistic as these performance of perfect daily lives on Instagram? Why go through the efforts, the hours and manpower, to conduct the photoshoots and Photoshops for that one perfectly imperfect targeted post, when anyone with a modern GPU can effortlessly make thousands of machine generated pictures with way less work in the same timeframe?

Why should the role of "social media influencer" even exist then?

I've been unhappy about the state of social media for a long time now. But as it appears, the role of the social media influencer, as the lowest common denominator of photography, will be the first to be rendered redundant by AI automation, which brings me hope that in time, social media can be brought back to what originally was: a place for people to talk to people.

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Or perhaps she's disappointed you didn't even make the effort to know that a marriage certificate has to be signed at the county clerk's office instead of on the red carpet to be valid?

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Instead of giving your money to Amazon to rent this mediocre looking movie that I know nothing about (so this is not a promotion), why not watch it elsewhere (cough cough) and use the same 25 dollars of your hard earned money to support the people who actually worked on the movie and buy a shirt here instead?

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At least they are not doing the Twitter/X thing where they impersonate celebrities to push crypto... yet.

Lemmy Silver is the only fake Internet money I endorse.

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From one Australian woman to another, she should have used that energy and tried acting instead.

Everybody plays a character of the person they want to present to the world on social media, so there needs to be more awareness that even if you can see their faces and hear their voices, you still can't blindly trust people to be who they claimed to be online, and you should always exercise a healthy dose of skepticism on what you read or watched.

Trust me, after all, why would Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie ever lie to you?

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You guys are laughing right now, but as the only real celebrity on Lemmy, identity theft is not a joke! Millions of celebrities would suffer every year!

Imagine what would happen if some random Internet weirdo uses AI to impersonate me, super serious Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie, and make me say extremely silly things that I would never say in public on the internet? Would you still think impersonating a celebrity is funny?

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We all thought is obviously a parody account that is too cartoonishly evil to be believable, but then we find out that this guy exists.

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Different Linus. This Linus made Linux, he's not the one who does tech tips.

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Make valuable original content here that's not found elsewhere, post and comment thoughtfully as much as possible(No. Pun. Chains). Don't try to turn this place into reddit, be better than reddit.

People who are on reddit that wanted to come here right now has already done so, so it's important to drew in people who has never used reddit before here instead of always waiting for reddit to do something stupid.

Also less celeb gossip please, need a place where I can get away from that on the Internet.

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Small communities that are interoperableā€ is basically what Reddit is now.

Which is EXACTLY why federation fits the reddit style of forum like a glove, and why ultimately Lemmy is the path forward.

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Linus was so nice back then...

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Two of the most critical supplies that most people don't think about prepping is salt and white sugar, because they are useful for many things and they never go bad.

On sugar specifically, it's extremely useful because 1. It is a dense calorie source that will last forever and 2. you can use it to disinfect wounds in a pitch.

But of course, bunkering down is kinda dumb to begin with for an apocalyptic scenarios, because then you become sitting ducks.

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But the good news is you just kinda learn quite a bit about every hobby you pick up, so people are always impressed with how much random stuff you know.

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Well, charger cables are usually at USB 2.0 speed because USB-PD works the same, but signal integrity doesn't matter as much, so you can make a longer, more flexible cable without using in-cable shielding...

So this is misleading, since the included cable coming in 2.0 speed (missing pins) absolutely does not mean that the iPhone USB-C port will only support 2.0.

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Most industries should do remote work as much as possible, specifically the ones that involves sitting in front of a computer all day: less traffic on the road, no commute time, more commercial office real estate that can be converted to housing/shops...

I don't really see the downside to any of this except to micro-managers.

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Also, if no one is posting on social media, then what the hell are we all doing right now then?

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I told you I can literally play anyone.

Especially traditionally male roles.

Elon Musk's entire career since his PayPal days has been throwing one horrifyingly bad idea after another to his employees for them to figure out a way to bring into reality, then take credit for all of his employees' work once they somehow realize these idea in order to shamelessly market himself as a tech genius, a "real life Tony Stark", to make his employees realize even more bad ideas. Until his management of Twitter exposed him.

Can't wait to see what kind of trainwreck a dating app designed by a misogynistic thrice-divorced deadbeat manchild would look like.

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The other day, I saw an A-list Hollywood actress going around Lemmy shitposting and promoting her latest movie on Lemmy.

She's obviously very talented and very hot and deserves to finally get an Oscar this year, but I would say it's pretty bizzare.

Also she's now the top mod of ! for some reason.

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The main factor is discoverability.

There are no shortage of creative or funny people on Mastodon, however, Mastodon's feed algorithm do not allow them to be discovered unless you happen to stumble upon them by happenstance, whereas it is quite easy to be seen on Lemmy by posting good content: it's rare when I don't get any upvotes or downvotes on a comment here, and good replies are fairly common, so the interaction quality here is generally higher.

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Being in an industry where everyone is unionized is great, the most important being that whenever there is a work issue you know exactly who to talk to for help.

Having unions should really become the norm for most industries.

This is why Sydney Sweeney isn't on Lemmy.

Social media becoming advertising platforms, I think.

Can you imagine people getting paid to go around social media to "influencing" people to say, go watch my latest movie?

How is that even a real job?

Never heard of it.

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I usually really like seeing the little number pop up when I get a response on my comment, instead of dreading it's someone trying to pick an internet fight. People are nice here. (Usually)

But it needs more original content, that's how Lemmy and the entire fediverse can grow.

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I've had many similar thoughts on the topic of death in recent months.

The solution I came up with was to comment my thoughts on everything on public forums such as this one, any time I can, for as much as possible.

Everything you post on here is distributed and recorded through thousands upon thousands of federated servers around the world, and as long as you don't delete them, these comments will be there, long after I'm gone.

And the web scrapers used for AI large language models will inevitably pick up my words and thoughts here, and a small part of who I am as a person will always live on, compressed within these LLMs.

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Never been on Hexbear before, eh?

Ask your admins to implement some emojis. We have them on LW, but nobody ever really use them. Just a culture thing I guess.

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You know, since CEOs gets paid so much money, it would make sense for their role to be automated by AI first for any company that wants to save money before any body else, right?

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