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wasn't the big deal with the Russians that it was at the level of the entire organization rather than done by limited specific individuals?

In the 2022 Monitoring the Future survey, the largest group of senior boys, more than two-fifths, claimed no politics at all, answering the liberal-conservative question with “none of the above” or “I don’t know.” Nearly one-fifth identified as moderate. Only 36 percent selected liberal or conservative as an ideology, and only there did the trend emerge.

I'm not as sold on "trending conservative" as I am "undecided on political ideology" +/-60% didn't say liberal or conservative.

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This dude is super creepy and I hate he's in congress, much less the speaker, but does anyone feel like the other headline "monitors each others porn activities" purposely makes it seem like they're each reviewing the porn they each do look at and making sure isn't toooo skeevy? Like it's weird enough, do you have to push it?

Made me picture them high fiving each other the next day, "yeah buddy! I saw that one, too. Nice."

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Antivax crowd no longer drinking milk I guess

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“We disagree with the Court’s opinion that employers can require employees to be taught — as a condition of employment — that one race is morally superior to another race. The First Amendment protects no such thing, and the State of Florida should have every right to protect Floridians from racially hostile workplaces. We are reviewing all options on appeal going forward.”

I have an extremely low opinion of intelligence of the "anti-woke" warriors but, like, do people really think that's what's happening? They're honestly thinking DEI stuff is teaching that one race is "morally superior" to another? That's just a wild fucking line to throw in there.

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Cool info. If you were going for a copypasta type thing you nailed it.

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Wait, you're telling me my favorite brand doesn't actually support LGBT stuff? They're only in it for the money? Whaaa?

Can you run games like this in a virtual machine? Would that eliminate kernel level general invasiveness concerns because it's a...virtual kernel I guess? Does that virtualization require too much overhead to run demanding games?

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Maintenance and disassembly are the other things listed. Also apparently ongoing remediation of contaminated perched groundwater, possibly soil work.

unless everyone is blatantly lying, it doesn't seem like it:

“This was a very advanced technique used by the threat actor against a limited number of high value targets. Each time the technique was used, it increased the chances of the threat actor getting caught,” said Google Cloud’s Mandiant senior vice president and chief technical officer Charles Carmakal. “Kudos to Microsoft for leaning in, figuring this out, remediating, collaborating with partners and being transparent.”

“Last month, U.S. government safeguards identified an intrusion in Microsoft’s cloud security, which affected unclassified systems. Officials immediately contacted Microsoft to find the source and vulnerability in their cloud service,” National Security Council spokesperson Adam Hodge said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal. “We continue to hold the procurement providers of the U.S. government to a high security threshold.”>

Yeah, Universal Spower Bus. Sounds right. I was reading the "power" part emphasized in the comment you replied to. Prior to mass adoption by phone mfrs, USB wasn't powering all that much. You'd usually have 5v wall wart and cable ending in a barrel connector. Hate those things.

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probably the real pseudoephedrine containing sudafed and generic versions that are behind the counter and require a swipe of an ID to get from an employee. They don't want you making the meth by buying a million packs across the city or state, now do they?

Did they lose anyone's genome? That's not what's been reported. They certainly lost customer information and this is definitely a super shitty move to trick you into waiving some rights, but I've seen no reporting that says they lost full DNA information.

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DOJ wants to get in on some of that hot euro DMA action

Microwave transmission is what's usually said, then someone says anything in the beam's path will get zapped, then it's pointed out the energy density isn't that high. Just wanted to shortcut that for ya

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Something is stopping another messaging app to have sms fallback and be the default messaging app on iOS. It's iOS.

The stolen data included the person’s name, birth year, relationship labels, the percentage of DNA shared with relatives, ancestry reports, and self-reported location.

23andMe also confirmed that another group of about 1.4 million people who opted-in to DNA Relatives also “had their Family Tree profile information accessed,” which includes display names, relationship labels, birth year, self-reported location and whether the user decided to share their information, the spokesperson said.

This is of course bad but is everyone thinking that actual DNA information was copied or what? That's what it seems like from y'all's comments. I mean that's a pretty easy leap to make, it's a DNA testing company after all, but they seem pretty specific on what data got out. I don't immediately see that this specific information is worse than say what a credit reporting agency has on you.

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LOL I'm sure the depiction of what someone could look like after years of working from home, created/paid for by a work furniture company, is totally accurate.

discussion in here looking like old r/teenagers with predictable takes

"You know, I'm something of an expert myself"

It's not about facts though. They didn't logically choose to support him based on facts, figures, and results. It's all feelings.

These guys were all so amazing. I recommend the book The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes.

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A loudmouthed GWB? Are you for real? Did you see Jan 6 2021? Trump is his own unique dumpster fire burning through every governing norm not explicitly written into law. By saying "man and we thought GWB was bad!" during Trump's term doesn't equal rehabilitating his image to me.

High quality picture and video? Have you never exchanged pictures or video with a non iPhone user from your iphone? Pictures aren't always horrible but video is basically unwatchable. Also end to end encryption, which is less obvious. Group chats are also borked by having a single non iPhone user in them. Android to android in most cases lately has high quality multimedia but that's not true of mixed interactions.

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You've got my head spinning "Government bans smaller government's decision to restrict smaller government's own flag speech"

Did you see this is a ban for the City to fly the flag on City property? Sure, shitty, and the reasons behind it are shitty but I don't see how it's a first amendment deal.

This is a neat project....and terrible reporting.

Did they start out with any charge? How long to charge it fully via solar? How long it took them to do their trip? You could easily read this and think they did it by driving the full range (one of the few stats they give) out every day unless you're knowledgeable enough to see what they're not telling you. Is that range at 30mph? People are reading range figures and thinking, "well, gee, the EVs I can buy only do X and this does Y!", which isn't comparable at all without how that range is defined. If those figures shouldn't be compared to regular cars, then say it in the article! This is a 20-30 mile a day charged-by-solar-in-the-desert-near-the-equator vehicle, which isn't nothing, but not really as presented. Greenwashing (it's probably not) or whatever this should be called doesn't help the needed planetary shift away from fossil fuels.

Looking for other reporting (where are other commenters finding the duration of the trip?):

Guardian - no mention of time.

bonus: “We hope this can be an inspiration to car manufacturers such as Land Rover and BMW to make it a more sustainable industry. The car was actually very comfortable in the off-road conditions as it is very light and does not get stuck.”

Remind me how it was so lightweight again? Does it have LR & BMW level noise damping? It surely had AC and all that right? I don't know because that info wasn't provided. You don't need to convince LR and BMW, you need to convince consumers to go without those.

Daily Mail - no mention of time

Designboom - no mention of time

Jalopnik - no mention of time, which is disappointing for a car specific site

This is a cool project and it's cool university students did it, but why leave out such a misleading pieces of information? It's bandied about as a "showing people it's possible" thing as in, "you could have a solar car!", but leave out all the bits that really make it possible, like forgoing AC or the daily miles driven. That none of the reporting on this has this information either means [puts on tinfoil hat] it's a vast conspiracy to make green stuff look more palatable [tinfoil off], it's all confluence of interest in making it look more palatable, or the information just wasn't given out, or they're all referencing the same source news-wire style. Frustrating.

Where's the real information? I feel like we're in a race against time to move away from fossil fuels so things like this need to not be misleading.

Edit - I'm stupid, it does say week and a half long...which only proves the point I think in not contextualizing range and such, because that's a long time

I don't think you can reply to a text message using a third party watch on iOS but you can with your Apple watch. I've seen that cited as an exclusive API.

the "teflon fumes" for lack of a better term are extremely toxic to birds

start growing a pair

I'm afraid the folks on the right won't allow that, either. No hormones for you!

Kind of the opposite of the Titan submersible regarding pressure differential. The inside of the Hyperloop pods are kept at atmospheric pressure. If the tunnel became depressurized it would only reduce the pressure differential in the pod. Of course they'd all be liquefied in a crash at the proposed speeds...

to pick a nit and to highlight the other-than-poisoning-you aspect: they're forever chemicals because they don't break down naturally anywhere, not just your body. Wait...an idea: throw those pans into a volcano!

"bad leaf! bad!" -scold vs. scald.

Just for fun. good comment!

It's not the only difference. It indicates the difference in experience parties receive. Higher quality pictures & video, E2E encryption are some of the differences. I'm not shamed for being on android but I can't have the same quality conversations without convincing lots of people to use something like signal (which I do use with those I have convinced).

Currently, the owners are projected to pay $31 billion in capital and financing costs, Associated Press calculations show. Japan’s Toshiba Corp., which then owned Westinghouse, paid $3.7 billion to the Vogtle owners to walk away from a guarantee to build the reactors at a fixed price after overruns forced electric industry pioneer Westinghouse into bankruptcy in 2017. Add that to Vogtle’s price and the total nears $35 billion.

Does this seem strange to include the 3.7 billion in here? I guess when you're used to costs meaning what it cost the purchaser of said product or service it seems weird. Like, if I was the group paying for this I might even think to reduce the reported cost by 3.7 billion.

That's copied from the AP news article the post's nbcnews article links to. Similar statement in the nbcnews one, but....they don't let you highlight any text? Lame.

I'm sure all the big businesses are on board for changing of entire federal department workforces every 4 years. They'll really be able to count on consistent rules to plan their business. Riiiiight.

The stuff I've seen is saying it can only do one extra display from a mac. Is there another way? The high resolution capabilities also suggest one full quality display would max out wireless bandwidth.

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Breaking news from the astronomy community!......

Gotta read past the headline folks, it's at best implying something it isn't and at worst, rage bait.

Do you have information on it supporting rcs? I don't see anything on the play store mentioning it. The first Google results I see say it doesn't. Seems like it would be a big deal because if they did and would be prominently displayed as I thought only Google messages and Samsung messages supported rcs.


Do you think the color difference is just to mess with android users or something and is otherwise meaningless? It represents differences in abilities. The abilities are the "degraded" part.