2 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

humble Life explorer

Forget Apple. Without buying any new hardware, i managed to replace Windows with Ubuntu just a month ago. My most hated moment on windows was the time i saw the onedrive ad in file explorer... That felt way too intrusive.

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... Cool reply, thanks. Anyways, I do hope now is the time linux will take off. I recently did the switch myself

Unfortunately these are not a serious threat to them. When it comes to personal desktop / laptop OS market share, linux is in the single digits.

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Here is Google showing blatant malicious compliance to their own standards. "You want security notifications for payments made through your account? Have a side of ads with that". They've fallen real low since the days of "do no harm" 😞

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This website talking trash about Google ads 🀣

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Not worth it. Plenty of free apps like Voyager that are adfree and have all the features needed.

I wonder if they included the bible, koran and torah since they cite sexual content and much worse.

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This isn't a shitpost, this is truth brilliantly represented πŸ™

With the same logic, nothing is stopping people to download firefox from alternative sources πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ There would be losses in market share (in Russia) had they refused to play along, but now Mozilla spread it's buttcheeks for governments to impose themselves. Once again, it's mostly about the money.

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How it has not caught on to call it Xitter (Shitter)... I don't know

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Remember, Trump moved the whole US embassy to Jerusalem just to give Palestinians the middle finger. You can be sure that a very high majority of US politicians will take the same pro-Israel stand. The reason is simply campaign funding and lobbying. Look at AIPAC

We saw the same tonight as well from northern Italy about 2 hours ago. The moonlight interacts with ice crystals in the air and creates this rainbow / halo 🀯

Well said and a good reminder to keep our loyalties / fanboyisms in check

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The speech was very balanced and fair. The problem to the israeli government is that it did not throw all of the blame on palestinians or hamas, and therefore they took offence.

Now it just needs to drop another 90% or so πŸ˜… πŸ˜…

The right thing to do would be to seize Boeing, take it away from its shareholders, hold and interrogate the major shareholders, and regardless of the outcome of interrogations the company should never return to the public. Either dismantle and sell every pathetic asset, or run it as a public company. This is a no-brainer, they should not be allowed to continue with business as usual even if no one is found guilty or no direct link is established.

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Feedly does a good job with the free version. I just went back to it a few weeks ago.

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Sorry i wasn't in the loop when we decided to stop talking about the town clown. I guess I'll stop being an idiot now. Thanks for the advice.

It wouldn't necessarily be a parking lot though would it? That's just convenient for your argument. The truth is it would be extra easy and cheap to turn golf courses into public parks, with local trees and flowers instead of water guzzling grass. That would improve weather events, wildlife and human lives' quality in the area.

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100% agree with you. Growth must not be the goal, maybe a byproduct. Focusing on growth will eventually compromise the quality of our experience.

Unsubscribed just because they pulled this move. None of the 3 people i was sharing it with ended up subscribing.

Unfortunately I think Threads is going to be the big winner here... People love the brands; Meta attracts more than Mastodon...

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I think it makes sense. VPN changed your location to somewhere there are no nearby users / deals / whatever. Not sure but maybe that's it?

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I never used Prime Video, and I cancelled my Prime subscription in protest against this shit. Never going back.

The time and effort you put into typing this comment, would have been better spent discussing the more important, relevant and dangerous issues you can find simply in the headline. 1- big oil has our politicians in their pockets. 2- The UK government is putting people in jail for protesting, not rioting. And so what if you're late for work? Are you so overpaid that you prioritize getting to the office on time over a protest to avoid planetary genocide? Turn off your car and join the march!!

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Good neeeeeeeeeews everyone! It's a 2-for-1. Meh, if Meta wants to make it easier for you to quit Meta, then so be it. I unfortunately deleted my instagram account a while back and will not be able to benefit from this deal.

And the funds used for support of Ukrainian refugees and Italian homeless.

Yes. Failing which they will eventually fall for a class-action.

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This is the best I've read on the subject

I only know "fuckus spezus" πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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Huh? Not that I know of. They're going strong, taking on more projects around the world and are pretty transparent about what they do - they had an article about how / why one of their projects failed which i read but can't find right now.

I did achieve something through protest: pushing out an invading army. Beirut 2005. But please tell me more about your inconveniences.

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You're right about that specific hospital, but it's not the only one that was involved in the conflict.

I was really skeptical at first, but they're legit. It's a non-profit that's been around since 2009, based in Berlin. Have a look at their blog, you'll find project updates, the financials are broken down by expenditure and much more. Finally they're getting some spotlight with this recent TechCrunch article and their big efforts on Social. What really hooked me in is that they signed a legal contract binding them to the not-for-profit purpose forever - more on this. Edit: about Mr. Oliver (love this guy) he is absolutely correct, but he is referring to for-profit companies that pollute and then plant some trees to pretend like they give a damn. Ecosia is a not-for-profit whose purpose is to plant with a purpose, meaning they reconnect forest patches that have been split, they return livelihood and wildlife to areas that have gone through droughts and seen increased poverty etc...

And then he resigned, because that what failed leaders do. Right?

100% relatable. Done with these abusive subscriptions.

Likewise. Jumped at it immediately

there is a lot of anger

OK posting here to address the skepticism, which I completely understand and have been through. Here are some articles that came up when simply searching "is ecosia legit": Utopia "Ecosia is certainly legit. It’s above board", Snopes "Ecosia makes money through advertisements on its search engine. While a portion of that money is used to fund the operational costs of the business, about 80% of its surplus revenue is donated to environmental organizations and tree-planting projects around the world.", GoodGoodGood, TechJunkie and there's plenty more

I am now a part of my desk. On the plus side i can still reach the keyboard :)