These notifications are bundled together for some reason. So if I want to be notified when my subscriptions renew themselves, I have to also be notified of random games going on sale, too. to Mildly – 747 points –

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Here is Google showing blatant malicious compliance to their own standards. "You want security notifications for payments made through your account? Have a side of ads with that". They've fallen real low since the days of "do no harm" 😞

Close, but it was β€œdon’t be evil”.

Which is still in the google code of conduct.

It is there but almost as a quote... It's at the end and it just says "and remember, don't be evil!". It's not part of the actual code, so I guess it's just for show and nostalgia.

It's literally there as it was previously. They removed it at the start to say "do the right thing" instead, but don't be evil is there too. It was a drummed up controversy over nothing.

"Do no harm", that's the Hippocratic Oath.

"Do no harm to the stockholders" would be the contemporary take.

More like the Hippocratic Option amirite? πŸ€œπŸ€›