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Joined 12 months ago

Food isn't as precise as people think. I used to stress over recipes and shit when I first started cooking regularly. Shit just kinda works if you stick roughly to most recipes.

Edit: this is just a general comment, I know some foods require an absolute fuck ton of skill and precision to get right

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I'm gonna start keeping a whip in my glove box for such an occasion. Slavery was no big deal? Clean my fucking interior.

How is it any different from someone reading the books, being influenced by them and writing their own book with that inspiration? Should the author of the original book be paid for sales of the second book?

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The only thing I like about Russia. The warez

I didn't mean to come off rude before. I'm sorry for that.

I can see this is very important to you and I shouldn't have made light of it.

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My friend self hosts an instance that we use. I'd recommend anyone with the ability to self host or join a smaller instance. Good luck friend!

I'd rather have more expensive food and people get paid fairly.

People don't like to believe it but this shit started back in 95/98 or even earlier. It's kinda what Microsoft has always done.


El busto coffee too

What's stopping someone from generating an AI script and then saying they wrote it and copyrighting it?

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What is this designed to prevent?

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uBlock origin.

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And it sucks unless you want a feature phone.

BBS to IRC to P2P to torrent with all manner of shady websites and other crap thrown in. That's just in my Internet life from 2002. I never used BBS but I was aware of them. Registering a new account is nothing compared to how much harder it used to be pirating stuff.

YouTube ReVanced still works. They patch the app to not play the ads.

The way it works is you install the normal YouTube app, install the ReVanced patcher and it patches and reinstalls the app.

We tried that recently and I was disappointed. For the price I could just buy my own chicken and cook it and have it for a week.

Yep. Did the same with most of it but Cortana broke something I used. There's a tool that makes a lot of this stuff easier.


You can use AdGuard on Android to block ads device wide. You can also install uBlock origin in Firefox Mobile.

I'm not sure for iOS

Chris Titus ultimate windows tool.

Best third party tool ever.

That's the thing for me. I'm fine with ads on a free service. Where I draw the line is my kid watching a spooky Jillian and Addy video with a 30 minute unskippable ad that's just a religious talk show or right wing rapper music video. If they policed it better and kept the ads to around 60 seconds or less I'd be fine. Until then, no ads for me.

They were doing this back in 2002ish. The Screensavers used to run segments promoting the EFF all the time.

You can use tamper monkey now.

I feel this pain. But you try to stop a video that started playing in Firefox. I dare you.

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Left Bros for life!

Down votes are for off topic discussion not disagreement. They're specifically meant to not be used for disagreement.

I am forever a Firefox fan but Chromium is just faster on all my devices. Chrome without Google is great.

You can install tamper monkey and use a userscript to redirect. That's what I do.

Come to Missouri. It's cheaper and we have legal weed. Plus, the more sane people the better.

I moved from Tennessee to Missouri. I like the weather in Missouri and legal weed. Other than that, they're about the same. Missouri is way flatter. I'd like to go somewhere else but I'm poor. Thankfully I live in a relatively tame political area.

Ok. So, it seems as usual I have missed the point here. Thanks for clarifying. So the point I'm to take away from this is that AI can't hold copyright over things they create? If the answer is "yes", then I ask. Can a human hold copyright over something an AI creates?

My friend has a private one, we're the only users.

Like if AI generated it, who is going to complain if a human copyrights it?

This is what's not computing in my head.

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So say I create an AI that can generate movie scripts. I use it to create a script. I put my name on it and copyright it. How would anyone else know?

I'm not trying to be like, argumentative. I'm just trying to understand.

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The point is that some viruses are harder to pin down than others.

I just reinstalled Windows after not having a computer for a long time. I'm glad I just happened across this beforehand because it was the best.

Everyone should use this to some extent, even just to disable tracking

I knew Scott Hall was the bad guy but come on mang.


This is the most Simpsons ass shit I've ever seen in real life.


Cursed cheese. Never the consistency you need lol.

You literally just install it and it works. The only learning curve is proportional to how much you want to personalize your ad blocking experience.