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Joined 12 months ago

This is a loser's game US is playing. Historically it used to innovate above the rest, now "we ban them, because their tech better"

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$25 to rent and an extra $5 for the illusion you own it!

Microsoft convinced me to switch... to Linux

How long until we get 10sec unskippable ad on bootup, please make it fast Micro$oft.

May I also suggest surveiling every knife in every kitchen, since people historically had killed other people with knife

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~Unity Backtracks~ No they didn't, they updated the terms

Just shut it down already

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Imagine one day, he walks into spacex, board on a rocket, and shoot to mars.. just like this!

Maybe someone should trigger him in twitter

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Yes, for him whose views align with his!

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Until there is a 'pro max' version

The India Govt established an Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) which is a federated e-commerce system.

Details at ONDC YouTube

They all did the same, without innovation there won't be another big smartphone brand.

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We need the same monitor, vertically!

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Even though I couldn't find any connection between a space mission to sun and casteism, I could assure you friend the latter is much difficult to solve. That's why countries still struggle with casteism or racism or sexism or some other evil-ism, but we shouldn't let it hold us back from the technical and scientific advancements. In fact one could argue building a science oriented society is the way to eradicate these issues.

Spend a "week" installing mosquito net >> spend 5 sec for each mosquito

I don't want to force anyone to use Linux, but everyone have the choice, to have a better experience.

No, it doesn't takes a week to install nor endless time of os configurations nor galaxy brain, in 2023.

Well, that's settled. Don't need a number anymore.

Yesss! It's too aggressive

I'll start a non-profit company that does proper R&D and makes smart devices that's totally open source ground up from hardware and software maybe DIY 3D printable, communicating over an open protocol (matter probably) and managed by an open system/assistant, and extend it to an open self hostable ecosystem of everything AND make sure it's plug and play usable for every end user with installation service whenever necessary and other. And make it sustainable. It can only be done with "fuck you" money and never let VCs anywhere near.

So, if prompting is considered as human intervention, the whole ruling is absurd?

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Apple created a good product, somebody misused it, sue apple.. Nice!

I would rather sue apple for software locking reparability or removing charger or even iphone15 having usb2 or 60Hz!


"Ooooh, unexpected"

print("Hello World")

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"~50% drop in advertising revenue" Hmm... What could've caused it (?) elon (?)

And I'm glad he can't destroy "twitter" anymore

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SmartTube is faaaaaaar better than YT official app for AndroidTV


They where inspired by another ship on fire! Nobody can help them.

More power to you!

Hmm.. Interesting.. That would be great.. If only something like that exists now!

Schrödinger's Stock Opening

Aren't we all the products of our experiences, so when we generate something, it too is inspired from something else that already exists! So, are we against AI because it's not a human? If it was a cat reading the book and doing the same, will the cat be sued too?

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Good thing, this is a search result problem and hope they'll fix this

Yeah, the trick is to get really engaged into something that you don't have time to think about it.

Somebody make a linux-pad with the new snapdragon chip, pencil, keyboard dock and display out

For me it's not the workout, but the feeling of accomplishment after pushing the limits of body and the burning sensation in muscles.

But is it good or bad?!

because it threatens private ownership, both copyright ownership and ownership over further productive forces. Every creator has the right to copyright their creation, if it isn't infringing other copyrights, and AI does too, but may be not until AI becomes capable of making it's own decision in these matters aka AGI (and definitely the owner/creator of the AI doesn't have the right either! They're just the infrastructure business)

You're right, everyone should benefit from AI! And Socialism is the only way AI fits in the civilization. AI economically is a slavery of mechanical brain that's infinitely skilled and scalable. And it's too much power for anyone to hold. And ironically, I have read the same in a blog by Sam Altman couple of years ago, when he wasn't as much evil as now.

I suggest people act for the democratization of AI, an AI benefit everyone movement instead of resisting the technology.

You know, John has other friends too..

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It's a simulation and god is it's admin, Thanks.