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Joined 12 months ago

I guess I would be one of them. Back in high school, it was the only other drug I tried once outside of pot. Then, I proceeded to never have it again until my friends (also same friends from high school) started getting it more and more lately. I barely get to see them but I would say it's probably once every 4-6 months now that I dive in.

I do think the gateway to this was the readily available chocolate shroom bars that were popping up everywhere were I live and got us all to just say sure why not. Now it's a mix of that and also just its self plain or chop it up and steep it for a tea. We all love it and have some great times together doing it.

I am 40 and never had a phone bill to date! When I started working in a real job I was 22 and at that time cell phones were still not 100% a necessity. My job gave us a blackberry so I never had to worry. Crazy enough, I've been with this job for 18 years now and the job doesn't seem very secure these days so I opted to purchase a phone directly. I traded in my old work phone for a new Samsung and got a top of the line for like $400. I signed up for Google voice and got a free number and use my work phones hot spot if I go out to use it just as any other phone for the last 3 years now. Only issue I have is hot spot is battery intensive, and some accounts don't allow mfa with free voip numbers but whatever, free is awesome.

We have already seen everything we need to see in the last 8 years. No way I am watching whatever it is they think it will be. I am sure I will see all the horrific details here in a few hours anyway.

Convert to USD, and it's about $40... That still is crazy unless I really don't know what a 30-pack costs these days. The only other thing that could drive it up is that it is also imported.

Canada has great beer, so it's crazy to me that people buy this at all.

Sadly, I do order from crap places like this more than I would like to admit. Key these days to keeping semi low prices or get more food for the price is to have an account and order from the app. You can see all the deals and pick one that may work best for you. Some places are better than others. Most of Domino's is a scam because the deal price should just be the real price. It basically penalizes people who don't go out of their way. Good luck next time!

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As someone who falls into this category, yes I have a mortgage, yes I have kids, yes it's insanely hard to juggle it all and keep your head above water... I have worked hard since 15 years old with only 2 times since having longer than 2 weeks off consecutively and I just turned 40. My job is fair, but can have long hours, on call, and work on weekends. The salary seems great, but where I live, plus being 2023 it just barely cuts it. As it is now I can get by, but my future for retirement looks pretty bleak right now. My wife has a decade old student loan that's $500 a month and interest has basically kept it there and I have no way to afford paying over that amount which even if I did would still take 10 more years to possibly pay it off so this loan is for life.

So stagnant wages, student loan debt, rising costs on everything, no programs to help middle class, and finally the need for services or certifications that appear to be needed more and more for everything which also takes your money. If I can barely get by I don't want to see how people less fortunate seem to do it... I honestly think about what if I didn't have kids probably weekly because it seems like the better decision for survival. It's messed up that you can do everything right yet still feel so close to failure at any given emergency. So screw her and her so called "hard life". People our age do deserve better and more needs to be done to help. You know how much of a difference it would make if we had free daycare like some other countries? That's just one thing and it would turn my life around tremendously. There is so much that can be done, but it never does.

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I am not even 44 yet... this guy has been in prison 4 more years than I have been alive. That's just insane to even try to comprehend.

As great as this sounds it is still incredibly sad that we have to create bandaids to allow it to continue instead of actually fixing the problem... it will only get worse.

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Idk about everyone else but dam does Lemmy have some of the most brutal posts over and over... between these messed up news stories, brutal cop stories, and the constant politics posts is there even anything else to see? I think I've had enough internet tonight.

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I love that I never hear a out Hillary at all, except for when the GOP constantly bring her up... it would be years of not knowing she exists anymore otherwise.

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Sold out... remarks saying pre-order for next batches to ship in Dec or later. Yay...

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Found the info I was looking for in the article. The documents did not appear to be stored with any kind of encryption... so yeah this was terrible it happened, but it happened partially due to not spending enough on IT resources to guide them on proper practices for handling documents with confidential information and violated HIPAA. As someone who works in the field all patient information must be encrypted at rest or another form of encryption on the data must exist for it to fall within compliance. On top of this only the bare minimum amount of people should have access to this data and absolutely should have audit logs for anyone accessing the data normally through the 3rd party application used to store and lookup the information.

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Honestly, I would love to believe everyone here, but I remember Netflix last year with eliminating password sharing and how everyone lost their collective minds about it. I thought dam Netflix will really get it this time, then it turns out Netflix was right and they actually gained subscriptions from doing it.

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Looks like 136 beers? Do you think this is a lot or not? If you divide it up equally it's 34 a person and if they drink just Friday and Saturday for the month that's 4 beers each night with 1 night 5 and also not considering they drink any other night of the week either. This can be as low as 2 a night several times a week which I really don't think is bad at all.

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The only part I hate is that real people have and will lose their jobs due to 1 person that treats this entire situation like a kids game.

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"We need everyone back to the office. There is no reason for you to work from home"...

Restore it to what? A time when we didn't acknowledge how terrible we always were? I always find it funny that the people with the least amount of things to worry about are always the most vocal about being "hurt".

The worst part is always how little they can relate to anyone who has always had it bad living in America, no matter what year it was. I guess it is ok for some to suffer as long as it's not them.

I think that's part of the point. The system doesn't want the majority to be able to say no to a job because they were able to save easily and can take time off whenever they feel. On top of the things mentioned here like food and insurance costs there are also other things now like being certified in a field or needing to continue education or paying for permits every year that seem way to calculated in cost which is just another way of keeping you from getting to far ahead.

My family does ok, but we were still cutting it close a few years ago. Today we are looking at new jobs that we hopefully can get and pay more because ours stopped giving raises and inflation has us stuck living paycheck to paycheck.

I wish I could take more than a few weeks off a year to do what I actually enjoy doing for once. 1 of those weeks is a cheap vacation and the other is just spent getting things done because work takes up most of our time. It's stressful and tiring and the longer it goes on the more depressing it becomes.

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Has anyone thought maybe he is only saying he is going to run for president again so he can continue to rake in this money to pay the fees? If he wasn't running the PAC wouldn't exist right? Seems like an easy way to continue paying and then bailout once he has exhausted all funds.

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Because they feel the need to pivot and try to extract more money and bring in other types of people by offering more options for everything. To bad it's all garbage, and very overpriced.

Maybe I am wrong, but there is no way this place can sustain itself with the prices they charge and the drop in quality they now offer compared to early 2000's.

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The craziest part about this is that you saw her when she was still at an age that would be considered retirement age...

So in the end all that decision did was hurt them for no reason. Doing nothing would have been better.

And apple is a 3 trillion dollar company where they profited 394 billion last year. Not every service released should have to return a profit for it to survive... an emergency service like this should be one of them. Just having it as an option alone improves the name brand, and that should be worth something. Instead, seeing them treat it as another cash grab only makes me hate them more.

The only reason I wish it was BG3 would be for the industry to know there is absolutely still a market for these kind of games. At the same time I think they realize that now anyway. It will be interesting to see the uptick in that game type over the next 3-5 years.

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As someone who upgraded from a 2016 GPU to a 2023 one I was completely fine with this. Prices finally came down and I got the best card 2023 offered me, which may not have been impressive for this generation but was incredible from what I came from.

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Is there a version that talks back to you? "Give me your sperm baby".

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Let's hope they keep it this way for future games! I am not sure why this game got so much attention, games like this normally never draw this big of a crowd but I am happy it is. I am sad because I have to wait a month until the ps5 version drops but then again I'm also glad I am not waiting for the Xbox version either! It will definitely be a day one purchase just to support them as much as possible. Hope they sell enough to continue doing what they want.

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And this is why I wish we adopted GDPR more... if they are compliant, then they have to remove all data held when requested. Too bad the US will never care that much to respect individuals' data like that.

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Trust me, no it's not... now if we had some kind of plan to help parents eliminate most or all of daycare costs then that would absolutely help with the decision to have one. The child tax credit is nice, but it barely helps with anything.

I agree, I only came here in July after they finally followed through with pulling the plug on 3rd party apps. This place has grown a lot in 1 year. Still needs more communities for the smaller hobbies, plus less memes and political content, and it would be perfect. 99% of everyone I talk with here is super nice and helpful as well.

Are we really going to see articles like this multiple times a day with the exact same comments in them for the next 9 months?

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Back in the day they would tell me the only game they have left in stock is the wall case copy. So you can take it but the case was opened and disc removed and put into a drawer behind the counter in a cd envelope. They would tell you it's new and they can't give a discount but assure you it's new. I hated that, still took it but I really hated it. Give $5 off or something... the worst part is it probably happened to me like 3 times which I couldn't believe.

I wonder if the copy in the pic is the same deal that I had.

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I notice this way more today with my job. The people we used to hire for computer support would know most of the things they were supposed to. Today most of the people we hire it seems like they can only follow a script or SOP and that's it, basic troubleshooting or logic just goes out the window. It's super sad... and even worse having to manage them.

Edit: I also don't think it helps that they only get to deal with systems that have been made so user friendly anymore that most options to do anything are just built in or a command away so they really never deal with any of the stuff underneath to figure out how systems run.

Pretty soon it will be the norm that when you graduate high school you take your first bankruptcy and clean your slate before your life really starts to matter. Hell it's only 7 years, you got 4 years of college so only 3 more till you can start living again! Well I guess after you somehow pay off those new college loans as well.

Although I agree, it is also nice to stick around and see what severance is offered as well. I've had friends who got paid out and were able to find a new job within a month of being let go and we're able to pocket the extra money as a bonus. I get that it's not always the case, and who knows if you will be so lucky to even find a job.

When the PS5 released I was contemplating getting a new PC first. Then I saw the crazy GPU prices and shortage. Ps5 was an incredible purchase at the time to play all current games without spending over 1k to do the same on PC. That alone is a huge reason to still go console. That plus the exclusives which were great.

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Imagine if the banks, which bailed him out originally, just let him fail way back. Maybe we never would have had this timeline at all...

As someone who was 24 at the time, and probably the perfect age to buy one if it was my parents' generation, I was nowhere near ready to buy a house still... honestly, 23-30 were the best years of my life, then I got married and brought one in 2014, which was still semi decent to buy at the time. It was super hard, though, and I have no idea how all these people today are somehow paying above asking price in cash or getting mortgages paying crazy amounts over asking with these interest rates! Either I did things completely wrong in life or these bad decisions people are making today will come full circle a few years from now.

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Could be, they do know each other. Even worked together.

It is where I am as well, plus if you download the app you can bring up your ID card their as well, and it has the same photo on that as well.

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