3 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The problem is that the actual government is the one requiring me to use a third party company, that is not part of the government, for me to give them information so that the government can verify who I am.

I use FreeTaxUSA, and never had to do

It’s an arbitrary requirement, that is stupid in the sense that the GOVERNMENT knows everything about me so WHY should I need to use a COMPANY’S bullshit to verify that?

Thank you, TeamViewer, for flagging my personal use of your software as commercial. I immediately uninstalled it from all my devices, and installed RustDesk in its stead. This was just earlier this year, so you could not have dropped the ball at a better time for me. :)

They require you to use a third party,, to even sign in to use it.

Fuck that.

Without that, I would love to use it.

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Hi. I just want to ask what happens if you choose to not work that extra day? I’m assuming you might get fired?

If that is the case, when they fire you, they lose even more work force, which will just make whatever this is even worse, right?

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Thank you for taking the time to reply!

I understand the retaliatory bullshit would definitely scare more people than we should allow. Say your entire department decides “Fuck that. I’m taking my two days off.”, what would that do as a whole? Would they retaliate on all the people or just the ones who they know need a job more than others?

I’m not dumb and think that that’s even possible, because organizing is a lot harder than we’d all like to admit. I’m just genuinely curious about how that would work out long term I guess.

You don’t have to reply or anything, and I hope I’m not coming off any type of way. I just can’t believe this is something they thought was a good idea.

Thank you! :)


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Okay? And there are plenty of other people on here talking about their own stories, so why the fuck can’t I talk about mine?

The product I’ve had since 2021? Shut the fuck up.

I think bitcoin is a waste of electricity. Never got the hype around something that takes so much energy, but doesn’t even even actually exist to make it worth it. Disgusting.

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Browsing the mechanical keyboard sub, the buy it for life sub, and any other subs like that was amazing and such a deep rabbit hole for the first time!

I just get tired of seeing all the dumb ass ways it’s trying to be incorporated into every single thing even though it’s still half-baked and not very useful for a very large amount of people. To me, it’s as useful as a toy is. Fun for a minute or two, and then you’re just reminded how awful it is and drop it in the bin to play with when you’re bored enough to.

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Due to COVID. Three years later.

When the general populace is agreeing with, and supporting people who have more wealth than 90% of the rest of the US, I can’t help but feel like I am insane and am held hostage by my “government”. Enough is enough man. Life is too short to sit here and constantly fight for rights that were already fought for lifetimes ago. It’s disgusting.

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I’m sure you know about Brave being called out here lately so I just want to give you some iOS alternatives so you can stop using Brave (if you care enough, of course)

AdGuard (I paid for the lifetime, $12 I think) and it works great. Just like having uBlock on Firefox, but in safari so I still get all the integration that safari offers on your iOS device.

Dark reader is on the App Store.

When it comes to YouTube, I sideload a YouTube app with all the essentials installed using Sideloadly.

The rest is up to you.

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What happened to Yuzu was that they were making $20,000-$30,000 in monthly revenue, for an emulator that would “technically” be competing with the current hardware.

Thats where they fucked up, in my opinion.

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At the end of the day I can only think that some idiot, who this life has given more wealth than they deserve, spent $44 billion on electricity. It really would be hilarious if I didn’t know where all the money could’ve gone to actually benefit humanity.

You love to see it. Putting their money into these open source engines will hopefully give those devs a better work-life balance and enable them to do even greater things. 🤘

Let me just say that I learned more useful and interesting things than I ever did on any other social media platform to date. I also haven’t had a Facebook insta or any of that ilk since 2015. Reddit, then TikTok, then here at Lemmy is all I’ve had since then.

I found lots of videos giving me awesome facts about animals I never learned in school or elsewhere! (A opossum is naturally immune to rabies and is actually good for your wildlife area!)

I learned multiple ways to make things easier on myself, some being: car maintenance, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, acceptance of others and of myself, and laws and politics (that they then give you multiple sources for or show you the website or place they got their info) just to name a few!

While I still get videos that I find funny, most of them have been actually beneficial to me which I couldn’t believe I had been hating on TikTok for so long because I thought it was just dumbass pranks or mindless drivel like “satisfying” videos or whatever.

I’m not saying use it, because I haven’t in a few weeks, but it can actually give you really good and quality content.

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Orion browser by Kagi. Closest we have to a Firefox like browsing experience on the iPhone. 🙏

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Since there are so many assholes trying to meme on you instead of trying to help you,

I bought the complete app for I think $12 and it is awesome and does exactly what I need. They give you a very generous trial time.

If you read into it, it was because the users Software Manager chose to downgrade from v108 > v107. I wouldn’t knock this on the Librewolf team, although I don’t use it, so there could be other issues I wouldn’t know about.

Man, I wish people put this kind of effort into more important shit. Shitty wages, inhospitable environment incoming, and useless CEO fucks causing it all, BUT DAMN YOU UNITY!

Thank you for these types of reviews. I’ve never really thought to play the game, but maybe when I finally play and beat the Banjo games, I’ll take a spin with this game. 🙏

Thanks for the in depth post! We definitely need more competition in the Sims-like area of indie games!

I also agree with the above statements. The best way I could describe it is that while the gameplay wasn’t all that spectacular, experiencing the game world was definitely a treat, and made me smile like I did the first time I opened the first Harry Potter book or played the first games that game out on PS1!

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I like to collect “hacked” retro consoles. It’s so cool to see them in action and what people were able to do with them.

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I agree with you.

The people who say, “I don’t like to talk about politics” are the ones who have the worst opinions about shit and know they will get called out and god forbid anyone not like my opinions!

I’d have to go with the PS3, 3DS, and Wii. I know that’s three, but they each have qualities that I just absolutely adore that I can’t choose!

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How is that even possible when I see plenty of extensions with millions of users? 😅

Thank you so much for your in-depth answer! I truly appreciate you and the time you took to reply! I am in a career path, so I should start there I’m assuming?

Thank you for your response!

I don’t even need this information, but I wanted to say thank you for the great and detailed response!

Thank you for your input. Canada was number one on the list since it’s close and “within grasp” so to speak. I know each area will have their own challenges and hurdles, but the hurdles I am wanting to avoid is the stripping of rights from other humans like myself and unadulterated corruption from county to federal. Is that something you have had to worry about since moving?

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Those areas that are Good can just as easily be taken away just like my own home state has. The things I needed to survive as a child aren’t even offered to the kids of the next generation. Their meals are being “debated” by our “two” party system. States rights are stupid to begin with. It’s part of the reason our nation is so backwards and inconsistent. Oh, let me look at what states currently support the things I support, let’s just hope the next election doesn’t put someone in who will just as easily and much quicker take those same rights I moved there for away! I do not want to be held hostage by the whims of the few who get bought out by corpos and wealthy bastards. Enough is enough.

With how predatory the “dating” market apps are, I think something like this would be wonderful to use to find friends or love in a way that doesn’t prey upon loneliness. Kudos to the devs, and I hope to see this project get wildly popular. No one deserves to have their loneliness taken advantage of.

Thank you. Do you also feel insane watching this shit? Enough is enough. I want out.

For anyone who loves retro PC stuff, I highly recommend LGR on YouTube. His videos are a treat to have in the background, and sometimes to even fall asleep to.

Mmm. Chunky computers and bits.

There are a few Linux distros I can recommend as someone who started doing this as a little tinker project when I was younger.

Pop_OS! Is a really great basic setup to help usher you into Linux. I installed the KDE desktop environment onto my install because I really like and enjoy the KDE experience. You have plenty of other Ubuntu “flavors” to choose from. I’d recommend giving them all a whirl or look and decide which one you think is the best fit for you.

ElementaryOS is great if you want a semi-MacOS experience but I feel it is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to tinker around too much or for family members to use on their 10 year old laptops/desktops.

I also recommend not fully setting your Linux side up (email, saving documents, etc.) until you get done with your testing different distros out. You’ll be thankful you didn’t go through the full setup process if you decide to try a new distro out. Have fun, and remember it’s all a learning experience. Don’t be afraid to ask for question or look anything up. If you finally find a distro you want to make permanent and remember me, I’d love to hear what you settled on. Have a wonderful rest of your day. And enjoy your newfound freedom! 😌

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I guess what I’m trying to do is find an area to settle in that ultimately has the goals of progress as their forefront policies. We’re over here “debating” wether children should have provided meals, at the place they are legally required to be at. The government is ran by children in suits, on both sides. I am just tired of being in the middle of it.

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Thank you for your response. I am sorry you had a hard time with the alternatives. Is life better for you since you moved though?