1 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That doesn't mean anything. I once had an issue where every few hours, a random application would crash on Arch Linux, but not on e.g. Debian or Windows. But this wasn't an Arch issue per se, but was instead related to an UEFI overclock setting (which defaulted to on). After turning it off, everything worked fine.

So while it seemed like an Arch issue, it was actually hardware/overclock related, it's just that the other OS wouldn't run into the trigger for the crash.

it doesn’t even host it’s own repos

Yes, and that's a good thing, otherwise it would be like Manjaro.

EndeavourOS is perfect if you already know your way around a Linux system but don't want to spend the time and effort to setup Arch.

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Wait, is this like a really accurate replica of the Windows explorer, or is it actual Windows explorer in a VM with seamless mode?

Edit: No sane person would add stuff like OneDrive and 3D Objects to an explorer replica, so my guess is VM.

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AFAIK we still need this merge request here for it to actually affect 99% of games, because they all run with Xwayland, right?

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I'd like to mention Windows 10 LTSC here. It's an official Windows 10 Edition from Microsoft, designed for enterprise and embedded usage. Therefore it has no bloatware, no annoying feature updates, no ads and only the absolute minimum of telemetry. If you don't like Windows but somehow have to use it, this might be the right choice for you.

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Wait, this is a real speech? Jesus Christ.

There's not really any benefit of running Manjaro over Arch, it will only introduce problems over time. If you want a "pre-configured" Arch with a nice installer, go for EndeavourOS, it's great!

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Vista wasn't actually a bad OS, it just got a bad reputation pretty fast because it had higher hardware requirements than XP and most people didn't have decent enough hardware for a smooth experience. That in combination with the new UAC feature that most people thought was annoying drove people away pretty fast, although the OS itself wasn't bad - in fact, it's pretty similar to Windows 7.

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Totally depends on the use case. For data hoarding on a NAS, it's absolutely fine and the sane choice in regards to pricing.

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Wait, you're telling me that the price on the shelf doesn't include tax where you live?

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And yet, it will be the most successful Call of Duty once again until people stop buying this shit every year.

Still works fine for me.

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It's basically base Arch with a graphical installer and some reasonable (but optional) default packages.

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I also switched to Arch about a month ago, and I've been so surprised at how easy gaming on Linux has become. Even some games that use AntiCheat like Apex Legends run absolutely great.

I had to switch to X11 though, but that's the fault of NVIDIA because the drivers are still causing problems on Wayland.

Because there is only one alternative (Xorg/X11), and it’s pretty outdated and not really maintained anymore.

For now it’s probably still fine, but in a couple of years everything will probably use Wayland.

You can sideload in a way, but it's a bit annoying. Unless you pay for an Apple Developer account (IIRC about 100$ a year), you'll have to re-sideload the app every 7 days.

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What works best for me is simply moving the cursor quickly in a circle. On a higher refresh display, you'll see much more "ghost" cursors at the same time.

Frontend dev here, can confirm. Last week I had to look at some Java code and was instantly greeted by some AbstractFactoryBuilderImpl. Nightmare fuel if you ask me.

Just take a look at the video on the main page, it demonstrates it pretty well:

From the Hyprland wiki:

A special workspace is what is called a “scratchpad” in some other places. A workspace that you can toggle on/off on any monitor.

Since GNOME definitely doesn't support workspaces per monitor (and I haven't seen an extension that does), I don't think this is possible.

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Same. Really wanted to give Wayland a chance, but having artifacts on blurry windows where the cursor was is just too annoying for me. Plasma team is already aware of the issue but said it's too huge of a change for 5.x

To be honest, X11 is not terrible, even with multiple monitors with different refresh rates. I'm running 2x 60Hz and 1x 144Hz without any problems on X11.

It’s kind of a loophole, the technique is not meant for sideloading. It allows developers to test their app on a real device, but because you only need the IPA file for this, you can use it for sideloading.

Why won't they just use Calamares?

Hm, I've had this problem since my initial setup about 2-3 months ago, I think that if there's something wrong with the software in the repos, it would've been fixed by now and I wouldn't be the only one having this problem, right?

But of course, if you want I can give the testing repos a try :)

EndeavourOS. Can’t you see the original comment from blackstrat?

Yeah, it finally feels like a mobile app that you can use without having to know the layout of the desktop version first. A friend of mine that never used the desktop app really struggled with basic tasks on the old mobile app.

While this is good advice in general, it doesn't apply as much in OPs use case since he's using an immutable distro.

AFAIK polybar is X11 only, so OP is probably not looking for a Wayland solution, right?

I'm a bit speechless right now. I've disabled PBO and didn't have a single crash since then, everything's been running fine for hours. Just to make sure that this really was the issue, I've enabled PBO again - but still haven't experienced any crashes in the last hours. I have no idea how simply disabling and then enabling the feature again fixed my issue, but for now it seems like all is well.

Do you have any explanation for this weird behavior?

Anyway, thank you very much for your suggestion, looks like this actually did the trick!

I also have one, and it's a damn shame that Apple stopped the mini series after the 13. I don't need half a tablet in my pocket, I need something that easily fits in my pocket and can take halfway decent pictures. I'm not sure that my next phone will be an iPhone because of this, and I've exclusively used iPhones since the 4S.

+1 for the Pro X. Great sound, decent mic, super comfortable!

Quick question about the immutability: I understand that you do most of your work inside Toolbox, but how do you get stuff like Waybar? Is it also available as a Flatpak? And what do you do if you want to install something that isn't available as a Flatpak, but won't make sense inside a Toolbox as it's e.g. for system customization?

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What’s the font?

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Some people prefer a Mac because it integrates nicely with the rest of the Apple ecosystem.

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Don't feed the troll...

Yes! SF Pro is the only font for me that looks good on a low DPI display.

That's not my experience. I've got a 13 mini for 2 years now and I can go one day easily. I charge every night anyway, so it's more than enough for me. On low power mode, it's probably more like 2 days.

Uhm, isn't that what can be found at the end of the journalctl log I posted? Or are you talking about something different?

Yeah, temperatures are usually between 40-50 °C, so that should be fine.

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Yeah, many OEM manufacturers wanted to jump onto the „Vista-compatible“ train and installed it on their low-end hardware, even though they shouldn’t have. This probably also played a big part in why Vista was considered bad.