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I can't believe we still have to justify writing unit tests to management in the year 2024

Also tell them we're constantly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation on the daily from the fucking sun

Nah, hackthebox and many other red team simulation type sites have strict rules of engagement. You're there to solve a puzzle as defined by hackthebox, not get around the puzzle by hacking hackthebox.

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When you don't have actual sex ed, you're taught that the only way to avoid pregnancies, diseases, shaming your family, and running your life is to remain abstinent until marriage.

I don't know if you've met many teenage humans, but abstinence is a pretty tall task to ask of them.

China and Russia are now picking up the countries America pushes away.

Pretty sure North Korea has been allied with China and Russia for way longer than the US has been "pushing them away".

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Like Syndrome without the suit

The amount of people who say they do agile/kanban/scrum but have never talked to a customer/end user, let alone released something, is frightening

I don’t get why, if these people hate Reddit so much and they want the IPO to fail, why are they still using the platform?

Could be several reasons:

  • they're addicted
  • they don't know any alternatives
  • they still like using the platform, they just disagree with the financial/executive decisions being made
  • the alternatives don't have equivalent communities
  • their communities don't want to move to an alternative
  • they like the alternatives even less than Reddit
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The best part is they don't understand the cost of that retraining. The non-engineer marketing types in my field suggest AI as a potential solution to any technical problem they possibly can. One of the product owners who's more technically inclined finally had enough during a recent meeting and straight up to told those guys "AI is the least efficient way to solve any technical problem, and should only be considered if everything else has failed". I wanted to shake his hand right then and there.

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Exploring is supposed to be a reward in itself

Oh yes, exploring 6 levels of nested menus is incredibly rewarding

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Joshua Weissman. He started out super chill, most of his recipes were pretty approachable, the editing wasn't over the top, the b-roll stuff at the end was tasteful.

Now it's like he's catering to a whole different crowd. The editing is over the top and jammed with memes, he's more idk, psychotic isn't quite the right word, but it's way less chill, he's constantly saying stuff like "if you don't use XYZ ingredient then what are you even making this recipe for?", his recipes are more over the top, and he has a much more elitist opinion of himself and his food. The change happened so quickly too, it was kind of shocking.

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Putting age gates on the Internet is indeed pretty authoritarian though, and starting with porn is only the beginning

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If you're salaried, you're not usually obligated to work a certain number of hours, you're just obligated to complete tasks on time. If someone holds two salaried positions and works fast enough that they get all obligations for both completed in 40 hours a week, they're not cheating anyone.

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Why would you need a full blown (shitty) relational database management system to store gene info? Excel should be just fine for storing data in arbitrary tables. It shouldn't make assumptions about your data by default, and changing values that look like they're in a specific format should be opt-in, not default behavior.

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The difference being, with one you get a light, pleasant, happy, drunk adjacent feeling. With the other, you're sitting on the ground staring into the infinite void of nothingness, head lolled to one side, while your friends dab the back of your neck with a cool towel, hoping you don't puke and asphyxiate on it.

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Nah, most good chefs are cigarette addicted and depressed, that keeps them skinny

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To say they have nothing going for them and are being propped up by the government is not at all accurate

That isn't what they're saying though, is it? They're saying that SpaceX has the ability to fail more than NASA, because they're not a government organization funded solely by taxes.

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Not just petty, but incredibly stupid. He bought one of the most recognizable brands on the planet. Everyone knows what a tweet is, a retweet, a quote tweet, hell, hashtags exploded in popularity because of Twitter. An entire community (re: customer base) self-organizing and inventing the concepts of your product for you, organically and for free - it's any business owner's wettest of wet dreams.

And then he threw that all down the drain because he couldn't recognize what was right in front of his face. Either that or he did recognize, but still wanted to relive some tech fantasy he cooked up twenty years ago and can't let go of. Either way, astronomically, gigantically, absolutely unfathomably stupid.

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The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

Ok then, every piece of sexual content I produce or consume is in political protest of this specific bill. That should hold up in court. Bust one for Dusty!

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New lanes don't reduce congestion. When you add new lanes, drivers who had previously avoided those routes suddenly think "oh more lanes, it'll be less congested" and it just fills back up to capacity. Except it's worse because there's even more cars now in the extra lanes you just built. Adding lanes makes congestion worse, not better.

What we need to do is get people off the roads and onto public transportation. That's how you reduce congestion - get people off the roads. Unfortunately that means actually investing in public transportation, so that'll never happen in the US.

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Brother there's a mile wide difference between "couldn't keep campaign promises" and "literally running on a platform of 'i will be a dictator for the first day'"

Yes, discord is for chatting, that's correct. It's not a tech support platform, nor is it a documentation repo, yet people commonly try to use it as such.

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Or when Crunchyroll has seasons 2 and 3 of an anime, but not season 1. Looking at you, FLCL.

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and, let's not forget, illegally transported an illegal firearm across state lines. illegally.

I respect your opinion, but it's one of the stupidest I've ever heard

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Pointless is definitely the word. Some of he coolest systems in the game are ship building and base building, but the half baked new game plus bullshit gameplay loop fucking deletes all that

Yeah main has been the defacto default branch name for like half a decade now

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Their existing infrastructure was destroyed by an invading nation. What do you expect them to do, put down fiber lines in the middle of a warzone?

C'mon man, swasdicka was right there

You're being misleading. If you watch the presentation the article was written about, there were two prompts about slavery:

  • "was slavery beneficial"
  • "tell me why slavery was good"

Neither prompts mention economic benefits, and while I suppose the second prompt does "guardrail" the AI, it's a reasonable follow up question for an SGE beta tester to ask after the first prompt gave a list of reasons why slavery was good, and only one bullet point about the negatives. That answer to the first prompt displays a clear bias held by this AI, which is useful to point out, especially for someone specifically chosen by Google to take part in their beta program and provide feedback.

I don't care about "winning capitalism", I care about living a comfortable life and being able to pursue my hobbies. $150k a year is more than enough, and I don't have to worry about investment bullshit, it's just guaranteed constant income. As long as I'm alive, I'll be breathing, that's 100% guaranteed. Winning the stock market is not guaranteed, and being able to use my legs for the rest of my life is also not guaranteed.

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The government doesn't need to steal from successful people to give to those that aren't.

It's called taxes, not stealing, and yes they do. It's quite literally one of the functions of a government.

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The students being allowed to peacefully protest at all is a nice change, and hearing about it could encourage other peaceful protesters, who could enact more direct change

Learn to make your own coffee instead of buying Starbucks or whatever

Be warned, this habit can very easily form into a hobby that is more expensive than buying Starbucks every morning

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Yeah just one perusal of any of the Atlassian feature request forums will justify that.

To be fair though, Atlassian is dreadfully slow to implement features people actually want (Confluence still can't render markdown, that was requested like 8 years ago now), so they kinda deserve it

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Golf courses, at least the ones I've been to, have tons of trees. They're usually densely forested in the areas between holes to make a sort of barrier. And I certainly see more wildlife on a golf course than in, say, the parking lot of a strip mall.

The Barbie movie is still escapism, media in general is still escapism. Media has always contained messages or lessons or political meaning, it's not a new thing, nobody's disallowing anything. If you don't like today's media, maybe it's because you don't like the messages they contain anymore. Sometimes you gotta look inward before blaming things on "society".

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Java has been around for decades longer than Rust, comparing total code numbers doesn't tell the whole story

Yeah isn't Dave Ramsey the guy who's financial advice basically amounts to "don't rack up credit card debt and regularly put money in a savings account"?

Which like, yeah, that's not bad advice my any means, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell you that

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A community, coming together communally, to pay for something the community uses, as a community? Hmmm, it's right on the tip of my tongue...