
1 Post – 795 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Must be a USA thing, never heard of such a thing.

29 more...

Forgot how Pro-drug the fediverse is as well; vapes should be regulated as heavily as cigarettes and other tobacco products. Just because it's less harmful doesn't mean it's not harmful.

34 more...

If we invite our kids or niece/nephew to dinner they always want to go at 6/630 which feels so early.

I hate to break this to you... but it's likely because they want to do their own things as well.

13 more...

For privacy-minded people, hardware switches are a nice thing. I remember when I had a Xiaomi Mi 9T with its popup camera, and it was interesting to see that some websites would trigger said popup camera. While the camera was never actually used, the thing would go up and down. This was even with an ad blocker installed.

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This is starting to really get on my nerves, and I feel like discourse on the fediverse is worse; basically the attitude is that if it's not FOSS and self-hosted, it's shite. That attitude is fucking grating for the rest of us.

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Man, the French really don't fuck around, do they?

Though the article says that Carrefour themselves do it for their house brands, so does that mean they'll also apply it to themselves? XD

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ITT: People who just read the headlines and not the article, and then going off on their own Windows rant/Linux evangelism instead of discussing the article.

31 more...

I get the criticism, but the Fairphone really shouldn't be compared to other (especially Chinese-made) phones in the same way. It's about sustainability and fairer labour (hopefully anyway).

So far the main issue I see is with the battery life, 4200 mAH battery on a 778G-class SoC should be doing better than this.

12 more...

Capitalism and a free economy are good when it's serving customers by making the best product or service possible, while balancing that with paying labour to make that happen.

The problem is that nowadays, there's a third party to this for the megacorps: Shareholders, which is where the enshittification begins.

Valve is a private company, so it is not beholden to any external shareholders, which is why it's been able to chart its own course. Still, I do worry what will happen when Gabe steps down.

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Does it matter in a work setting? Not like you get to choose what your company uses, and furthermore, it's work stuff, not going to have any personal stuff on there anyway.

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This place really hates MS. Can't believe some of the comments here.

41 more...

It's Singapore man, we don't have a real rural population any more.

We're early adopters. Early adopters have a higher tolerance for (and ability to deal with) things like bugs, confusing UI, uncertainty, and probably continual change for the short term.

Not to mention, a lack of content. While it's populating nicely it's still not like Reddit, especially for niche subjects. You definitely have to endure a lot of shouting in the wind situations while this builds up.

23 more...
  1. No internal battery means it's not a product with a built-in obsolence period (which is fairly short, 3-5 years)
  2. Most of the better audio gear are all wired
  3. I mean, it's simple economics: Not paying for all the extra stuff to make it wireless means you get better value for audio quality
  4. Many people here are enthusiasts in tech and hardware, we likely have more than a few devices. Switching between devices with BT is a fucking PITA.
7 more...

Nearly 30 years after I first heard "Linux will take over Windows"! Think that was in 1994 or 1995.

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Saw this article posted earlier by someone, and I'm going to say the same thing: Sus source, article reads like an AI generated one.

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Honestly, don't care. Until it gets shitty (which it still has a good chance of doing so), I'll continue to use it.

12 more...

To talk about the article instead of ranting on about niche wants:

  • 7 years of updates would be really good. Given how mature the hardware is nowadays, I can see a phone doing 7 years, save for the battery. Will Samsung be able to keep batteries in production?
  • I'm less sold on the AI things, I guess that's the buzzword now. AI AI AI everywhere. Also the two features mentioned are already in Google products, and I'd rather use those if I have to, unless Samsung pulls out a surprise and show that they are better at software development than Google is.

I'm not a Linux fan, but even disregarding the OS (SteamOS vs Windows), the fact that most of these "killers" don't come with touch pads of any kind makes them an instant loss. So many PC games use a mouse, I'm not using a fiddly thumbstick in its place.

1 more...

Honestly, as much as I wanted a car as a 20-something, I do think this is for the better. There needs to be some adjustments as a lot of the buyers are commercial entities trying to corner a somewhat unsustainable ridehailing market, but overall I'm happy with the tradeoff, especially with the improvement in public transport in recent years.

9 more...

No OS updates is one thing, but no security patches is not great. The base Surface Duo can easily do another 2-3 years.

2 more...

both running always at full brightness too

What the heck, that sounds painful. Full brightness is only needed when outdoors in bright sunlight. I leave it to auto brightness and it's usually at 25% or less when indoors, regardless of screen or phone. Are you sure your eyes are ok to require full brightness on a phone all the time?

Just wanted to chime in as well: Thought I'd watch one episode, watched all eight in the end. It was really good.

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Between this and the general population's preference for videos (even when they could've been a written article), I despair.

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Huh, I've always updated and there's usually not much change. There are some minor ones but they don't affect my day-to-day. The biggest ones the major version changes, but even then it's usually a new font or some minor display tweak more than anything. I haven't felt like it's been disruptive.

1 more...

Well, shit, sorry Switch gamers, you're going to have to put up with this steaming pile of shit us PC gamers had to do as well.

Where were you doing COVID? That was when the phrase really was at its peak, as everyone was doing that to keep up with the news.

It's definitely a US thing, I'm on English (Singapore) and have not seen an ad, ever. I was perplexed by all the complaints of ads in the start menu and wherever, until someone pointed to me that it was a US thing.

Welp, whatever goodwill and sympathy I had for Israel just went poof. Less than 24 hours too, gotta be a record for them.

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Exactly, what did they think they'll achieve but even more resentment and hate?

5 more...

Well, I saw this coming and got a new 2TB SSD before 11.11 even. Though now thinking if I should have gotten 4TB instead. xD

Also, this kinda is like collusion, no?

I think it's like for compatability with the microblogging side of the fediverse; so when someone on Mastodon follows you they can see what you've been "retweeting".

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I don't really like Nintendo's stuff that much, but really, that would be a bad outcome for the gaming industry as a whole.

I think that's how some creators do get paid. Large enough channels will get some form of revenue sharing from YouTube. That's why when a video is demonetised the creators get very upset. As is when YT does some fuckery with their algorithms and their views plummet.

Mind, the rates keep getting worse, from what I hear. Hence more and more pateron and in-video promos, it's a better and more stable source of income.

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As it should, I've tried twice to use GIMP, always gone back to Photoshop.

18 more...

You mean, price them properly. What Sony wants for the 5 V is Galaxy S23 Ultra territory.

Edit: Just checked the prices in my territory, I can get the S23 Ultra with change to spare, like, I can get a cheap tablet with the leftover.

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I mean, given they sell Thinkpads, the bar is likely to be easier to reach for them. I do wonder by what metric of "repairable" they mean. The quote has him saying batteries and SSDs, but those are already fixable in most of their existing line up. It's the RAM (so many are soldered, even in the Thinkpad line) I'm mostly thinking about, and there's also the screen and keyboard, two other common failure points.

6 more...

I've been pretty happy with my Samsung, this place is just full of unhappy nerds, I swear.

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Fair phone really shot themselves in the foot when they removed the headphone jack, especially given their mission statement.

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It's really the Fairphone, you don't have many options.