Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? to No Stupid – 166 points –

Someone asked a question about how frequently young people have time to socialize and it made me think about what people do with their evenings. I recently asked my son to go to a concert (free ticket to see a band i know he likes) and he declined because it was an hour away on a weeknight. If we invite our kids or niece/nephew to dinner they always want to go at 6/630 which feels so early. Edit: Kids are 30ish.


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If we invite our kids or niece/nephew to dinner they always want to go at 6/630 which feels so early.

I hate to break this to you... but it's likely because they want to do their own things as well.

For dinner 6.30 seems very late to me imo

I typically eat around 730 8 630 sounds early to me.

yeah, i grew up with 4 meals. breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper. eating at 6pm seem early for supper and late for dinner to me

Sounds fancy, where are you where that's normal? We usually eat dinner after coming back from work, and maybe coffee and snacks in the evening around 8.30.

I'm Canadian, but my father and grandfather were born in Denmark and grandpa would always feed me 'dinner' around 4ish, then 8ish was 'supper'

Aren't you all at work/school around that time?

when i was in school, i was off about 3ish. When i know ill be working at that time, i do pack enough to eat around that time

Interesting idea. It sounds like a lot of extra work though

It's funny how much this varies from family to family. We never eat dinner before 9PM. Usually two meals per day, lunch at maybe 1PM and dinner between 9 and 10PM. We're just doing desk-work though, so no extra calorie needs. If I'm doing physical stuff I'll usually add a light breakfast.

I'm usually starving at the end of my workday so I couldn't imagine having to wait that long

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Like have time with each other or simply sleep before work next day.

Like to do something else afterwards? Maybe that's it.

Yep. I don't mind doing it for birthdays or other special events, I'll just need to take the day after off.

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