
4 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have birds, nuff said

honestly, sounds like you are looking for a comment section on a news network to me. maybe im missing something.

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personally, i only downvote loaded questions where the OP really has no interest in the answer. example of a stupid question posted here “Why is science better than the alternative? (And what is that alternative, exactly?)”

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here in canada where it freezes 17 months out of the year, 99.9% of the houses have shutoff valve inside the house that supplies the outside tap. id recommend turning on the outside tap, then turn off the valve inside.

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either you are paid by google to make accounts seem like real people behind them, and spread propaganda for google, or you are a young kid who has yet to grasp the reality of what google is telling you they do vs what they actually do.

Do you think the tobacco producers are spouting how great their product is at giving folks cancer? you must be too young to remember cigarette ads, and how 9 out of 10 Dr.'s recommend a particular brand of smokes.

Google wants your information, they want to sell you shit, that is all. They will make it easier to get that data, and easier to buy from them, but dont for one second think they give one ounce of a shit about you, or your life as long as you stay on their platform and spend money on them

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I delivered food many many man....you get the idea, years ago, long before the delivery apps, and even before the interwebs. The short answer is: No, we/they are not supposed to do that.

I cannot be sure, as I quit because of asshats who cheat the system and screw over the customer. I understand why they do it, we stopped making money once the apps came into existence. Back in the day, I made $300+ after expenses on Valentine's Day, and now it be a good night if I made $100 before expenses. However the jerks will run multiple phones, accounts, and apps, at once. So they will pick up your order, head to McD's to wait for the order to be ready. Stop to deliver it, and if there is another pickup on the way to your house, guess what, they are stopping. They call you because it can/will/might save them a minute or two, added up over the night, that could amount to a couple extra deliveries.

Again, I'm only assuming by what I've seen on the other side of the app and the asshat drivers who have taken over, and I do NOT condone that practice at all.

Bed Sheet Suspenders, 100%

ummm...stroking my bird. Thats not a euphemism, so dont ask any followup questions.

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find friends, like a lot of them.

hang out at one persons place watching tv till they turn it off, then move onto the next house. might take a bit, but youll get there

For you, yes

First you start by buying a bunch of land, preferably around, or close to, a city.

Second you have to develop the infrastructure (water/sewer, power, etc)

Third you need....oh shit, you mean...yeah I think its been answered, sorry for my confusion

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i was gonna say reading rainbow, but then i realized what you were talking about

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but wouldnt lower numbers mean no one needed to fix & revamp a working OS?

higher numbers mean more fuckups than needed to be fixed until it was so broken there was no longer a way to code you way out, had to start right from the start!

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so what you actually “see” is a nose-free impression of your surroundings

yeah, i wish.

I was gifted a big fat bulbous beak from my parents, it's half my vision!

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hutterites/mennonites already exist

im sure there are more, but thats all that comes to mind right now

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I'm really sorry, but that IS true, check it out

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look, im not trying to be a dick, honestly. but ive seen some of your posts here and there, and it really seems like you have a big hard on for google, like you capitalize the name and everything. someone under contract would do something like that, however auto correct will as well, but im on pc...so im bias. some of the other things you say...ok more how, but to me sounds like someone under contract.

yeah, i could be wrong and im sorry for being a dick about it. if thats the case, you should have a look as some of the evil shit they have done, look at project dragonfly and tell me they have the users best interest at heart. I was a big google fan for many years, bought nexus phones before they changed name to pixel, was among the early adopters of gmail, (public) beta tested lots of shit. hell, i remember when the front page said "ad free". so this isnt coming out of nowhere, i have reasons, and you should do a little research, but dont search it ON google

Edit: deleted the shortcut for 'ad free', was the wrong one. will update when/if i find it....maybe Mandela effect?

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ahh, i called it months ago, you kept posting stupid questions on purpose hoping one would get removed, then you would cry "the hypocrisy of it all, wont someone think of the children?"

ok maybe the second half of the quote was from something else, but damn...i called it.

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i fail to see the question

did you fail to understand what this community is about?

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Back in the day, I paid for every single received text, network provided or not. If some asshat decided to mass text me, it could easily run my phone bill up real fast.

yeah, you are paid

dragonfly went ahead a year or so ago, its active now i believe.

pm me what you get to post this stuff, i could use some bucks and id be way more convincing

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Cat: "Why has it taken you so long to feed me? I can see the bottom of the bowl, WTF is going on? Do you know how close to death I was?"

depending on the changes since i stopped delivering for the apps, no we cant see the special instructions before we decide to take the trip. One app would only tell you where you are picking up, and how much you would make (including tip) for that trip. Thats all, and based off that we choose to pick up the trip or not. Now most apps will punish you if you refuse too many trips, and they doll out the gravy trips to those who have a high % acceptance rate, so refuse too many and you will only get shit trips. I believe the other app would tell me what area its going, but again, zero special instructions. Most of the apps I have used as well, dump the instructions at the bottom of the order, so we scroll through a page or 3, and its at the bottom. I myself got into the habit of checking every time.

of course someone who is under contract is legally obligated to deny getting paid. maybe just a NDA, but either way

and dude, not even the kid i went to school with, who invented 'bumptop' and sold that shit to google, eats as much of the propaganda as you have and puked it up in such perfect form. just send me a link to your handler or whatever, I can make a much more convincing account. not looking to take over your job, but i can do it better

Edit: link to bumptop

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ahh, OP asks the dumbest questions, then bitches at the folks who call him out on it.

Another day, another stupid question.

if someone wants in, a lock wont even slow them down. check out lock-picking lawyer

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my macaws hate it

I have been making smaller portions for sure, but giving the leftovers away is a good idea

when you ask: "Why is science better than the alternative? (And what is that alternative, exactly?)" people will treat you like the child you really seem to be

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i assume causes they dont have their bigboy rapper pants on just yet. they leave it open to drop the 'lil' once they make it big and rebrand.

Rap is my preferred genre of music, and im just shooting in the dark here.

…probably at the market.

Was there a little piggy there too?

increasing animal attacks on humans

they have had enough of our shit


i learned a new word today, thank you

how can you reliably test the iq of a box of rocks?

how many boxes did you have to test before you decided on a median iq for them?

where are the rocks from?

what are the shapes of the rocks you tested?

what other bias have you introduced into this experiment?

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Are we absolutely positive that Gerard Butler and Russell Crowe aren't the same person?


why have you not posted your address and phone number yet? what are you scared of?

Well, at least I have a sense of humour, apparently you don't.

Maybe I missed where you expanded on your question, and let the good folks know exactly what you mean.

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i mean, all your questions have been asked in bad faith or you already know the answer. Just like this question you asked, you already know.

southern alberta, trees are already turning colour here as well

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depends if the offer lets me do some good in the company. if im just a worker who has no say in anything, then no