Some of y'all need to see this and drop the superiority complex... to – 1161 points –

Image shows a tweet with the header "and people STILL try to convince me Linux and Windows are better when the DATA clearly shows otherwise. SMH" with an image attached showing the following:

"Operating systems by current version" Mac OS: 14 Windows: 11 Linux: 6


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but wouldnt lower numbers mean no one needed to fix & revamp a working OS?

higher numbers mean more fuckups than needed to be fixed until it was so broken there was no longer a way to code you way out, had to start right from the start!

no it just means the OS is abandoned obviously, don't you know that any library with no commits in the last 20 minutes is not worth using /s

It really depends on what versioning means for the project. If we are talking about semantic versioning then a lower number only means there haven't been many breaking changes over time. Or that a lot of broken stuff has been kept that way because it would break compatibility.