5 Post – 332 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


EV drivers are legally obligated to get an 18 inch sub and crank it.

This is kinda similar, just neat to me.

Hard disagree. Proud of you for posting a list of richest people though. Here I have a link too

I miss Corbyn lmao

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I see people talking about Disco Elysium and particularly the communist quest line online all the time. I have an achievement for completing the quest line that like 1% of people have. I should play Disco again.

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I paid $13.30 Canadian for a small Pepperoni pizza and cinnastix like 2 nights ago, that price seems nuts

Hell no, Kim was my boy. It turns out not a lot of people do an entire part of the communist quest line, I'll edit the achievement in later.

Actually fucking painful the amount of people I had this argument with, hate being vindicated in this way. It was never about the children, it's purely about hate.

This could not be any funnier. Please reddit, take legal control of the piracy subreddit, right as you take the experienced mod team out. I'm sure everything will go fantastic.

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"Since 2021 in the UK, Uber drivers are considered ‘workers’, which is not full employee status but does mean they receive sick pay and annual leave.

The firm has gone further than UK competitors including Ola and Bolt in worker benefits.

The number of drivers on the UK platform has doubled in recent years."

Go fuck yourself uber.

Good job gamers.

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Yoooo that comment from his wife Gisele though

"Gisele hit back at the conspiracy claims, commenting: “Thinking there may be something to the body double rumors … suddenly ‘John’ is closing kitchen cabinet doors. WHO IS HE,” alongside an eyes emoji."

They seem extremely good at social media.

This comment section is fucking brutal.

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Then you should read about him, because he absolutely should have been executed, not allowed to become a fucking author who was still a German Nationalist who had an affinity for Hitler.

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I once had a customer tell "I know it sounds like a pyramid scheme, but it's not" which all but confirms something is a pyramid scheme. I'm gonna assume "it's definitely legal" is actually code for it's completely illegal.

Ah, suicide cables. Legit what they're called. Mainly used for generators.

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Why tf would you post this without at least putting a date on it lol

Commenting from an LG phone (last one produced) next to an LG tv. Will never purchase another one of their products in my life, even before this article.

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Fetterman and his wife continue to impress me with how good at social media they are.

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Typical Rossman to think anything but the platform shutting down (before 3pas actually stop working even) is a failure.

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Do you understand hiw picket lines and striking work or are you just missing the fundamental knowledge base?

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A person who praises authoritarianism with a communist bend. Think people who like North Korea and it's great leader, but live somewhere like the USA.

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I legitimately thought I was a fan of the body horror genre until this post.

Showing him a motorcycle "14,000 rpm redline".

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In another timeline RGB just retired early enough Obama put a different justice in lol. In another timeline they chose a better frontrunner who could actually win with people across the aisle (Bernie was viewed differently in 2016 imo). I can't shit on the Merrick Garland incident too much, but kind of a case where the Dems didn't hold up enough of their end of the bargain to retain seats.

She's still an insane piece of shit.

Alberta is the Texas of the North, I think Sask is more Alabama / Arkansas.

Source: live in Sask 😢

Basically a shitposting subreddit looking for a home. But in a good way.

New Hbomberguy video on plagiarism and YouTube dropped, almost 4 hours long.

My feet aren't designed for heels but they're literally all I want to wear. I can take the pain.

I mean, COD is already straight up propaganda, I don't think this fundamentally changes much.

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So did Trump.

The Day Before, saved you a click instead of bitching.

It's hilarious because the amount of Hillary 08 supporters who voted McCain instead of Obama is much than Bernie supporters who voted Trump.

Lmao, same Supreme Court that wants to leave everything else to the states. Funny how that one works.

I want to get a mid 70s to early 80s gm shitbox and turn it electric. My next vehicle will most likely be electric but no new cars interest me(especially for the price lmao), and it would be good experience for the trade I'm involved in. Too bad the rust and cars for clunkers took so many lol.

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Wouldn't it just be nuts if I could search multiple different discord servers at the same time? And it would show me a bunch of different results on the same screen? If only something would get invented.

Oh my god, you have to register with the city, like every other landlord? Crazy.

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