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Joined 1 years ago

Floris Jan van Fleppensteyn

Yes, I use it, but I feel like I have to be slower and more precise than before. Still it works better than e.g. Google's keyboard.

The first seasons were great, good to re-watch. But it's like they kind of gave up since season 10 or so. The characters, topics and the humor are all different now.

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I know a bunch of people who lost interest over time around the same time as me, it's when they had this season-long storyline. Not sure which season it was.

The kids act too adult now, Chef disappeared, other common characters are rarely there anymore or changed completely (Garrison turned into Trump?), then the weed stuff / Tegrity, Warcraft – all not that great IMO.

Yep. SwiftKey sometimes has strange predictions etc but (unfortunately) that one's the best out of the many different ones I tried.

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Where would you come across a bull though? I've never seen one in a field with cows.

Several hostels I stayed at closed at 10 pm and wouldn't allow people to go in or out

Usually, yes. But not where I stayed. It was all locked down. Maybe I just had bad luck. It was in Triest and Milan by the way.

The majority of those visits were to sites that allow users to download the audio from YouTube URLs.

This is not piracy. We've always been allowed to record e.g. radio and TV for personal use.

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I accidentally watched a YouTube video on a browser without blocking. It started with an ad. I thought I'd just endure it this time. Then another ad. OK, just this time then. Suddenly, another ad in the middle of the video. I gave up. Who'd have the patience to sit through this?

Then there's Google's habit of completely ignoring the browser's language settings so I have to sit though ads I don't even understand.

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FYI It seems like at least the US government doesn't want you to go there. So if Fmoviesz is down or something, you should be careful to avoid alternatives such as sflix.to, lookmovie2.to, flixtorz.to, sflix.to, movieuniverse.se, soap2dayto.day.

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I never see kids playing outside. There are parks, fields, forests around where I live.

Over time I learned there are actually kids living in my apartment building but I have no clue what they do all day. It's kind of depressing.

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Associating with arbitrary groups, such as football fans, nationalists, wearing certain clothing brands

I used to rely on news feeds through Firefox until they suddenly removed this feature. I switched to an RSS reader but around the same time, a lot of websites started dropping their RSS feeds. I'm out of the loop of why this happened and it's probably one reason I feel so bored being online nowadays

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I was wondering who the hell still watches TV. My whole life is on my computer

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browser.tabs.insertAfterCurrent - stop tabs from opening in weird places

media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture - stop those annoying pip videos

Nuke Anything - useful for getting rid of elements that are in the way

Multi-Account Containers


Quit my job and find a place where I can live off 1000 a month

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God is unreasonable and scary when you are a Christian, at least for me when I grew up. You're basically told he can read your mind so you pretend he's a great guy, but to me an evil God is just Christianity.

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Reminds me of when I joined some classmates to the supermarket. We got kicked out while waiting in line because they didn't want middleschoolers there because we're all thieves anyways. So most of the group walked out without paying.

I don't know who has to hear this but

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Depends on the country. I once got some people in trouble when I passed through Germany because I didn't know internet is heavily censored/surveilled there. Haven't had trouble anywhere else though. Do some research on your country.

The biggest threats come from the movie industry. Just use streaming sites for movies and series, torrent the other stuff.

Look into Tribler, I2P and Utopia.

I wouldn't donate to a nonprofit that pays 5 mil a year to their CEO, it sounds to me they have the money but waste it on the wrong things.

It's a reoccurring internet discussion you can google. The rest of the world thinks Americans wear shoes inside, even on their beds, because that's what we see in US movies/series, and Americans always deny they'd ever do such a thing.

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It sucks to go through "prove you are human" screens that seem to time out half the time. Even worse when they put RSS feeds behind this Cloudflare wall

We could create a personal website without having to pay and without giving up personal details. Everything was anonymous.

Search engines actually found what you were looking for. No censorship or bad suggestions or trying to sell stuff.

Always finding something new and interesting, not being limited to a few commercial websites.

People were much friendlier and open to share.

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I'm getting bored with my smartphone. Stuff like YouTube I never watch on my phone anyway, but imo YouTube has gotten much worse over time and I barely watch it at all now.

I noticed it getting worse over the years. I switched to SearXNG last year when I felt Google was getting really ridiculous.

They started censoring a lot at some point, maybe because they had to, but that's not the only reason.

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For dinner 6.30 seems very late to me imo

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I didn't downvote but probably people won't sit through a long video when the points he's making could be a short list. At least give a summary.

In Europe too. It already looked like fall in early August. It's because of the heat.

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I believe you can set browser.download.useDownloadDir in about:config

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Their higher-ups all earn exorbitant salaries


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Browsers will grow with cache and settings etc.

I'm more curious about mobile apps in general. I had to install Microsoft Authenticator to log in to my work account and it costs 165 MB. It sucks because disk space is so limited

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Boredom. At least I'll die one day. A hat may be stuck in some cupboard until it slowly decays over thousands of years.

It may help to not log on to YouTube at all. If she uses Google accounts, set YouTube to always open in a different container where you're not logged in. The recommendations are set by a single id in the cookies which can easily be reset.

Playgrounds are fenced off and parents constantly stay within 2 steps of their helmet wearing kids here in Czech Republic. When those kids are older than toddler age, they disappear from public life.

It's not like that in my home country where maybe they just sit around playing with their phones, but at least they're outside with friends.

The internet was always a place to share. The recent move to monetize everything is destroying the internet. So no, I don't care about content creators being paid. Even so, ads are annoying, they take up my time, bandwidth and break pages and are so completely irrelevant to me.

Too many cultures/languages in a large space, they should split into smaller countries, it's like judging Europeans from knowing some Brits, but

– People with money are very arrogant, selfish and wasteful – Many clingy/creepy people that keep talking to you when no longer appropriate – Headbobbing – Mostly friendly, sometimes too polite – Workaholics – Always complaining about their parent's high expectations – Lots of IT workers who know what they learned to do step by step but it's like they don't know why they do what they do – Pretty condescending to other Indians from other regions – The usual: good but spicey food, hot weather, corruption, expensive weddings, overcrowded but still mass producing babies

There are no pronouns in symbols ♂, ♀

I'm missing the ashtrays in the 90s photo

Asahi means “rising sun” in Japanese, and it is also the name of an apple cultivar. 旭りんご (asahi ringo) is what we know as the McIntosh Apple, the apple variety that gave the Mac its name.

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with beer.

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