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Joined 1 years ago

It only explains how it would pass (automatic) reviews. Not how it would bypass the sandbox. So yeah, you're right, not enough info sadly.

Meanwhile with piracy, you have none of these issues.... Good job, convenience wins.

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Are you telling me there aren't enough star trek communities?

I think the point is that people love good games.

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Have you tried binging it?

I don't want to be monitored.


We had the dominance of Microsoft with IE back in the day. They made sure that the web was being kept back. Google is doing the same now, even though people have been shouting that they'd never do that. Here we are..

The prices keep going up and I have already set a max price in my mind for each subscription I'm on based on the content they provide over the year. I as a consumer don't have infinite money.

Don't worry,they can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps!

Finding out in primary school that other kids weren't poor and had all the shit they wanted while we sometimes had issues getting food.

I hate that Netflix keeps recommending this to me. No. I don't want this kind of shit.

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Obviously, don't forget to tip.

For what reason? They have no shareholders .

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An indexer indexes nzb files. Nzb files are like torrent files, they point you to the files you want. So the indexer says "takes this ABC.nzb file and you'll get couch the latest Ubuntu iso cough".

It's not the Ukraine, it's Ukraine. It hasn't been since it hasn't been part of the USSR.

Other places may have higher cost of living. Hard to tell. But it does sound like a lot of money.

But if you make a clear joke in a joke group, you get flagged and can't get it reviewed.

Water should be safe to drink from taps. Holy shit. I have a 1 liter bottle, I fill it a couple of times a day at home and it's great...


Glad this is highly illegal in the European union.

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I lost the cable of a baby bliss trimmer. They have proprietary plugs that are about the same price as the trimmer. Moved away from them when ASAP...

Ah, good, then someone can charge the car for the owner...

Absolutely 5

The difference between watching something programmers and on demand is big. I still detest the newer prices though coupled with the decline in interesting content.

I personally use the app Finch to have tasks that I want to do daily or semi daily. You have a virtual pet and by doing tasks it gets energy so it will travel and discover things. You can add friends and they can send motivational messages.

Just by doing something simple like that has helped me.

It has a plus model, but it's not required at all, no premium currency and if you want to get plus but can't afford it, you can enter a raffle to get it for free or you can get a discount of your subscription.

Also, if you wish, here's a referral code 7KJERKQJXD, not sure if you get something.

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Can confirm, got a jab and I died.

Only thing I miss in Firefox is PWA, but I still mainly use it.

I feel you. I'm a vulnerable person but in expected to just show up at work...

I don't know about there in the US, but in the Netherlands, we follow the speed limits. I hear crazy stuff about speeding in the US.

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This one again..?

Hmm I hope this one will live on. I remember Neeva which never let their users know that they could sign up and then shut down because they didn't have enough income..

"Less Gen Z Americans own a driver's license than previous generations"

This isn't about cars they want.

No shit, when seeing this, I'm glad I don't have to worry about guns...

It really helped me, so I hope it will for you as well! :)

Here we modify the road so it feels unsafe to go over the limit. This can be the type of road, speedbumps, etc.

Two seasons.