0 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I think Firefox is a pretty cool guy. Eh has great add-ons and customization and doesn't afraid of anything

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If it's good enough for elected US representatives, it's good enough for me.

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Common Fetterperson W

Just download more RAM bro

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poopt his pants

I believe it's a series of tubes


Compiz Fusion wiggly windows/cube

Confederates lost bro

I'd like to interject for a moment,

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Weekend at Feinsteins

I think zfs is a pretty cool guy. Eh copy on write and doesn't afraid of anything

Wayland da god

Look at how they massacred my boy

Kingston is Winona's Big Brown Beaver

I love them all, man.

Tingle can swing from my nuts

11 years here, nuked my account from low orbit once sync stopped working. Shit is dumb, but I survived Digg, Slashdot, and all that shit. Love what I'm seeing on Lemmy.

Take a look at NixVim. I had to convert my entire config to Nix, but in the end it's now 100% reproduceable

I use tailscale with next dns, it works great. I don't use magic DNS, however, but it's a trade off I'm okay with for the benefit of blocking at the edge

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We're still playing Tower Climbing simulators?

We peaked with the PhilosoRaptor meme imo

It was lit when it was Gina and crew.

I use Nextdns for this reason. DNS is critical for Wife Acceptance Factor

I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too

This is the way. Kagi has been worth the price of admission.

I use Arch, btw

Based ground news

Just for fun bro

Doug Funnie on high alert

70 is still too old, way too many geezers


Thank you senator Feinsteins!


This guy fucks

big;;;; if true

Is this better than 2x?

Not self hosted, but I've been using tailscale with nextdns and it has been very reliable. I got tired of worrying about availability of hosting my own