
0 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

When are we going to start banning flavored alcohol like White Claw and Mike's while we're at it

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If he could prove he was graduating in a matter of weeks then that's fucking ridiculous. I was accepted to grad schools before I even passed my final undergrad classes. It's just on a conditional basis, but nothing changed when I actually got the degree. Besides, there's time between the last classes ending and commencement, then months between commencement and getting the actual degree in the mail and your transcripts being updated.

I'm hope he feels like he dodged a bullet.

When I couldn't just purchase a season of a tv show (Drag Race). You should just be able to buy a show or movie if you want to watch it.

The most recent season was exclusively on Paramount +. I guess they had exclusive right because it wasn't available anywhere else. It was 3.99/month with a discount so I figured I'd keep it as long as the season aired. I was fucking amazed that there could be twenty fucking commercials in an hour show. If I wanted to skip backward or forward I had to watch three more ads first. Two weeks before the season finale they raised the price to 5.99 so I cancelled it. I didn't need to watch it that badly. Their other content was shit, all nineties MTV and made for tv movies. When I signed up they advertised Yellowjackets so I was going to watch that. But no, that's another subscription to Showtime.

It was the cheapest subscription I've had but the most aggravating experience, because it's not about the money. It's about feeling like I'm getting fucked over with every goddamn thing I buy lately.

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So republicans are somehow against a program that provides HIV/AIDS medication to people in poor countries because it checks notes promotes abortion??

Republicans will say anything and do anything to make sure they hurt as many vulnerable people as possible.

This shit is just spam at this point

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"Post-birth abortion"

This shit is like an SNL parody of America

We learned nothing from Reconstruction.

he was a competitive ballroom dancer

That's a new one.

Nobody really cared about the long term impacts of hurricane Katrina, and the rich just used it to privatize a bunch of shit, and then they got richer. I wish something like that would be enough to make people give a shit, but we've just been there before.


The good die young and pricks live forever.

-- Lewis Black

What a gross comment

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the only thing the constitution says about it is "there shall be a supreme court."

Regardless, the constitution was created to be amended, and it's the states that vote on those. You know. That whole democracy thing.

often a flight that could have been a train ride

I see you've never been to America.

And if you don't feel the need to treat the people with dignity who use a cheaper airline, then you probably shouldn't be working for a cheaper airline. Everyone should be treated with respect until they prove they don't deserve it.

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I read that Denmark releases a list every six months of the skills and degrees that are allowed to immigrate, or get priority or something like that. From looking at the last one I assume they value education, the liberal arts and humanities a lot more than the US.

It ends up being a catch 22. When you want to leave the US because of a lack of upward mobility, social services, jobs in your field, and you can't save because of healthcare, rent, and debt, then how can you have enough money to move to another state, much less another country?

Absolutely. There has to be some little glimmer of already wanting to quit for them to take the help seriously. I would absolutely recommend AlAnon as well. You can't just force someone into treatment, and that's pretty much what interventions try to do, on top of making the person feel guilt and shame which likely is why they drink in the first place. Being able to have a one on one, calm conversation about how the person is affecting themselves and others is probably a good route, because people often do not recognize they have a problem in the first place. It would not be surprising for it to end with the person getting angry and storming out, but it plants the seed in a more reasonable way than having everyone they know cornering them, humiliating them, and saying "go to rehab now or we never speak to you again."

Source: in recovery, worked in the field.

Yeah, it's really fucked up to keep seeing comments from non-Californians blaming us for voting for her, as though we have any kind of real choice.

Regardless, it's yet another case of Americans blaming other Americans, as usual, instead of blaming a system that allows this shit to happen and doesn't give us viable choices of candidates in the first place.

We've all seen this episode of Silicon Valley.

There's this short series on Netflix called Unbelievable. I recommend every single person watch it, but especially anyone who wants / needs to know exactly what it's like to try to report sexual abuse to the police. It's dramatized but it's based on a true story of an 18 year old girl who was sexually assaulted by someone who broke into her apartment in the middle of the night. From the minute she reported it she was treated like a criminal. She was interrogated by cops who criticized her from the second they sat down. She ended up being charged and convicted of making false police reports. She was in some kind of group home at the time. She got in trouble, lost her friends, home, supports, and job. Several years later, the suspect assaulted another woman and was finally caught. I can't imagine the relief and vindication she must have felt. Except that the cops literally allowed the suspect to assault at least one more person before doing anything about it. It's a good thing it happened in another state because if it had happened in the same place they probably would have just arrested the second victim too.

But the depiction in the show is true to life. It's for everyone who has ever said "well if it actually happened then why didn't they just call the cops?"

I love how there's never any elaboration on these kinds of comments

Comments like this are just sad.

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And yet when I looked at places in Vegas, they were all shittier and more expensive than actual hotels. I really wanted to save money, so I really tried to give it a chance, but nothing that came up was worth it when I could just get an actual hotel. And the more I thought about it, I'm also just not comfortable using AirBnB as a single woman. Maybe other people have felt totally safe and had nothing happen and that's great. But I know I would never feel one hundred percent certain there's no cameras, and that whoever's renting it wouldn't just walk right in.

I've also seen those AirBnB management companies renting out rooms in the larger LV casinos for the same price, with the same amenities, and with the same resort fees. That one's a total mystery to me.

And now they're advertising AirBnB "rooms" or whatever it's called where you sleep in a bedroom in the same house as the owner? While the owner is just...there?! That would just be so uncomfortable and awkward to begin with, but it also just kind of seems like a matchmaking app for serial killers.

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It's also so much more expensive to buy from small, local businesses. Not everyone can afford to do that, no matter how much they hate buying from Amazon or Walmart.

What a weird thing to be high and mighty about

I thought there were laws against false advertising in the US? How can these PACs and campaigns say shit like "children will be able to get dangerous sex change operations without parental consent"?? It is so far from reality and yet it's in every piece of conservative rhetoric at every level of politics. There's always been "spin," but it used to be that they'd go out of their way to pick their words very carefully, ie. dog whistle racism.

So there's laws against lying in commercials about fast food but none that control influencing elections with misinformation? How is this kind of blatant lying even legal?

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Are you saying like the DNC actually gives money to colleges? Or maybe people you just don't like make private donations, which has nothing to do with what's taught

Thank you, I'm so sick of hearing it. It's just another cop out from climate change deniers.

The girl involved now has an Only Fans page, so even if she offered, the prosecution felt that would hurt her credibility

It's so fucked up that our culture still thinks like this

most local news sites came online as garbage and will never rise above that status

The amount of pop-ups, sleazy Taboola ads, and autoplay videos (with 2 ads at the beginning and end of a 30 second clip) is too damn high. Just clicking a link is a fucking assault on your eyes. And yes some form of this still happens to me with adblockers or firefox.

I guess I thought the goal was to get people to use their websites, not fucking punish them for it.

nobody ever wants to pay for anything on the internet

To your point, maybe if what we got in return were worth a shit, people would be more willing to pay. But it gets shittier and shittier, more and more inundated with ads, worse journalism with more clickbait and AI, all for prices that go up every year to multiple times per year.

It was more reasonable when you could go to the store and pay for one newspaper or one issue of a magazine. Then if you really liked it you could subscribe. Now there's no other option but to subscribe. Not everyone wants to be paying a bunch of separate subscription fees per month just to get decent news, and not everyone wants one hundred percent of a news outlets content. But we're charged for it regardless. Fuck no, no one wants to pay for that.

Maybe if it were one of the only things that required a subscription. Like it used to be. But now, almost every single thing we use comes with a subscription charge and there's usually no other way to pay for it. It's all or nothing. And it gets totally exhausting, aggravating, and ridiculously expensive, especially when they force you to pay for a bunch of shit you don't need, or they charge you cancellation fees on top of an extra month, or raise the monthly price without telling you, or tack on extra charges for shit that should just come with it in the first place, etc etc.

My point is, no one should defend the subscription model. If an outlet does good journalism, they'll have donors. PBS Newshour, NPR, Democracy Now, they're some of the best souces and they're all nonprofit. And, what do you know, none of them have actual ads.

And shoutout to local libraries to loaning current magazine issues online. I get a Libby notification every time the New Yorker comes out. And I'm sure they're losing a ton of money because I don't personally pay for a subscription /s

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Other trust fund kids

The worst was the people who insisted it wasn't funny enough. I thought it was pretty funny, but was that really the point?

I am just saying that this burden shouldn't fall on other people in material need.

Well, good thing it doesn't in this case.

The whole point is that everything in this field is already, by default, directed at men. That's what it's like in the US. It's the same with race. And saying we have have equality when we don't is just ignoring the way these divisions affect historically oppressed groups. Acknowledging systemic hierarchy and division between races and genders in order to fix it doesn't automatically mean you have to ignore class divisions. They're far from mutually exclusive. Why would it be impossible to acknowledge both at the same time?

It's to the point where no one else can have anything without men going "what about me and my problems?" "Well here's what I think about all these social issues that have never and will never negatively affect me." As usual, the "not all men" of every comment section of every article about a women-only-something-or-other are just making a great case for women-only-something-or-others.

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it feels so unfair that I don't get to experience the life I have the way I imagined because getting here took too much out of me

Fuck, that's relatable.

There's a documentary and a dramatized show about her life on Netflix. CPS had been there. Doctors had suspected Munchausen's but couldn't do anything. Their neighbors knew something was wrong but couldn't prove anything. What she did isn't necessarily justifiable. But "they should have gone to the cops" is ignorant af.

Is it just me, or do most top comments on this post read like astro-turfing?

I've been thinking this a lot about posts on lemmy and it's really disappointing.

But it's not just the corporate stuff that's disappointing. A post on the front page right now about Spotify not removing the intentionally hateful transphobic song has an entire comment section justifying hate speech.

I question staying on lemmy more and more because I'm seeing trash rhetoric like this more and more and it's fucking gross.

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Didn't he steal the idea from two other guys though

Also two-spirit people in Indigenous cultures

Wasn't Israel literally demolishing the homes of innocent Palestinian families, causing small children to become homeless overnight? Terrorist groups usually form in response to something. Like, I don't know, an apartheid state killing them if they don't leave their homes

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If what it really came down to for people is "taxpayer spending," then forcing churches to pay taxes should be a front and center issue for conservatives.

But it's not. Gee I wonder why.

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Bing has honestly been a lot better for me than google. I refused to use it for so long because it was just a joke when it first came out. But I started not being able to find any decent search results on google and the entire first page is now ads versus just the first few results. Bing also has an AI thing that will just give you a straight answer to a question and links to where it found it. I'd say to give it a try.

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