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Joined 11 months ago

Same. If it wasn't for my adblockers, I'd have stopped using youtube long ago.

Tbh, at this point there's no reason in them disabling ad blockers. If you haven't gotten used to this insane amount of ads by experiencing the slow, uphill creep, having to go from seeing no ads to suddenly this, is impossible. I couldn't watch youtube videos in the current state of ads, so I'd just have one less vice.

I had already stopped once, when youtube vanced went offline (until i found revanced) and I will do it again

Same. My parents told me not to look straight into the sun, i saw it as a challenge.

Dev is actually going pretty well. What they have achieved is pretty amazing.

But they are going to say the game is in 'alpha' as long as they can, because it means they can keep collecting "pledges" instead of "paid content".

I bet that has some tax purposes.

Yep, absolutely. My family still has spotify and netflix subscriptions, but i already canceled prime before the previous price hike. I'd have already canceled netflix if it was my decision and the only service i still see value in is spotify.

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That's what unit prefixes are for... you can measure your height in cm

...which would be valid

You obviously don't know what a bidet is

And none of these make any difference, even if you could force 10.000 people to do the same

Definitely a you-problem. There don't exist a dog too stupid to learn to sit on command. Them barking to wake you up continues to happen, because you allowed it to work in the first place.

If a dog barks and sees you raise.. well of course they'll continue that behaviour in the future, if it's successful.

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So fkn dumb. Just have markers on the floor outside, where everyone needs to stand respective to their seat and have them go in in 3 or 6 waves, one for outer, middle and inner seat each. So much less headache for everyone and so much faster.

Most satanists are actually atheists (they don't believe god or satan exist), but they do it to have a community that has its own traditions and for the lulz.

Emoji bad

Nicer UI. Not exactly sure how the whole thing works, I think you are somehow able to enable/disable certain add-ons and from what I can gather extendes has a few more. Tl;dr: It's better, consider giving it a try.


Not really. Fixing systemic problems is not up to the individual. I'm paying for music, which i already only due to the convenience.

I think hospital bombings on both sides must always be taken with a grain of salt... because if you are in a war and are highly unethical; where is the best place to operate a military base from, if you want to protect it from bombings?

This will definitely change though. As LLMs get better and develop new emergent properties, the gap between a human written story and an ai generated one will inevitably diminish.

Of course you will still need to provide a detailed and concrete input, so that the model can provide you with the most accurate result.

I feel like many people subscribe to a sort of human superiority complex, that is unjustified and which will quite certainly get stomped in the coming decades.

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If they aren't above illegaly selling your data, then aren't above illegaly collecting your data, even if you ticked a little "I do not consent" box. I fail to see, how this change can be anything but positive.

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You are not connected to a grid, by having electrodes measure potential differences in your brain. If the chip (outside of your brain) were to malfunction, then the interface would simply no longer work. big deal. you replace it.

Again, wtf do you think a brain inplant is?

Are you actually bots? I can't believe you would suggest either chrome or bing if privacy is a concern to you. It's firefox and duckduckgo all day, every day...

Could be, but the chances of that happening are next to zero and it'd be foolish to assume this is the peak.

And acting like there are no upsides is delusional. Of course there are upsides, or it wouldn't have happened. The downsides always outweigh the upsides of course.

Yeah programmers is the obvious one profession, that might largely be an exception. I don't really know how progress in that profession is tracked or how you integrate newcomers into the team, but I suppose there may not be a huge disadvantage.

Also, your points are all personal ones, which I obviously grant. However, seeing this from an employers side of view, it's a much harder sale.

The "we'd be more productive"-trope is not only not clearly true, but clearly wrong for most professions. Point and case:

It's not an exploitation for monetary gain, it's an exchange of services. Do you think those massive servers they got are running for free? Aside from hardware, facilities and electricity, they have to pay programmers, accounting, management, cleaning services, etc. etc.

People have to get over the fact, that this is how the world works - and also the only way the world as we know it can work.

This is not the fault of capitalism, this is lobbying and corruption and no other system would be able to effectively abolish this either.

The cause is human nature and the only things that can prevent this, are better systemic structuring, more decision-making-redundancy and independend inspection.

Communism for example would have the exact same issues. Granted: not in its utopic form, but as we have seen with all the examples so far, such a system can not succeed, because you still have ~people~ at the top of the ladder, who will inevitably fall for the same reasons.

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Because the largest portion of employees are stuck in job, which they don't love and for which they won't give more than the minimum required effort. The minimum required effort becomes less, when there is less supervision.

Productiveness also obviously decreases, when you have to communicate with your colleges via zoom, instead of just speaking to them over the table. Seems like none of you had to work yet, but there are few jobs in which you need almost no communication and cooperation with coworkers.

Also most jobs require walking through the building (even if you sit behind a computer most of the day), because pretty much every company has a portion of its business that can't be digitized. Can't go down into the storage hall of a carrier firm to fix workers messing up the labeling, when you are working from home.

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Dude alienates the last devoted members his org has left. Religion cant change; they got their statues laid out in an unchangeable text.

The hostile takeover of islam is gonna accelerate even more in the coming years and our last bastion is helping that process.

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Not how a brain implant works.

If I could have direct interface to my devices (write text by thinking it, control video game characters,..) I would get one in a heartbeat.

Sadly it'll be a while until the tech comes that far and it'll have strictly medical usecases for quite some time.

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Targeted ads has become such a boogey man, that you all can no longer view these things rationally. There is nothing wrong with companies wanted to get their products advertized to the most likely customers and there is nothing inherently wrong with a platform using your activity to see what ads you are most likely interested in.

The potential issue with it, is your personal data leaking everywhere and being assimilated by questionable companies who could create a psychological profile of you, that knows you better than you know yourself.

If they truely only let companies target you, by presenting them an internally grouped collective of likely customers in which you happen to be included, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Same goes for the newest change in how chrome manages ads.

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Every time redditors defend work from home: "we'd be sooo productive"

Every time redditors talk about work from home in the context of job search: "it's soo relaxed, no ones constantly looking over your shoulder to check whether you are working. You can easily take gaming breaks"

Y'all are a walking meme

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He got his money back and a 5dollar gift code. Shit happens

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I mean, what's the context here? I doubt doctors are sterilizing people because of some evil agenda. If she was already undergoing explorative abdominal surgery, I'd wager they found a pathology that requires her reproductive organs to be removed.

If they didn't get her consent during the preoperative information, then that's malpractice and a part I don't understand. However, I'd assume the surgeons wanted to spare her from having to undergo sedation and surgery again at a later point in time, just to get her consent.

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