Here are the details on the grisly deaths of Elon Musk’s Neuralink monkeys

Lee to – 391 points –
Here are the details on the grisly deaths of Elon Musk’s Neuralink monkeys

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Not how a brain implant works.

If I could have direct interface to my devices (write text by thinking it, control video game characters,..) I would get one in a heartbeat.

Sadly it'll be a while until the tech comes that far and it'll have strictly medical usecases for quite some time.

We already have had implants turned off wirelessly with ota updates.

Not brain implants, but if you don't think that would be a thing, then you're so naive that I could sell you a bridge.

Unless the alternative is severe disability I really don't see the appeal of having untrustworthy tech bro billionaires physically infiltrate our brains just so we can "control video game characters" or "write text by thinking it". I'd rather keep my brain to myself and write text and control video games by a mixture of thinking and wiggling my fingers.

If I could have direct interface with my devices...

All at the low low cost of never being able to separate yourself from the grid again.

Also, what happens when a solar flare hits and fucks your brain up?

"Surely father Musk will have every contingency in place, he is the real life Ironman after all."

By the way, could I perhaps interest you in NFTs? They're very valuable, I promise.

You are not connected to a grid, by having electrodes measure potential differences in your brain. If the chip (outside of your brain) were to malfunction, then the interface would simply no longer work. big deal. you replace it.

Again, wtf do you think a brain inplant is?

Proprietary tech that's inside my body that I don't own.

If you don't see something wrong with all of this then you must just not value your health all that much.