The world feeds the climate crisis with public money: Fossil fuel subsidies amounted to $7 trillion in 2022 to World – 728 points –
The world feeds the climate crisis with public money: Fossil fuel subsidies amounted to $7 trillion in 2022

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This is not the fault of capitalism, this is lobbying and corruption and no other system would be able to effectively abolish this either.

The cause is human nature and the only things that can prevent this, are better systemic structuring, more decision-making-redundancy and independend inspection.

Communism for example would have the exact same issues. Granted: not in its utopic form, but as we have seen with all the examples so far, such a system can not succeed, because you still have ~people~ at the top of the ladder, who will inevitably fall for the same reasons.

It's like they teach all you bootlickers the same exact script, and also the sense of entitlement that means you lack the ability to not voice your opinion, no matter how ignorant, and despite the fact that a couple of drones have already regurgitated said script in response to this particulate comment..

Go read my replies to them, or don't you don't seem like the type who likes to be informed (more like a child with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears going "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA" ignoring all reality around them to plough on regardless), I've wasted enough breath on you pathetic brownnosers already..

*Defends capitalism, blames individuals pursuing self-interest under capitalism, suggests a system that detaches decisions from capitalist self-interest (((totally not socialism)))

How do you not just walk in circles all day?