66 Post – 1355 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People here calling him psycho and demented, when really he's just a run of the mill old bigot with a massive platform and an even bigger mouth.
Lets stop pretending like people need Alzheimer's or some mental illness to become more vocal about their hate, it is our society and its rapid decline back in to fascism that is allowing it, blame that.

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Pro tip: while DNA doesn't last long in urine, why take the risk, when significantly stinkier animal urines for hunting and/or deterrent purposes exist? RollSafeMeme.jpg

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Yes, real men, real women, real people of any or no gender, and of all ages, wear diapers. That is not something anyone should be shamed or ridiculed for.

I don't give a shit if trump or his supporters wear them, they are out there causing actual harm to others, and there is plenty to actually criticise them for, why the fuck resort to this ableist bullshit? We rightfully give them shit for judging others by what's in their pants, yet gleefully judge them for what they wear under theirs?

Fuck this noise.

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There is zero chance the agent didn't know what Brand was up to, this is nothing but an exercise in ass covering..

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Might be the photo, but it looks to me like top is vanilla cookie with choc-chip, while bottom is chocolate cookie with choc-chip, making it "double" chocolate.

Definitely could be clearer, but I don't think they're making the claim you think they are.

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"how can we shift responsibility to the consumer today?"

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Let me copy pasta myself here to save time and just say - they are already murdering us in the millions, any harm that might come to them is an act of self defence.

Look around - the violence is already here, it has been inflicted on to the working class for centuries, killing hundreds of millions (at least, in all that time) for profit in war, with hunger and restricted access to water, with homelessness and poverty, with preventable disease, with climate change, with immoral laws and entire systems designed to keep large segments of the population as slave labour, which is what they used to gain their power and wealth to be in the position to impose all of this in the first place. And all that just off the top of my head, there is so much more violence that is inflicted on us daily, they've just got most people convinced that's just life, when it really really isn't. And those who actually benefit are never just going to give all of that up.

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t’s not USA vs China vs Russia vs Europe etc. it is the younger generation vs the old generation

No, it's owning class vs working class, anything else is a distraction in service of the owning class.

Workers of the world, unite! ✊

(edited in image. If you need image description - source)

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The most depressing thing about this is the normalisation of the ridiculous idea that democrats and Marxists are even tangibly related... 🤦‍♀️

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Fuck google and all that, but also fuck using "mental illness" as a derogatory term.

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Problem is the misogyny (and racism, and queerphobia, and ableism and so on) in it doesn't stop when the show ends, it makes the people watching think it's ok, or worse - funny, normalising it. Hell, even this post is defining it as "healthy", which is so fucked up, because who exactly is that content "healthy" for?

So while I'm all for letting people enjoy what they enjoy, doing so uncritically, and/or refusing to hear when people tell you that something you enjoy is harmful to others (which misogyny, racism, queerphobia, ableism, and so on normalised in the media are) is when you go from "enjoying" to "supporting" and even "actively contributing", no longer "harmlessly" enjoying something, and I will judge you for that (edit to clarify: we all consume harmful trash entertainment, it's unavoidable, it's about acknowledging that it's harmful trash and not buying in to it, rather than insisting it's "healthy" or "harmless" despite all evidence to the contrary)

TIL "laser tech" referred to a person doing laser hair removal, and that apparently this is common knowledge.

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That war is already underway, we just won't be calling it that until after..

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Except it isn't "humanity", it is a tiny percentage of (generations of) rich fucks destroying the planet for profit, and maintaining a (completely artificial) system that feeds off of oppression, exploitation, greed and selfishness.

When you blame "humanity" you also blame those living in the Amazon trying their best to save it, as well as every other poor bastard born in to this world with no power or means of getting it.

These generalisations only serve to keep the rage from its rightful target.

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Fuck poverty porn and fuck people like this guy who think they can "try out" poverty like it's a fucking suit before opting out at the point where most of us poors start out (with stress related health conditions, except ours are not only from birth, but generational, with all the implications of that, and we can't just walk away and directly in to the office of the best doctors around like this fucker surely did).
What's even worse is I guarantee he's come out the other side thinking he actually learned something, convinced he has all the answers, and that his experience is important and "educational" enough to put in a "self help" book he's going to write get someone to ghost write for poor people to learn from his experience... 🤬

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Please, help us to better understand how we can effectively funnel reddit users into Lemmy across all demographics,

Who is "us", who is "we"?

And who the fuck thinks anyone should be funnelling (no less) the toxic cesspit that is reddit over here?

This post sounds like some bullshit written by the marketing department of a clueless corporation trying to find ways to exploit the latest "thing".

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A lot of people here are missing the fact that cereal doesn't require any additional cost, time, and/or effort to store and prepare (in a desperate situation you might even have it with water or dry if you can't access milk).

So while rice or potatoes might be a better meal, and the ingredients cheaper to buy (but not when you factor in cost and time of cooking), they may still not be an option for some.

For those who have never really been it - it'd blow your mind how expensive it is to be poor in so many different ways (a feature of capitalism, of course, not a bug).

31 more...

Not defending the nazi loser, and I know it's uncomfortable to admit, but he's not wrong, they are everywhere - in the police and other agencies, working in prisons, in the "justice" system, in government..
They're not all as loud as him, but if you think they're not in and around every point of power in society, you haven't been paying attention.
White supremacy is not the shark, it's the water

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Right, and it just so happens that more and more people are "choosing" to be homeless since the cost of living has deepened (never mind over a decade of Tory enforced austerity that came before it), and despite the fact that hundreds of rough sleepers die every year, mostly due to freezing temperatures and/or related illness..

It's also a classic Tory projection move how in California the problem is due to policy, but where she makes the policy, it's anything but.. 🙄

One of the main reasons the big players want (or even need) as many people globally to remain dependent on it as possible - control.

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I actually think it's those that get so close to the truth, before veering to the right and blaming minorities instead of those who are really to blame (by design of those who are really to blame, of course) - blaming Jews for controlling the banks and the media (it's the obscenely rich), blaming immigrants for poor work conditions/no jobs (it's the obscenely rich), blaming disabled people for being a burden and leeching off the tax payer (it's the obscenely rich), blaming whichever generation is currently in young adulthood for "destroying industries" (it's the obscenely rich), and so on and so on..

I guess they make me angriest because the truth clearly isn't outside of the people who believe the conspiracy's grasp, they'd just rather punch down, solve nothing, but continue to have minor feelings of superiority (which really ties in with the key to all belief in conspiracy theories - "I have special knowledge you don't"), than punch up and actually try to resolve the issues they whine about..

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A tankie is a leftist/communist

No, they like to claim they are communists, in the same way Hitler claimed to be a socialist, and the Kim family claim to be republicans for peoples' democracy.

Tankies are authoritarians.

Communism is inherently incompatible with authoritarianism.

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Just to add my personal opinion - they claim she wasn't killed for being trans, but the article they linked to support this claim includes several examples of blatant transphobia expressed by her murderers, as well as the fact that she was more vulnerable than others, I wonder why that might have been.. 😒

RIP Brianna 🖤

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Looks like a couple of white supremacists from here would feel more at home there though (hey lurkers - from kbin we can see you upvoting the racist blowing their dog whistle, you can't hide)..

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I donated some spindles of burned media and programs to Salvation Army expecting they'd throw 'em out

Good for them for not throwing them away, but if you assumed they would, why "donate" (more like dump) them to charity in the first place? They're not there to provide guilt free disposal for your garbage..

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Don't threaten me with a good time!

Lmfao, this one man is hoarding enough money to solve world hunger 10 times over, and enough influence to change the entire way the world is run, but what he wants (and I know this because of his actions) is to never drop out of the top 5 richest people on the planet list.

And he has you not only convinced that he gives a shit about anyone but himself, but so much so that you are willing to publicly lick his boot.

Good to see the PR is serving its purpose I guess..

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Just to throw some old testament in to the mix - in it, god is non-binary and/or gender fluid, as they use both male and female pronouns (Hebrew doesn't have neutral pronouns), and both man and woman were made in their form.

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Don't microwave plastics that were not designed to be microwaved.
Ground breaking.

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This is far more than mildly infuriating, this is actively putting peoples lives at risk, it's enraging and quite scary, and why disabled and other vulnerable people are continuing to be more isolated than ever.

Fuck this person and the bullshit they spread. I rarely leave the house, but if I did and someone handed me something like this I'd grab the whole pile and set it on fire, casually roll over their feet with my wheelchair on my way, too (E: actually, scratch that, I wouldn't want to get that close to the disease vector, even with my mask on).

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Those making the money off of our basic needs also own the politicians "working for the people" (via "lobbying", aka bribery), so they essentially make the rules for themselves, and they don't like "competition", simple.

Just a reminder that not only is covid not over, but in many places infections are on the rise again and people are still dying, while vaccines become less and less accessible, no other official measures taken (like recommending masks on public transport), and more and more long term effects of infection come to light.

As a vulnerable person, the fact that people talk about it like it's in the past scares the shit out of me.

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The intent is transphobia, anything else is an excuse.

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People here in the UK like to pretend that the queen was a granny-saint and that the monarch is a completely benign "figurehead" (still chosen by god though🙄 and gets to sit on a gold throne in a gold room while millions need to decide if to heat or eat).

Of course you're right, and she, and all those who came before her, were active oppressive exploiters, but her death and him taking the job is opening a very small crack where people are more comfortable criticising the institution, and honestly, as depressing as it is that even this is getting pushback from royalists, I'll take it if it means more people in this country start to realise that our overlords are nothing but inbred parasites.

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Relevant quote:

If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire

-George Monbiot

How about instead just abolish the monarchy..

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Shit, I kept reading it "hey trans people.." and for the life of me couldn't understand why this was still up, with a load of upvotes no less..
Had to read it back 4 times knowing I must have got it wrong before I figured it out 🤦‍♀️

He's lying. 100%.
There is no way he did any of that without help from his existing network and connections, if he did it at all (again, I personally do not believe a single word of it).

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‘He wasn’t raping her’

..he said, speaking from experience.

Abusers defend abusers, always have, always will.

He earned entry to law school, won elected office in San Francisco and was featured in sympathetic coverage by national media outlets including ABC and USA Today, who allowed him to explain how his life was nearly ruined due to women making false allegations against him

It's not enough that we don't believe women, but then instead platform potential sex pests (at the very least) for being accused of sex crimes. The epitome of rape culture, that leads to the deaths and abuse of countless women.

E: while my initial comment stands, the more I read about this guy, the worse it gets - he had stalked an ex (and was abusing both ex and last wife who he later murdered), and was barred from campus, but at least one of the women he claimed falsely accused him leading to the expulsion didn't even know what he was talking about.
He's basically fighting windmills of his own making in an attempt to deflect from his own behaviour, like so many abusers do, but he definitely took it to the next level with a publicity tour and being poster boy for MRAs.
The sad reality is that Rachel might have been saved if we didn't exist in a world that ignores all of the warning signs of gendered violence.