1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hello 🥳

Its just android skinned

I can't imagine wearing shoes indoors (at home), My feet are kept warm by socks.

13 more...

Those same people will be shocked when their smart assistant has saved all past recordings of their requests. Lmfao

Then again, This article is on one of the cancers of the internet "unilad".

You "earn" points by searching and doing daily stuff which you can redeem for gift cards/rewards.

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For adblocking, You can get Content blockers from the app store that you enable in the settings, Personally I use Adguard Pro. I've also got an Extension that makes websites Dark mode called 'Noir', You can adjust settings global/per site if they dont look good.

Extensions/Content blockers are limited to Safari (to my knowledge).

They used a Chip from 2018, So It was already "old" when they released the phone in 2020.

Not making excuses for them and Qualcomm are equally as shit because they just drop support so quickly.

I am aware of other chips that are supported longer than it.

Nobody is lmfao

Get an external SSD if you can't open the laptop, Modern laptops will have a fast usb c port available (I use mine for VR).

They also talk about playing ToTK on the laptop too...

"Will Tears of the Kingdom take up the space they otherwise would have occupied?"

I know you can emulate but this writer wtf

99% of people think all mobile games should be free to use. So they go for P2W to make money.

They wouldnt make anywhere close to the amount they do via P2W if they did an upfront cost.


My mouse uses batteries too, Just swap out once it dies on me.

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My previous one was a Withings Steel HR, Fantastic smart watch, did the basics but it's main draw for me was it's analog watch face. Approx 1 month battery life. The smart stuff was shown in a small screen behind it. Ultimately I stopped using it due to age, always losing Bluetooth connection so notifications were unreliable.

My current watch is an Amazfit GTR Mini, Fully touchscreen, Again does basics and few more extras. Battery life is about 10-14days. Nothing to complain about so far.

There is zero reason to switch browsers on iOS, They all run the same engine. Safari also has extensions (which I believe 3rd party browsers can't use).

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The ads weren't terrible on the free Reddit version, they're just inline ads between posts.

There may have been a banner on some galleries but I'm not sure if that's carried over also.

Fantastic, Thank you!

*in the EU

Amazon hasn't used the "Kindle Fire" term for a while, They're now just "Amazon" Fire tablets; I would imagine for Simplicity so people don't get one thinking it's just an eInk eReader.

Samsung is now doing 4 years of Software updates, Still not enough compared to Apple.

It's a "permanent" rental, Until something like this happens.

Turn background app refresh off for majority of apps unless you want it’s data updated in the background.

Perfect, my phone will outlast me

They need to hire more people as they can’t even push out updates they showed off on time.

1 crap mob added via voting nobody likes

What are your floors made of???

It's also on the Switch!

New Careers for the new (and Current) generation.

I run my Pi directly from a USB SSD, no micro SD card installed.

SSDs ofc requires less power so it runs just fine!

It was the NDS (and 3DS), Now It's the switch (hopefully a successor is on the way..)

I like all consoles in general and have had most modern ones up til Xbox One S and PS4.

Only own a PC and Switch now.

I like the portable form factor, I don't feel the need for a Deck as I can play everything I want on my current devices.

I gotta eat it fast yo!

Samsung has their XCover and Active lines; They're just not flagships.

My grandparents have a capped plan of like 60GB last time I was round there, I assume it's some sorta ultra cheap plan given they don't use it a whole bunch it makes sense for them. UK.

Oh man, I must've glossed over that setting.

Both client suggestions are really compelling, I'll have to use both to get a good feeling

Currently playing 'Brotato' on the Switch! Super fun quick game,.

Each round you have to survive and then spend money on weapons/items to survive the next round until Round 20 (unless you do endless).

You unlock difficulties (by surviving the rounds) and characters with different perks/attributes.

Look over your nose, not down at the floor

The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore, It's target audience is young but I enjoy books for any age so it's an easy read!

I still use the Pixel Launcher given animations have been broken for... Years?

Awful delay when swiping for the recent app screen.

I just got a Lenovo ThinkCentre tiny pc, different spec variants but it’s just a tiny windows(or Linux if you want to) pc. Super tiny and quiet.

Mines running windows 10 without issue, m710q. Will swap to Linux soon though as W10 EOL soon.

The fuck is wrong with The Verges logo

Mine is to do with control yes (being male).

Personally it’s internal trauma, I don’t care what society deems good looking or what I should look like (to others).

So I don’t have any major triggers besides someone saying that ‘I look well’, awful thing to say for me personally(I want to appear unwell, it’s common).

Still in full anorexia so I can’t pinpoint why(yet), all I know it’s down to trauma I’ve experienced.