2 Post – 151 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Terrible article, the author stokes a completely basesless moral panic.

Porn has been the go-to scapegoat for every societal ill since time immemorial, and this is just the latest iteration of the constant fretting about it.

And the article he quotes is even more ridiculous. Now fantasy girlfriends are an existential threat to women? If a man wrote about how he has to compete with romance novels and sex toys he would be derided as a fragile loser.

I am bored with this type of discourse.

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You will take your spyware infused Chromium and you will like it.

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So a poorly made electric vehicle by one manufacturer means that the entire field is non-viable?

EDIT: Lmao, check out this guy's posts, every single comment is shitting on battery EVs and shilling hydrogen vehicles. I don't know how much you're being paid to shill for the fossil fuel industry, but I hope it's enough.

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I am tired of hearing about this asshole, at this point c/technology is giving him free publicity.

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Users: Use the product as it was designed and advertised.


FFS, if you cannot monitor your employee's productivity via ERP software or meetings you are a shit boss and you should have been shitcanned a long time ago. Why the fuck is the mainstream media pumping out this shit day in and day out?

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At this point businesses have two options:

  • Bite the bullet, terminate lease agreements and pay the fines associated, then advertise yourself as a full remote company and attract global talent.
  • Be penny wise and pound foolish, stomp your feet, slowly hemmorage the best employees until you're left with people whose only talent is playing office politics.

We'll see how this plays out in the long run, it wouldn't be out of character for the owner class to start needling their pet politicians to devalue currency even more to put those pesky workers in their place.

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The fact that a state government used a commercial service to inform the public is absurd, and this was bound to happen eventually.

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I don't get Ska hatred. It's fast, punky dance music for alternative clubs, you have to go out of your way to be exposed to it. It's not like its being continually replayed on "Billboard's top 20 hits" radio stations.

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The absolute state of AAA gaming nowadays.

This has been crossposted on so many communities, please, stop beating this particular dead horse. I am sick of hearing about Reddit.

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Reminder that Steve Wozniak is the true Apple genius.

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I'm sorry op, I tried to summon all of my fucks, but alas, there were none to give

Its almost as though Hamas is a terrorist organisation or something

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The comment section is laughable. I hope none of you or your loved ones will need an organ transplant in the future, since it's better to be put on a waiting list and cross your fingers that you won't die before an organ is available, since cattle is oh-so-important and precious.

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Just read the article, and holy shit is this guy delusional. 50 percent unemployment would cause massive unrest, if not total collapse of many branches of the economy. The fact he wasn't laughed out of the room speaks volumes about these billionare circlejerk events.

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Stop. Giving. Reddit. Traffic., they have a huge selection of books and other forms of media, and they really need donations.

tl;dr - The author is either deluded (or paid to misinform the public) and thinks that the data stealing corporate internet is "open and collaborative".

I've said it before, if your religion is preventing you form doing your job, either change you religion or change your job.

At this point being into the MW series is basically having a humilliation fetish with a side order of findoming.

Sorry to burst your tortured made up anecdote, but taxis exist.

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What a completely unecessary way to complicate your life. Inheritance stuff and wills should be left to your lawyers, not some easily compromised online service. As for the online accounts, who gives a fuck about accsessing them after I kick the bucket? It's not like my grandchildren are going to wistfully read my lemmy shitposts.

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Judge saw through the crocodile tears, and sentenced her appropriately. I see a lot of pearl clutching in this thread, would you be so empathic towards this sociopath if the victim were your mother or grandmother?

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Fascists create enemies out of everyone who isn't a fascist, then complain how they're surrounded by enemies.

Can we have one positive news article without the gloom and doom, please?

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I see no counter-arguments in your reply.

Congratulations, here is your "has read the fucking aritcle" award 🏆

At this point I wouldn't be suprised that some dev companies are taking Microsoft kickback money under the table. There is really no excuse for a game not to work on Linux natively on 2023.

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Kurt hid his addiction, while Amy bragged about not going to rehab. She was also a victim of tabloids, who stood by while she wrecked her life. The inculsion of Kurt Cobain into the narrative is completely superfluos, and only serves to bolster the author's political views.

Women's clothing is more form fitting, so pockets are reduced in order to avoid deforming the figure with pocket lumps + women wear ginormous purses anyway. If you want clothing with deep pockets, sporting goods store feature women's cargo pants.

(I know it's a joke, it's just I'm tired of seeing it).

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Freedom in the future will require us to have the capacity to monitor our devices and set meaningful policy on them, to examine and terminate the processes that run on them, to maintain them as honest servants to our will, and not as traitors and spies working for criminals, thugs, and control freaks.

This is the crux of the entire article and the entire debate. If we don't control our devices, then the devices will be used to control us.

There are currently 401 operational nuclear power plants worldwide, and you've managed to list three (with three mile island not even breaching facilty containment) accidents in 70 years of nuclear energy exploitation. If that doesn't vouch for safety and reliability of nuclear, I don't know what does. Unlearn cold war hysteria.

I've recently decided to gauge the trustworthiness of businesses based on their website cookie policy. Here, we have the "accept user preferences" greyed out, and the "accept all cookies" presented as an active button, even though both buttons can be clicked. I've yet to interact with your site and business, and you're already trying to pull a fast one on me.

The copyright industry contributes very little to actual authors, hoards knowledge and charges enourmously for access to works that were financed by public funds, and should have been in the public domain from the get go.

We need a serious reform of copyright law, which will not happen until we stop lobbyists from influencing legislators.

The American Greek fraternity system frankly baffles me. Why would a newly independent young person go through a humiliation gauntlet in order to join a hyper-conformist pseudo cult?


So now we have Wario-ware style microgames as captchas? Beats "which piece of this image is a bus?".

I remember installing Debian in 2008 as a complete linux noob and only pressing the space bar to install it. Has the procesd changed in the meantime?

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Rode eyeland

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