Ska is the "pineapple on pizza" of music genres to – 228 points –

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I don't get Ska hatred. It's fast, punky dance music for alternative clubs, you have to go out of your way to be exposed to it. It's not like its being continually replayed on "Billboard's top 20 hits" radio stations.

Also, it's older than Rock and Roll. It's from a time when big sound meant more band members, but the current music ecomony doesn't seem well suited to supporting acts with lots of members. I long for asignificant fourth wave ska revival.

Eh, kids shows are full of Ska, which makes total sense because it is impossible not to feel happy and excited when you hear it.

So if you have kids, you're probably exposed to more Ska music than you realize.

True, but so is pineapple pizza, I think OPs point still stands. I like pineapple pizza AND Ska.