
1 Post – 169 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nice stick bro.


"Failed" implies they tried.

Next: Not Raising Subscriptions to $100/month is Costing Spotify More Than 1 Billion Dollars per Year.

Wait it's all bing? 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀

Didn't read the bill cause pdf and cause it's a bill, but found another article describing it, and it says at the end:

The bill also would apply to material that as a whole lacks serious "literary, artistic, political, and scientific value for minors."

Isn't that like 99% of the internet?

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They spend that much in R&D and can't come up with a better UI than old.reddit

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They're part of today's lucky 10000.

ten thousand xkcd comic


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From what i read, Auto Pilot (AP) is just to keep u on your lane while Full Self Driving (FSD) just switches lanes into oncoming traffic.

That's another, goes well with those beans.

If it's hard to see, that's rice, "cooked" in a soda plastic bottle, on a bbq grill.

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Related news:


Yes, it's just for OP to say "I use Arch".

Lactose intolerant ppl need to be more tolerant 🙃

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Just make out of game purchases like Paradox.

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It's not called Heimlich anymore? I guess i have to watch some MikeyMedic videos...

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  • Green fingers from touching too much grass.

9mm vs ballistic gel

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I'd guess every day someone gets fed up with some MS bullshit and goes looking for something else, for me it was the forced updates/restart and the following waiting to finish updates then 100% disk usage for a few minutes, then removing whatever bullshit that got reinstalled.

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Click Yes.

So those who aren't victims of piracy will be "fairly hurt"?

Saw an elephant rescue a few days ago and the chest compression was a dude jumping on top of it.

Found a news article about it


AAAA Cloud hosting


I keep seeing food ads and think of how good it would be to have them (in an abstract sense, I wouldn't be able to eat them if they were in front of me).


Good Luck on the clinic!


Another Jizard


You might not have noticed, but it's Next-Gen! next gen

It's in Australia

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My foot has Arch btw

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I block all post bots, i think they're useless. Those on comments are fine, like the remindme, piped, link fixer, chatgpt, etc.

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For people coming from windows i think linux mint is the best choice.

Gimp, blender and vscode works well on linux

U can code dart/flutter with no problems on vscode on linux, android studio also works fine if you need to export to android.

For file manager i use nemo (default on mint cinnamon).

Other software mentioned i have no idea.