4 Post – 189 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

More incentive to post low quality content

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What if I'm already not using it?

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I'm 36. I'm tired of everybody taking my money. I'm tired of corporations. I'm here to get away from that.

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I've been in the industry for over a decade and I find it fascinating how much lighting has changed in that time. When LEDs were first available, they were $60+ per bulb. Now you can get multipacks for under $10. Also, CFL bulbs were almost universally hated by everyone (and for good reason) now we no longer sell them. We strictly sell LEDs for regular lighting and we still sell incandescent specialty bulbs. Also, when LEDs first arrived there was a lot of distain for them, especially by the elderly. They wanted their energy wasting incandescent bulbs dammit! It seems the majority of them have come around because they've learned that LEDs are better.

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I think its 90% of users lurk, 9% comment, and only 1% create new posts. Or at least something like that

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Why are the opinions of some random CEO of a company that isn't even named even in this article? It is irrelevant and doesn't even make me want to read the article.

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I remember when everyone was simping over her when she was cracking Hogwarts Legacy but no one cared once the crack was released.

I'm just curious what the nsfw patch does

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I use Gboard because it just works. I would like to move to a FOSS keyboard but every one I've tried become frustrating to use.

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I ditched Windows for a Linux Mint just over a month ago. Best decision.

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I just wiped Windows from my main PC the other day and put Linux Mint on there. Feels good man.

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Too many people don't know what it actually means.

It's nice isn't it? I feel like if we'll evolve quickly

I think he thinks being a moderator is an important job or something.

I was so confused about why both WD and SanDisk were mentioned but I know they are just the same company now?

Talk to an admin

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I haven't even thought about getting McDonald's ice cream in years just because it seems like they are never able to serve it so I'm not even going to try. When I want ice cream I'll go to the place that make ice cream on a cold slab.

Corporate Greed

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A pixel with custom firmware that removes the Google is my preferred phone choice.

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I'm only using Reddit to check in on things until the 1st.

I'm 36. It's going to be ok.

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I can tell you something good that is happening this week. I got a job offer so I can quit the retail job I've been doing for 11 years.

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What an awesome story to hear. I've been playing around with Organic Maps on my phone. I'll have to look into JOSM.

Tumblr still exists?

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You can block entire communities, you'll probably have to do it from the site.

Nobody likes a pedant.

I don't care what people say, automatic is superior.

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I remember I had a few of these. If I recall correctly there was also a blue Kububtu one.

All searches are just now 99% filler and its extremely difficult to find the actual information you're looking for.

It isn't possible currently. You can create an account on a different instance though.

It's already been fixed in 0.0.35 Update your app

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I actually have no idea what Framework is.

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While I understand the appeal, those are 2 features that I don't need. Having the option would be nice though.

The behavior is seen by everyone everywhere. I've seen signs in places banning the filming of tiktoks.

Is the Cyber Truck going to be plagued with issues?

The most secure thing to do would be to host your own server. You can do this with Bitwarden. Remember though that if you lose your server, you lose your passwords. You can also just use Bitwarden and their cloud service. It's free and open source.

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It's never too late. Sure, they already have a lot of data on you but you can keep them from getting more.

Fly a kite 😀🪁

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Technology is hard

What they mean is the only way to play these games is emulation instead of being able to purchase them from the company that owns the rights. That's bad because many people either do no know about emulation, do not know how to emulate, don't want to figure out how to emulate, don't want to involve themselves in legal gray areas (downloading ROMs is illegal afterall) etc... Basically, the companies that have the rights to these games are just squatting on them and not ever rereleasing them again. Those people above can never or will never experience those games. Some people want to just pay the company and play an old game that they heard about so they can't. As far as preservation goes, the archivists have that covered but there just isn't a solution for the average Joe to play older games that are no longer sold physically or digitally.

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