What is the best thing that could happen to you this week?

TheLemming@feddit.de to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 84 points –

It should be within reasonable range, like e.g. you won't wake up as a Yedi or Superman tomorrow and world hunger won't be solved just in a few days, etc


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I can tell you something good that is happening this week. I got a job offer so I can quit the retail job I've been doing for 11 years.

Congratulations!! Really trying to get to the same spot right now. I'm in software with very niche experience though, so nobody want to hire me.

Despite my misgivings with my job, it's far less shitty than retail (been there) so I can suck it up.

I'm pretty sure that my job is related to the majority of my mental health issues so I'm really happy to get out. It's pretty emotional though because 11 years at a job is a long time.

Man I've been there. Once you see the positive mental health gains, though, you'll wonder how you lasted 11 years haha.

I'm happy for you, and I hope it's only up from here!

Congrats! My partner is in a similar spot. He deeply wants to get out of retail but even so, he’s remiss to leave behind a decade+ of his time at this company. It’s oddly bittersweet (and it doesn’t help that the job search has been rough too).