What is the best thing that could happen to you this week?

TheLemming@feddit.de to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 84 points –

It should be within reasonable range, like e.g. you won't wake up as a Yedi or Superman tomorrow and world hunger won't be solved just in a few days, etc


I'll start. The best thing that can happen to me this week is to successfully make plans that I am happy about for the weekend :)

For my cat's test results to come back negative.


so good for kitty!

It's just a nasty inflammation on his shoulder, the vet thinks it's from a tick bite, or a thorn.
Two weeks of meds, three times a day. I'm getting better at it, kitty does not resist as he did at first, it's become a quick and painless thing to pop the pill right down his throat.

But yeah... I screwed up by forgetting to apply his Advantage flea and tick oil earlier this summer.

oh yeah it can be very hard to have an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat when they require flea treatments like that.

My wife is interviewing for a job today. It would be a big deal if she got it, especially since she's been out of work for six months.

Oof, been there. It sucks. I hope it went well!

Thanks much. It apparently went great! Now we wait for the offer, which should be coming and hopefully will be worth it!

My baby will be born! Hopefully tomorrow, but if not, then Saturday!

I can tell you something good that is happening this week. I got a job offer so I can quit the retail job I've been doing for 11 years.

Congratulations!! Really trying to get to the same spot right now. I'm in software with very niche experience though, so nobody want to hire me.

Despite my misgivings with my job, it's far less shitty than retail (been there) so I can suck it up.

I'm pretty sure that my job is related to the majority of my mental health issues so I'm really happy to get out. It's pretty emotional though because 11 years at a job is a long time.

Man I've been there. Once you see the positive mental health gains, though, you'll wonder how you lasted 11 years haha.

I'm happy for you, and I hope it's only up from here!

Congrats! My partner is in a similar spot. He deeply wants to get out of retail but even so, he’s remiss to leave behind a decade+ of his time at this company. It’s oddly bittersweet (and it doesn’t help that the job search has been rough too).

A job offer. I work in software and it's tough out there this summer.

Remember a decade ago when people kept saying IT jobs would always be in demand?

Same. Feels like employers refuse to hire anyone.

All my digestive problems could disappear. That'd be rad.

No more heartburn. No more constipation.

A reliable sleep schedule.

I've been having trouble with it for a LONG time. But last week I found that 2mg melatonin before bed makes me both fall asleep easier AND wake up in a better mood/less sleep inertia. I'm hoping it lasts.

Melatonin gives me some trippy ass dreams/night terrors

It HAS given me more dreams lately. Nothing bad. But I only had one nightmare as an adult. And it rarely shows up anyway.

I also had issues sleeping. 50mg Trazodone. No more issues sleeping. I'm out for a solid 6 hours within 30 minutes of taking.

the only thing I learned in therapy that helped me was getting the correct dosage of melatonin. I use to think you would take more to sleep longer and deeper - turns out no. Need to take less.

I take 1mg now instead of 10 and it works amazing.

Without a prescription we only get 1mg pills anyway around here anyway. Is whats recommended.

whoa, you have to get melatonin prescribed? it's like widely available where I am.

Its only recently-ish (2020) become prescription-less here in Norway, and only in small amounts. We are a very conservative country when it comes to healtcare.

that's interesting, I had no idea. It's kinda crazy you can get such a high dosage of it here over the counter or online cause after I talked to someone who's a doctor- it doesn't even seem like you need that much of it ever really.

Oh interesting about the lack of sleep inertia! I’ve only tried melatonin once or twice but I had such heavy sleep inertia waking up. Glad you found something that works!

a decent job offer, have been job hunting for 2 months, but i'm neither senior nor junior. for some stuff i'm expert, others i have never done, the recruiters do not like this.

Dear lord I know your pain.

A great big "Fuck You" to Capitol One for making me call off work for a 6 hour interview, telling me I did great, and then telling me that they can't hire me due to my lack of AWS experience which I told them about from the very beginning.

"Oh we'd love it if you applied again in 6 months" as though I'd ever want to work for a company that so disrespectfully wasted my time, even if I did somehow magically gain AWS work experience while stuck in a job that does not use AWS during that timeframe.

Fuck that fucking shit. Apply in six months and lie about that AWS experience. I'll be your reference

Haha, thank you friend. I'm probably just going to relegate myself to telling everyone who'll listen to that Capitol One should be avoided though

Win the lottery. A lot would be solved if I got a little bit more cash.

Are you even playing the lottery? VERY unlikely if you arent.

A couple of times per year for the heck of it.

I do it when I have $2.50 over that I won't be sad if I lost.

It won't hurt if I win and it won't really hurt if I do.

It's when you start to put in a lot of cash that it starts to hurt and $10 per year won't get me anywhere.

A layoff/but out package that would carry me to my retirement date.

One of y'all can have this job. I've been doing it for enough decades now.

nah thanks, I'll take the outpackage to retirement as well

I also choose this guy's retirement package.

I won't be forced to work 6 days again and actually a good 3 days off so I can recharge for once.

Already gonna happen - it's Father's Day here in Australia, and my little girl will be spoiling me with all the little gifts she got from the school Father's Day stall last week. And we're going to start the Clone Wars series together.

Finding a new apartment. My landlord just gave notice because they need the apartment for a family member and I need to find and move to a new place within three months.

Sucks big time cuz my current apartment is a pretty new building, quality flooring, bath, kitchen, tons of windows and very bright overall and I am paying way too little compared to similar apartments.

My daughter hit a deer last evening in her car and our insurance adjuster is due to be here within the hour to look at the damage and decide what to do.

My hope is that they’ll repair it and get it done quickly… she’s due to start her new job in less than a week and needs her car to get there… 🤞🏻

I successfully negotiate a wage appropriate to the work I'm doing as a co-op turned regular employee. Currently making a little over minimum, the national average for the work is 50/hr. Would be a massive boost to my life goals.

I have a flight to catch tomorrow and am currently running a fever of 103°F.

The best thing that could happen to me would be that I miraculously get better so I don't miss my flight.

Not gonna happen though. I'll just have to book another ticket for next week. That's the equivalent of ~100 USD (~300 USD on PPP basis) I'll never see again.

If my eife agreed to go to couples therapy, that's the best realistic thing. Well, I don't know how realistic it is.

Best of luck

It's been said that 90% of luck is preparation, and I've done about all the preparation I can do on this one.

My wife had been after me to go to couples therapy. I was convinced we didn't need it. After a while, I just scheduled something and sent her an appointment notice. Figured if she thought we needed it, I'd give it a try.

She called the therapist and cancelled our appointment soon after i sent her the notice. She claimed, "we didn't need to spend money on that right now." She hasn't brought it up since.

No idea what that was about

You're better than them!

This is not a "I don't want therapy because I'm not invested in the relationship" situation. This is a "I have a deep distrust of medical professionals due to past trauma" situation.

I receive an invite for a job interview. I'm so tired of trying to make my resume better and writing cover letters.

Saturday, visiting Tijuana Mexico for first time. Driving down from San Diego.

Hoping for a nice safe visit.

Get a decent raise so that I can do more than just make ends meet and can stop delivering for DoorDash.

I got an invitation from the towns' mayor for my wife and me to attend a gala dinner. And yes, it is real.

The part I ordered to fix the dishwasher could come in, so we can finally start using it again after 2 weeks.

I'm doing alright, all things considered.

I buy a lottery ticket once a month just for the fun of some cheap fantasies/dreams. A few years ago I won $2000. I wouldn't mind a repeat.

Possibly getting a job offer. I made it all they way to the final round, instructions mentioned a wait of at least three working days for the results.

Opening my email and have the work invitation I've been waiting on for nearly two months.

(before someone asks: I wasn't tricked or fooled. I did the interview, got the direct responsible for the hiring calling me and asking if I was interested, the whole deal. But I'm waiting for a formal invitation from a national agency, for which I'll be working as a private contractor; this implies a lot of beaurocracy and too many big wigs getting bothered to have a meeting to approve having things done.)

that my crush asks me out finally when I see them again on Saturday; or at least get closer to going out somewhere even just as friends.

Why wait for them to ask you?

for one, I want it to happen organically which means I've been trying to be outgoing every time I'm there and very patient lol

the big issue is they work in a dispensary. And I actually know them from the last dispensary they worked in. But that place was kinda shitty and they were on shift alone a lot but it was easier to flirt with them back then.

I'm a fool and should have asked back then but didn't for some reason. I think I was still stuck on it happening organically then too.

But now where they work, there's always other people there. There's only been a few times where I was able to talk to them when they were alone and I actually apologized to them recently for being super awkward every time we interact and they agreed they were also being that way lol

anyway, I've felt bad about this for awhile but I feel a lot better about it now that I've talked to them about our previous interactions and they always compliment me when I'm in there. so here's hoping something good happens Saturday.

Dude, you've just gotta go in and ask em if they want to go for coffe sometime, because either they're into you too or you're the creepy customer who followed them from one dispensary to another to flirt with them. I really hope it's the first, but if it's the latter you've gotta leave that poor retail worker alone and find a new dispensary.

Yeah, I felt bad about it because of comments like this. I didn't know they went to work at a different dispensary that happened to be closer to my house.

They're fine and they always compliment me - I've complimented them once. We also talked recently and they said all our awkward interactions were fine too.

Well then get yo ass over there and ask em out!

I only see them there on Saturdays lol

kid, don't listen to them. you do you. at your own speed.

lol thank you! I'd much rather it come up in conversation instead of me awkwardly going in there and spilling my guts by just asking them out.

Why are using plural? Who are "they"? I'm not from US so I might be missing something, sorry...

"They" is also used as genderless singular, since OP didn't specify their or their crush's gender you'd use "they" instead of "he/she"

If I can add my two cents, an organic meet cute is overrated. We all want that cute “we met in a bookstore and bonded over favorite authors” story but it has so little bearing on the actual relationship. My guy and I met on tinder and had a very original first date at a brewery lol. But four years in and that part is inconsequential.

Take that step and see what happens! Regardless, it sounds like you’re headed that direction, so best of luck!

See, I never really have meet cutes. I do what you did and got no where. I've met loads of guys and girls on dating apps and they all ghost.

I don't get the hate for meet cutes outside of they are hard to achieve and take lots of patience.

It’s not “hate” for meetcutes, it’s just resistance to the idea that a cute origin story has any substantial effect on the future of the relationship.

I mean, its a common thing I see that people seem to try and discourage. Seems like people don't like it in general for some reason.

I could find £1,500 dropped in my lap to cover my ADHD treatment expenses. Literally all of them.

Or I can just continue to suffer until I'm eventually homeless, I guess, seeing as that's an amount of money I'll never see, because life is unfortunately cruel and hopeless.

die in my sleep

This is what I was looking for. Although any painless and instantaneous death would do.

A decent time in Saturday's race. Not a medal of anything, just nothing too embarrassing.

My mom's ex husband who just ran away from our business and their marriage drop dead

@u202307011927 @asklemmy Well it not only could happen but is happening. I'm babysitting my nieces this weekend. (I'm their favorite aunt :sip_cat: )

If I found or was given about 10k, my life would take a pretty nice turn towards being able to stop relying on my parents when a crisis happens.

My wife's car has a blown headgasket, and we were quoted by 2 mechanics that it'd be about 5k to fix since the engine overheated for a long period of time (sensors didn't tell us it was overheating) and needs to be replaced. This is dumb since I still owe about 5k on the car it's self so I'd probably just pay the car off to get out from under it and use the other 5k to find a better more reliable vehicle. Man, that shit would be nice.