2 Post – 370 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Scatterbrained and friendly optimist. Always happy to give my (unasked for) opinion :)

Pardon my rambling and broken English, I know I often sound like an alien trying to impersonate a human being.

Happy Birthday!
Sorry to hear about your birthday money, I hope you’ll still get to have nice day in spite of it!

Here you go :)

Blender is my favorite open source tool I wish I knew how to use :)
I’d love to use it for creating my own designs and took several attempts at learning it. But I always end up giving up on it due to lack of time and energy.

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There’s a high pitched sound coming from one of the air ducts. It’s driving me crazy but no one else seems to hear it.

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When going on vacations abroad, we bring a power strip from home. With it, you'll only need a single international converter to power multiple devices.

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3d printing. I started out with a cheapish Chinese model, got annoyed by the lack of accuracy and bought a Prusa.
Then there’s the filaments, accessories, post processing stuff... I own a Dremel now for some reason!
And I’m constantly eyeing those resin 3d printers, telling myself the higher resolution is totally worth it…
The only thing saving my bank account is my low attention span and dozens of other interests :)

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I'm one of those Reddit refugees. I can't say anything about how things were before I got here, but I would like to add that I treat Lemmy a whole lot different from Reddit. When I joined there was plenty of talk about the lack of content, people only upvoting but not commenting, that kind of thing.
So I took this as a sign that I should be more of a participant and not the three-posts-to-my-name lurker that I was at Reddit. And I saw similar motivations with other users. So I do hope that at least part of the refugees have added a positive influence, and more so than they ever did when they were still using Reddit.

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Arriving home with my newborn son. It was the first moment when it really sank in that I’m a parent and we have to take care of this tiny little thing.
It wasn’t a warm feeling but more of a fuuuuuck! What do we do? What do we do?! feeling. The enormity of the responsibility just overwhelmed me.
I somehow got through it and the post-natal care lady that visited a few hours later really helped with grounding the situation.

Anyway, it’s not a crazy situation for most of you. But for me it really felt like a “I can’t believe this is happening!” situation.

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Crippling self doubt, what else?

Not for AITA, but I once wrote a long emotional response to a relationship reddit repost without realizing it what it really was. Only after hitting send did I finally see. It really sucked because I thought I was helping the OP with some advice and comfort and felt like a huge idiot afterwards.
So, yea.. there's no real value in reposting these kinds of messages if you can't even reach out to the OP. And it just feels kind of scummy to be discussing these kinds of issues without the OP even being able to read along.

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Collecting hobbies :)

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No idea if this is obscure or not, but for creating diagrams I've found a very useful free website/tool (there's an offline version).
The ability to hide the entire model inside the png is really neat. You can upload the png in a wiki and later on just import it to alter it again.

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What’s the opposite of procrastination?
Eagerness girl? That.. sounds wrong somehow.

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If anything I feel less ashamed than when I was a teenager. I still love cute stuff, stupid humor and toys :)

You have my full support.
As a.. whatever the hell I am.. I support everyone to be who they want to be. No exceptions.

Oh my god that’s creepy!
Even when I can see the seal, I just can’t unsee that.. that.. thing.

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No, not at all. I went to a christian high school and that experience removed pretty much any doubts I might have had.
I'm a happy atheist, don't really care about all this religious stuff. I don't mind that others believe, just as long as they don't impose their views on others.

It took a serious change in attitude for me to not become a lurker anymore. I always figured that if I have nothing interesting to say, I should just be quiet.
Eventually I realized that people are often happy to just get some feedback and interaction, even if it isn't the most interesting or original response. As long as it's done in a positive and friendly manner, you're creating a sense of community.

Cows that are completely brown give chocolate milk.
My mother said it as a joke, but at the time it made complete sense to me. By logical extension, there must’ve been a farm with pink cows for the strawberry milk.

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I was on a high school trip to Poland in the 90's. It was an eight day trip through the country, including a couple of days of kayaking. Our school was definitely on a tight budget to make this trip work, so we spend our nights in a bunch of cheap hotels and camping grounds.

One luxury that we were always missing out on was decent toilet paper. The only toilet paper supplied was this single ply stuff with the same texture as sanding paper. So when we were out for an evening in Warsaw I visited a five star hotel to enjoy some quality bathroom time. This was several days in and I really wanted to enjoy using a toilet in a heated and clean environment. And it was so nice! No smells, no cold drafts and the toilet paper! So soft! I was in heaven :)

As luck would have it, the bathroom stall had a whole stack of these magically soft toilet rolls. On an impulse I stuffed all of them (around six if I remember correctly) under my coat and smuggled them out of the hotel. Back at the camp I shared them with the rest of my classmates, bringing back a little bit of luxury in our dreary little place. Never been that popular in my life :)

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Writing, it allowed for knowledge to travel across vast distances. And for that knowledge to remain available and accurate for far longer than any oral tradition would be capable of.

I love it. Hope she’ll rock that name like no one’s business.

Being told, by my classmates, that the tooth fairy isn't real with me fervently claiming otherwise. Thanks a lot mom and dad, you were too convincing.

I have little dance moves that I like to use when walking around the office. Little turn on heel here, stand on tiptoe there, round the corner in a fluid motion, balance on one leg, little jump, etc.
It's not that obvious if you look at me at first glance and I make sure to keep the really visible moves for when I'm alone. But it's something I'm doing (un)consciously most of the time. I guess I just like being light-footed :)

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Are you kidding? Mr. Sweet sounds like some kind of professional hitman. I do not want to meet with any Mr. Sweet :)

I'm going to assume that this is basically a question on what my favorite color is with extra steps :)

I'm also a big fan of purple! But if I had to choose, I'd go for #7851A9 instead:
royal purple
Royal purple

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Wear a mask wherever I go. Not so much because for health reasons, but because I like to hide my face. I feel more comfortable that way, but at the same time people stare at you like you're some kind of terrorist.
I prefer to wear scarves or other items that hide my face below my eyes.

Worrying what other people think of me.
I know I shouldn’t care, but it’s hard not to.

You must greet everyone you meet with a handshake and ten seconds of uninterrupted eye contact. Forced smiles and a serious talk about how you really are doing are also mandatory.
Pretty awkward if you ask me :)

Oh, me too! I love giving people my opinion.

not /s, I really do :)

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Two come to mind.
First is Monkey Island. It's the first game I ever finished all by myself. The opening scene with the theme music still gives me goosebumps.
The second is Daggerfall, the first game I devoted an ungodly amount of hours to. I spend all my time exploring every nook and cranny of that world, playing the tourist, borrowing huge amounts of money in some tiny country with no intend on paying back, splurging that money on houses, boats, clothes, armor and whatever else I wanted :)

Fuck yes. I want that one!

Garbage in is garbage out

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That smell you get after a summer rain in the forest. Everything just seems to be so alive.

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I'm still waiting for my $1000 from Bill Gates for passing on his e-mail :(

To my eternal shame, that really happened. I was young, gullible and stupid..
I guess there are worse ways to learn not to be so trusting.

Me and my daughter are (re)watching Samurai Jack. It’s a lot of fun and the art style is still gorgeous.
We’re going to skip the last season though. That one was definitely a lot darker and she’s still too young for that.

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Climbing things! Trees, walls, playground equipment. Just the idea of being able to get up there from here gets me excited. Same thing with tunnels and other out of the way places. I just love to explore places where I'm not supposed to be ever since I was little and I never really lost that.
Of course nowadays I can't be seen climbing on someone's roof or trying to scale a security fence without being seen as a trespasser. 😒

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Having played the evil path in Star Wars KOTOR.. I'd have to say it's me.

Not enby but always happy with a new name :)

A “look” is usually enough to let each other know something is up.
We haven’t really figured out how to communicate what that “something” is though and always end up more confused than informed.