T (they/she)

@T (they/she)@beehaw.org
13 Post – 341 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just make sure things are working while doing this. Maybe accepting your changes and the incoming changes is the correct way, but you need to know what you are doing.

Can you elaborate? I would love to learn more about the alternative suggestions

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You pull the origin to your fork and solve the conflicts one by one, that's usually how it goes.

If you want to keep your files how they are you can select "accept local changes" instead of "accept incoming changes". That's it.

Edit: If you need something more detailed let me know, I am assuming you are using an IDE like VSCode

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If they don't know how to solve conflicts do you think that they know the difference between merge or rebase?

The first controller other than the Steam Controller with 4 back buttons that work with steam input I am buying. It seems this isn't the one yet and I am assuming these custom buttons are in the front (they didn't show the back at all). 🥲

Can we please fix the crashing and the closing keyboard too, please? 🥺

Not asking for a fix on PWAs because I know this is going to take forever to be fixed but sometimes it is hard to keep using Firefox on mobile

[ x ] I am in this picture and I don't like it

Bitcoin educator lmao

I can't put into words how much disgust I feel for Fandom wikis. Apparently there is an alternative front-end for it, but I still need to try it out.

You all hate discs until you have a library that you can rent games for free close to you. Or you want to sell a game you already played to buy something else. I don't care of what some boss from GameStop says because at the end of the day, they run a business out of it, but complaining about physical media is something I don't understand someone would do as a consumer. Did we really learn nothing from companies simply shutting down online stores when they want?

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Never did anyone in this steam group go out of their way to harass anyone involved with the company.

Never was it "a bunch of sexist and racist white people being upset about diversity in videogames".

Very bold statements in favour of people that I know myself are extremely "anti diversity / anti woke". Do you even know who the creator of the Steam group is? Guy is known for being the scum of the Brazilian WoW community.

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OP, you need to understand that you are leaving your confort zone and things might not work and that's okay. You can have plenty of issues with Windows as well but I think we're just trained to ignore them or assume it not the OS's fault.

I've had this sleep issue once with Arch Limux and I think that's related with a lack of swap memory. Did you configure it?

Regarding issues with programs that you use like Slack etc, If it takes too long, there might have something wrong. I never used Mint so I have no idea on what Pop Store is but I would go away to search for the packages on their official websites.

If you don't have the patience to learn a new OS just don't do it. You're not obligated to do so, you're not inferior because of it and you are free to choose what is better for you. I do feel better using Linux these days because I am honestly very tired on MS making decisions on what's best and I enjoy fixing issues by myself.

I think you wording might offend a lot of people here because Linux and open source is almost a lifestyle for a lot of people, so if you need help staying it might be more productive to calm down and elaborate on your isssues in the future.

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This is a very good example of a reply that doesn't help at all. Sorry.

You aren't aware of eveyones contexts so assuming everyone can simply ditch communication apps is very narrow minded. Many people have family members that aren't well versed in tech and in many situations calling isn't an option. My 70 years old mom for example would probably find easier to write me a letter and send it through mail than to learn how to use a new app (she can't call since we live in different countries). Whenever they even change the app layout is a pain.

I deeply hate Whatsapp with all my might but there are sacrifices that need to be done for people you care about.

There's no such thing as unskilled labor. Labor is labor, specially if someone else has to do it even if you don't want to.

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Sorry but at first I agree with the point you were trying to make, at the same time you need to be careful when having discussions as this because it might seem you're just straight up attacking people.

I think it is weird they didn't say anything before, considering Dorsey deleted his account 8 months ago.

Rust, so we could have a lemmy fork 🤡

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Stremio is a parasite. They are "legal" because the app itself doesn't contain anything illegal, you have to add the plugins on the side. It is just awful because it just leeches from torrents and don't seed anything.

We're just self hosting our stuff and using Jellyseer, it's convenient and we can just forget stuff seeding as long as we can

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I knew I was going to find a comment like this and I am disappointed that I did.

It is hard for people to make transitions specially because they probably used Windows their own life. If they are asking for a FOSS firewall they most likely know they should transition to Linux at some point. There is actually no need to be the questioning person.

I use arch btw

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I don't think it is a dumb take. People that affirms they hate politics are either uninformed or straight up conservatives without knowing, at least the ones I've met.

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I loathe Epic Store but I wish there was better competition to Steam. They definitely offer better cuts for devs but I think they still need to understand what makes Steam popular the way that it is. There's a huge social media aspect, proton, bigger picture with the controller support...

We are in a very delicate situation where Valve can do whatever they want. They can suddenly decide to start making steam worse for users, adding more ads than we already have and we won't be able to do anything, because in the end we don't really own anything we have there.

Edit: many typos lol

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Very convenient that you left out a lot of context, but I'm an open source enthusiast and he's not wrong.

If this means that I might be able to use NFC payments because alternatives to Google Pay will exist, I am very happy. Hopefully this will also make possible to F-droid to provide auto updates.

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I mean, you are doing the exact same thing that my NPD parent would do, which is getting defensive instead of attempting to communicate your thoughts through arguments while attempting to understand other's perspectives.

There are many neurodivergent people that have a number of issues because of untreated/undiagnosed NPDs that refuse to acknowledge they need assistance. Just the idea of being called narcissistic is offensive.

The most voted comments might not agree with OP but they are being very polite. I don't see the terrible behavior you are seeing.

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Twin Peaks is safe 🙏 Bless Denise

After watching the Folding Ideas video I was 100% sure I will never come back to this game. Toxiest years of my life. I'm glad for many experiences and friends WoW gave me, but I am really over it and I love being a filthy casual in FFXIV.

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I was just giving examples. English is not my native language so I did my best to diversify on adjectives. It takes like 5 seconds to find a comment anywhere you go where the person is just being straight up toxic and there's no good intent on the post. I don't care about the opinions, I am talking about the intent.

Edit: typo

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Maybe it would be cool to ask which games they used to play on Roblox and we could suggest alternatives to those too!

If they are into farming games I'd recommend Stardew Valley, in addition to other games already recommended.

Edit: Many games I wanted to recommend are PC only. 🥲

Edit2: I just saw someone else's post about the social circle being of 5 which makes Stardew Valley more difficult, oof

Why do we need to be so pedantic about people use or don't use?

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I don't know how to word this in a nice way but OP didn't write anything that would make me assume they have bad intent.

People try things and can be frustrated when it doesn't work for them. It can be specially frustrating in an ecochamber like this.

I honestly started crying, but that's just me being pathetic and a sponge to stuff people say on the internet :(

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Getting a bit tired of Lemmy and Mastodon. People aren't humble at all and are so toxic and weird. I'm mostly a lurker but it is very sad that these platforms are not very nice to be at. No matter who you follow you're always exposed to not-very-nice people.

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I keep having anxiety attacks whenever I decide to look/apply for jobs. I am so tired and I don't feel that I even have the right to complain about it because so many people have worse than me. Knowing I have to humiliate myself to recruiters also doesn't help. I hate this.

Yup. We often find that airbnbs are more expensive and less convenient than hotels while traveling.

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I can't even imagine the feeling of not being able to fight for your right to exist. You are 100% correct, this is absolute insanity.

My experience with people from university is that they have extremely strong opinions about things they don't know very much how they work outside theory. There is this syndrome that you have to do everything from scratch with low level languages and keep shitting on anything that uses abstraction to make your life easier.

I don't know why people in this industry have this need of feeling that they're better than others.

This is probably someone that also didn't learn JavaScript properly

I am trying not to judge the person (specially since it says it is unfinished) but the arguments are so poorly written and there isn't anything external to use as source of the accusations that my first thought was to think it was someone immature that want to feel good about their choice of not using Discord.

I don't know OP, I don't think this should is something worth sharing.

When I was at university (also in Brazil) all the computers from my institute used Mandriva.

Sorry but that wasn't the point I was trying to make. I wasn't trying to sound hostile I am just extremely frustrated and sad right now.

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