The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went awaylocked to – 115 points –
The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away

While some of their language has changed, the sentiment of this latest aggressive movement is just as distressing. It’s time for the games industry to stand up to it


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Never did anyone in this steam group go out of their way to harass anyone involved with the company.

Never was it "a bunch of sexist and racist white people being upset about diversity in videogames".

Very bold statements in favour of people that I know myself are extremely "anti diversity / anti woke". Do you even know who the creator of the Steam group is? Guy is known for being the scum of the Brazilian WoW community.

One extreme doesn't justify another, plus what matters here is the information. Couldn't care less about who runs or frequents the group, but I'm glad it brought awareness to SBI and their influence.

The "extremes" here being "social justice" and "anti-social justice"

...I'm gonna side with the social justice side here.