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The whole thing is unconscionable imho. Obviously firstly, for her to prey on, and hurt/ murder newborn babies? I can’t wrap my mind around that. At all.

From the admins at the hospital ignoring the worried reports from the physicians who worked on the unit WITH her. The administration went so far as to demand those same physicians go to mediation with her and write out apology letters. Admins accepted her complaints of harassment over the doctor’s concerns that there was a pattern to the infants collapsing. If the DR’s refused to do that they were threatened to lose their jobs!

Then you have the fact that she was in a caregiver profession. Generally the public trusts caregivers/doctors. No one wants to believe that if you have a family member in the hospital, they are at risk of being MURDERED! That’s supposed to be a safe space from the world!

No one will be able to repair the public’s perception of the medical profession if medical professionals kill their patients.

This whole incident is terrifying. Reading the article, it linked to other articles, which I of course followed… that was a eye opening experience. I had no idea that there were multiple occasions that this had happened. Counting babies, adults, and the elderly. I can’t make sense of this.

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Wtaf? I can’t believe this is allowed to happen. The videos that were in the article showed just how tough and brave these cowards are. The leaders are the only ones actually showing their faces. The rest? Hiding behind ski masks. Fuck them. Ignorant racist pigs… start a fire then do me a favor and fall in

Mine’s not smelly. Like others have said, I use glass containers for leftovers etc, and I also wash and store like lettuce and veggies in ziplock plastic bags. I probably deep clean mine a couple times per year… definitely spot clean if there are spills etc.

If you have any odors you could try putting a box of baking soda in your fridge to absorb them. They actually sell fridge boxes of them with side panels that are mesh and easy to use.

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The hospital will keep sending you bills. Every month, and if you don’t pay that or set up a payment plan with them… they absolutely send it to a collection agency. That law agency will hound you all day every day, phone calls… text messages… Mailing threats and lawyer fees on top of the OG bill.

Eventually, I know from personal experience… they will take you to debtor’s court. Where you sit in a room full of strangers till your name is called. Then you have to prove how poor you are and they can pause the collection efforts for a period of time… or if the judge believes you can afford something… then your court ordered to pay… or else.

That is wild! I watched the videos in the linked article, and I’m shocked how easy it is to steal vehicles!

I guess what I see in the movies/shows if hot wiring and the time that takes isn’t the norm nowadays.

IMO I feel like the Shipping Ports need to step up their game as far as inspections and stop the cars BEFORE they’ve been shipped to other countries. I would hope that the car insurance companies would be willing to help the cost of this increased inspections, considering they have to pay the value of the stolen vehicles to the owners…

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That’s scary. I read some articles last night following links after this article. From nurses who like the thrill of “saving lives” (causing patients to code so they can be the “hero”). To doctors killing to get written into their patients’ wills. To one male nurse who killed his elderly patients, by all accounts simply because he hated geriatric women?

The crimes were years ago, but the system needs to be fixed. If a medical professional is suspected of causing harm to their patients, then they should be investigated while being suspended (or removed from direct patient care during the investigation).

If ultimately the accusations are unfounded, then great. However for those times the investigation shows wrong doing. That’s when shit needs to get real. Police need to be called in. Medical/nursing board of licensing should be involved. Otherwise, a hospital should be liable for lawsuits for wrongdoing in my opinion.

Every mental health professional I have seen over the years is a mandatory reporter (in the US). Meaning they stated to me, upfront… if you have thoughts of hurting others OR yourself that WILL be reported. I didn’t have those thoughts so I probably put that out of my mind rather quickly.

But after reading these comments, and the articles I can see both sides of the argument. Those suffering from these thoughts may well feel scared to admit them knowing they would have consequences for their jobs/ or legal trouble from admitting them. I’ve no idea who they would be “reporting” it to. I assume the mental health worker would attempt to send the individual to a psychiatric hospital so they can get help .

The answer is…. D) all of the above/ and below!

My daughter hit a deer last evening in her car and our insurance adjuster is due to be here within the hour to look at the damage and decide what to do.

My hope is that they’ll repair it and get it done quickly… she’s due to start her new job in less than a week and needs her car to get there… 🤞🏻

I have struggled my whole life to ask for help. I’ve always been afraid of inconveniencing the helper, or getting judged about why I don’t know how to do something. I have a fierce independent streak, and have trust issues… what if I ask and then it’s used against me later?

After I quit drinking, and went to AA, and got a sponsor… I’ve been gradually retraining my brain that it’s okay to reach out and not stay silently struggling (I am told it increases my risk of relapsing). I’ve also always helped when I can to anyone who has asked…

As other commentators have said, without the ask for help, I wouldn’t know it was needed.. and wouldn’t want to assume anything…

For me, I recently moved from a busy city to a rural-ish town to help take care of my grandparents. Since they’ve now passed, I’m taking care of their house/land. I love learning new things and being independent. I really enjoy mowing the lawn, splitting wood and running a wood stove!

I’m about 45 minutes from a huge city/trauma hospital/ big Mall… but I’m only 10 minutes from my kid’s school, the grocery store, and primary care physicians, and 7 minutes to my job (which is actually on my road too).

What I don’t miss from the city is the noise. My goodness, sirens and people and horn honking traffic, jackhammering construction etc. It was never actually dark outside. Couldn’t really see the stars in the sky and had to keep my blinds/curtains closed most of the time for privacy.

I’m close enough to emergency help if my family needs it, but far enough from the bustle of the city. I’m content.

That scowl dude… “but maaaaa he took my toyyyyyy!” 😭

This is so Fucking sad! What the hell? I can’t believe a hospital dumped that person on at sidewalk and left them there! Terrifying

Chuck…Would you be mine… would you be mine… will you be my neighbor? Mr. Roger’s neighborhood tune theme…

I’m realizing I need to have friends…

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Not judging… looks more like mud wrestling than burning…. Maybe call it “Mud Man?” Just a thought?

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Started at Also made an account on And Just checking out what the Fediverse was all about. Now I’m on as a beta tester for the Artemis App and loving it!

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Reddit, because… you know.

Walmart, people I know who’ve worked there were not treated well… and then there’s the plopping down in a town/city and hurting the local business just cause…

Definitely scratch. Honestly, my brain would be thinking of all the ways in which to scratch said itch and would keep me up longer. Just do it.

Thank you for sharing this info. 12 days ago it took me, my doctor’s office, my insurance company, and 6 pharmacies to solve a 12 day supply to finish my original 28 day supply that was shorted. All those calls, sweat and tears still took 4 days to resolve. And now those 12 days are up. So now I’m in another battle to get this months prescription filled. It causes me so much anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness. I’m very grateful my doctor’s office called all these places on my behalf and advocated for me.

Ooops! 😬

I have a hard time putting myself out there… I guess I’m afraid of being judged or having my ideas or thoughts disregarded or put down.

Lemmy/Kbin have been helpful for me to converse with other people! Sometimes the risk is totally worth the reward! I’m pleased to meet you all!

I’m with you, I basically over analyze and over think things, often times to the detriment of something else that should have my attention at the moment.

I have medicine that helps but sometimes I’m “in the zone” and need to see something through.

I can relate to what your saying, and agree… this feels like a safe place to talk about these types of struggles. Hope you’re having a good day!

This is brilliant! As others have commented, I too have DOOM piles. I will commit from now on, one area for the most important/most needed items and resist the urge to put all the mail, and receipts, and other crap that usually ends up in the catch all spot. Thank you for sharing!

What the actual FUCK? I’ve never seen that shit before, and never want to see that shit again. Offensive.

Recently the shortage has affected me and my Vyvanse prescription. It has been very anxiety provoking and makes me nervous every time my doctor has to call in a refill.

I mean… I’m sure it was shocking to see the bull and horn show roll down the road… but I’d have just laughed it off as hilarious… not ever considering calling 911 to have the poor dude pulled over.

Who does that? Also… would have loved to see the cops face when he had to walk up to the car! Hahaha 🤣

So I go with the “MOFO” is shorter to type and hits the same.

I had a similar experience recently. I have my “liked list” that I play in my car while driving. Idk like 300 songs. My car is old as shit so I have to have a dongle attached to an aux cord plugged into my phone and a tiny aux Jack in the bottom of my center console. Well, sometimes I’m in the mood for songs and sometimes I’m not, so I’ll poke my screen to skip a song or two while driving. One day I was searching for a particular song and it wasn’t found in my liked list.

I finally figured out why it didn’t show up. There’s a bunch of clickable buttons right below the play button “hip hop, pump up, aggressive “ etc. Long story short, I had accidentally clicked one of these buttons and it had hidden half my liked songs. So I had to un-click that, and then all my songs were back again.

Do you have Roku? I was just looking around for something the other day. And watched a few Roku originals. Here are a few I really enjoyed!

“Die Hart” 1 Kevin Hart is hilarious
“Die Harter” 2 he’s STILL hilarious
“Now” comedy Dave Franco, others
“Dummy” comedy Anna Kendrick (definitely TVMA)
“Flipped “ Will Forte, Kaitlin Olson etc.. surprisingly hilarious!

These are all short seasons and short episodes so they are fun and quick to watch

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Oh, and Facebook, TikTok, instacrap, and X

What a great video that was! I really enjoyed watching it, and I laughed and could totally relate to what she was saying. Thank you very much for sharing this!

Or “surviver”… mud edition?

My god. This is me. I mostly only sit down to watch tv/movies in the evenings… and that’s probably when my adhd meds wear off… but I press pause and get up and down so often. I even annoy myself. Forget watching with my kids. They groan and give me the side eye whenever I say I need to go grab something etc..

I’ve also noticed, the more anxiety producing the show/movie is… the more I have to press pause and leave the room. Suspenseful? Horror? Car chase? Heist? Yup… mom’s gotta get up 20 times… 😑

100% best sheets I’ve ever owned, 1,000 TC 100% Egyptian cotton sheets. That is like being cuddled by the softest, smoothest clouds ever. Stupid expensive (I have a king sized mattress) so they usually run a couple hundred dollars. However, they last a really long time, and get softer with age/washing.

One set has lasted me about 10 years of weekly washing. Only reason I had to buy another set this year, was because I’d torn all the corners of the fitted sheets over time. Tbf I do wrestle them on there quite roughly as I can’t squeeze in on one side of my bed that’s up against the wall… so I’m definitely not gentle..

The “X” trick is when you have a insect bite and you press your nails in and make an X. However it hasn’t been the antidote that was promised for me personally. I swear by those Benadryl “after bite” sticks. That’s the shit.

If it’s more of a rash then I don’t bother with the stick and go for that good good relief from the Benadryl anti itch ointment. That shit works

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Amazing photograph! Personally, I’m not a fan of swing bridges… especially when I’m unable to see the end, or how freaking high I am… 😬. Respect to the photographer! 🫡

You will not be disappointed! The newest update is amazing! 🙂

I love this idea! Let’s goooo! 😁


That was so much fun! Thank you to whoever set this up!