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Joined 1 years ago

Pew is still making content but it's more vlogs about him trying to stop being a hyped up youtuber and to find work life balance while now also raising a tiny bebe.

So he moved to Japan so that people wouldn't recognise him as much, started making friends and is now living quite a normal life to what he used to do.

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I told my brother "Hey. I think I'm single now?"

He dropped everything, came over and we ate sad pizza and signed me up for new apartments as my ex and I lived together.

They want to know IF the patient took it and not that you provided it or forced it down his throat

If something happens to the patient they need to know if he took the medication.

If you only chart that you provided the patient with the medication then they dont know if he took it or they might be under the impression that he took it and if he gets complications from not taking it then they might not give him the dose he needs since they will be afraid of over medicating.

As well as if he did take the medication and got complications from the medicine it self they won't know since they don't know if he actually took it.

I was working as a phone tech at a phone provider and decided to get a plan with them.

2 months go by and I don't recieve a bill so I go on to my own account and see that for some reason they have made my account into a corporate account that is billed every 3 months.

So obviously I call in because I'm not allowed to tinker with my own account.

First rep I speak to I introduce myself and ask how come I haven't gotten my bill yet. He said "Some times it can take a few months but I can see here that your bill is due to arrive next month".

So I ask him "So I'm not on a 3month plan by any chance?"

And he denied it so hard even though I'm looking straight at the column that says "billed every 3 months". So I told him "Thank you but I don't think I'll get anywhere else with you"

Called a second time. Got abother rep. Asked him "Hey. I'm not billed every three months by any chance?"

And he actually looked at my account saw that I am an employee and decided to look and lo and behold I was indeed billed every 3 months.

Same company sent me to collections for not paying a bill that they wrongfully put on me after I cancelled but I didn't even receive the bill and I didn't receive the vill from collections either so it went straight to the debt collectors agency and when I called them up about it they acknowledged that they've been wrong, sent back part of the money and then refused to take back the late payment notice.

I actually managed to report it for spam and remove it.

He knew the dimensions of the place where the TV was supposed to go.

He went to the store, saw the TV, he saw the box with a picture of it.

So he brought it home, unpacked it, placed it where it was obviously not going to be able to go.

Then he plugged it in and turned it on.

And instead of just putting it back in its packaging and bringing it back to the store and admit defeat. Or order a new piece of furniture Amazkea.

He instead went on here to fucking complain.

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That would be comparable with asking someone who smokes weed a couple of times a year to quit cold turkey.

Of course it's not going to make any difference to you if you stop taking sugar or not.

However ask someone who "needs" to have that redbull every day. Who drinks sugary lattes, eats sweetened bread and so on.

Ask them to quit and they will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms and have a really hard time to keep away from sugar.

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It's 2011.

The sun is shining. Obama just made a nice little speech on the radio and is now followed Katy Perry's Fireworks. Life is great

You feel a vibration. It's your new smartphone in your pocket. You got a poke from a friend on facebook. You poke them back. It's the only courteous thing to do.

Bzzt, bzzt. That friend sent you a message. It's a link. You click it.


Win the lottery. A lot would be solved if I got a little bit more cash.

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Prozd and Magic the Noah.

Prozd is mostly "Here's a boardgame i reviewed. Now look here's a skit!"

Magic the Noah just bullshits around coming up with boardgames that he forces other small content creators to play.

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Driver (delivery,

So that's why my food delivery person never understands how to get into my building even though there are very detailed instructions.

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I (female) once went on a very not good date. The guy had no interests except for dead watching youtube, no ambitions and the only thing going on in his life was that he had sent a submission to attent a Polish university.

The only thing we did was havr a walk around town because usually walking makes people talk. Except they don't if they don't have anything to talk about.

So the date was nearing its end the guy looked like it went smooth af and leaned in for a hug.

So I stretched out my hand and shook his and thanked for the date.

Boy was stumped.

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I thought "I'm always bored am I cured then?"

And my mind has always been like this even before social media.

If I read a book I hyperfixate on it and don't put it down until I'm done which can be a whole 27 hours.

If I am talking with my partner or if I am trying to study my mind starts to wander thinking "Hmm. I wonder what we'll fo for dinner tonight. Oh. But then we need the pan. I better clean the pan. Oh but these trash needs to be taken out but I don't want to do that now I'll just chill a bit. Oh were you talking to me?"

Existing is hard sometimes and it's not because I'm looking at reels two times per month.

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In Swedish I would maybe say

Kioskmongo - kiosk mongoloid - someone of very low intellect that knows the difference of right and wrong and still chooses wrong

Chipsmongo - chip/crisp mongoloid - someone of low intellect that would rather just eat chips, preferably in a sandbox with the whole bag emptied into the sand.

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The problem with lactose free milk is that it's not lactose free.

They have just provided you with the lactose enzyme that you can't produce yourself to break down the lactose.

It could be so simple that the enzyme provided is bot enough for you and you need to pop an extra pill with enzyme.

Or your stomach just don't like the sugars in it.

For some reaon my IP is banned om that forum.

I think you alone might need some counseling. Because that is not healthy. Just enjoy the fact that your partner invests time, thought and energy in you by showing you stuff.

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I've had way more scam calls, groups and texts on whatsapp than on Telegram.

So I definitely don't understand why anyone would like whatsapp.

With Telegram you can easily limit any communication requests to only come from your list of contacts while that is impossible with WA. The only way you can get out of getting scam calls is by turning on "mute unknown calls" and "limit groups to contacts" but the calls will still pop up and you will still get chat requests so you will have to block and delete each one of them manually.

Instead of just limiting all communication to your contacts like on telegram.

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The problem is that πŸ€‘πŸ”Όβ›”πŸ†πŸ’¦βŒπŸ™…1οΈβƒ£πŸ†πŸ‘πŸ€·.

I once sexed so sexy that I sexied the sex out of that sex.

This guy though was completely personality-less

I don't usually set the bar high either.

But if you ask me what my favourite interests are and I tell you that I like reading Fantasy books and baking and spending time with friends and PC gaming and you have no idea what any of those are. And then I ask you back.

You can't tell me "Some times I go out and have ONE beer with my friends. Can you drink more than one beer? Eh. We usually meet up for one hour once per month. What I do the rest of the time? Eh. Nothing? I watch youtube before I go to bed? Channels? What type? Ehhh.... Anything else that is happening in my life? WELL, I AM going to go study medicine in Poland 😎. When I'm going? I'm not really sure. Well I am waiting for the reply back from them. I am enrolled yes! What letter? The confirmation letter. No I haven't heard back from them yet. How I know I'm enrolled? Well I did send them my submission letter so I am definitely enrolled. How I know if I haven't gotten confirmation? Eh. Well. I sent them a submission letter ofc."

That's when I looked at my watch and said "Ooh time sure does fly fast! I need to hurry if I'm to catch the bus. Thank you for your time. Goodluck with your submission. Bye."


First schools in 1200.
First Uni in Uppsala 1477.
Compulsory education to the lower classes in form of oral education by the priest about the bible and two prayers was from 1400.
First secondary level education in 1623. Compulsory reading abilities by all classes from 1723
Then compulsory formal 4 years school education by all by 1842.
By 1858 they changed the first 2 years of the formal school to compulsory primary education focusing on basic reading abilites when it turned out many could still not read.

Do you have any recipes? That sounded really awesome!

One of the problems that we have is that a big chunk of the country for a month don't have a single ray of sunshine due to polar nights. The problem is that that is when it's complete darkness leading up to the point and going out of it takes time as well so solar is not an option at that time of the year. On top of that most of the land is "disputed" by indigenous people (don't mark my words it's a very touchy subject I don't know how to express it better) or it's a nature reserve area so wind farms are out of the question. So the only thing we have left is hydropowered electricity which isn't clean at all as it destroys the natural course of the river up stream, destroys the river beds down stream and extremely reduces the fish populations as well as any greenery relying on the reliability of the rivers.

With that said if we simplify it a bit about 46% of Swedens total energy production comes from the northern hydroelectric plants and wind farms and because of lacking infrastructure it can't be transferred efficiently to southern Sweden where most of the consumption is happening. Of these 46% about only 30% is currently used but more companies have decided to establish their production in thr northern region due to the surplus of energy in this region.

Southern Sweden on the other hand gets a lot of their energy from unreliable wind farms as well as nuclear energy. However due to the layout of the land hydroelectric is only viable in some places which have already been exploited. We can only install so many wind farms until it affects quality of life to the people and animals living nearby. On a good day southern Sweden is having a net zero energy production and consumption. Those days are fewer and further in between. Currently since closing a reactor two years ago we have had to reinstate an oil burning facility as well as buying unclean electricity from abroad to keep up with demand.

So investing in nuclear to stabilise the production is one of very few options we currently have.

It's either that or moving either part of the population or factories to the northern part which is not really viable or sustainable eitherm

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Just eat it with a yoghurt. I prefer sweet yoghurts but greek yoghurt is also nice some times.

I dunno. I just like mΓΌsli.

Same in Sweden. Most people get a license for manual and then buy an automatic.

One question that I have though is where does it end? The word blacklist from an etymology standpoint has got bothing to do with race. So where do we disregard the historical context of the meaning of words because people take it out of context and it makes them feel uneasy?

I am not saying that I am against using blocklist instead of blacklist. I am just asking. Where does the history anfd usage behind the term supercede the out of context hurt feelings?

We can add the people who have their sexuality as their only character trait and need everyone to know.

I don't need to know that you are lgbtqi+. If you want to tell me that you have a partner and they happen to be the same gender or such then good on you for finding someone to love. Fucking amazing how the world works and you went against the odds and all that.


I don't need you to remind me that you are pan every 15 minutes.

I used NewPipe only yesterday with no problem.

Why wouldn't you want to see the stuff that the person you like wants to show you? If you don't want to go why don't you just say "no"? Your partner isn't a villain for wanting to show you stuff. They either wants to make your day a bit better, share something they like with you or they might need help with something.

Because I really don't get why you have to be anxious about "going over there".

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I haven't been able to exercise successfully since I moved from home.

Where my parents live there was a great 5km run which included hills, scenery and if you did it backwards it was more strenous. They sadly exploited the fuck out of it and built a railway across it.

Where I live now it's boring, hard to get to or too slopey.

There are generally 5 things that I don't like to eat.

  1. bugs and likewise shit (not food).
  2. Seafood with the shells still on. It's a phobia I'm working on.
  3. Broccoli because I'm allergic
  4. kiwi because I'm allergic
  5. And fucking disgusting olives.

Put lunch and meds with a cup of water in the fridge in a bag the night before. Set a reminder to bring the bag. Make your breakfast the night before.

Prepare her clothes the night before. If you are a morning shower person take the shower the night before. Same with her.

Just because she wakes up doesn't mean that you have to unless it's a safety issue. Get up, change her nappy and then back to bed. She will learn to sleep through the night.

Use this extra time to get yourself set. Take another 30min. Eat breakfast, get your meds etc.

Get a play area where she can play safely while you do whatever you need to do.

Another dense citizen here. I ould say that you put it quite eloquently in your comment.

But direct the question towards them.

"Would googles new changes on their ad and user policy be affected by FTC data protection laws and GDPR or would they be in compliance"

Or something among those lines.

Must have been those pesky 5G chips that interfered with the navigation system.

Trucker is fine.

Working as a food delivery driver for like uber eats or like wise then you need to be able to read the delivery instructions.

The problem for me is when I use youtube videos to fall asleep and adblocks doesn't work.

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The songs are usually credited on Imdb.

I think he OP is specifically talking about a certaing kind of sweatshirt that, instead of being woven on the inside, has loose threads. It's not even like a Teddy-fabric. The fabric is just non-woven and sheds microfibers like crazy the first few uses. But after a few washes that soft cushy inside is knotted and uncomfortable.