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Joined 11 months ago

Look @ the tankie!


Laughs in Firefox

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Tic Toc challanges takes the cake. Nothing like eating tide pods or stealing cars

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Elon, yangot a 50 bil payout, just finance your dogshit website.

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By being "Fair and Balanced" obviously

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Give me an EV without a massive center console that blinds me at night. Remove all the "smart" features like lane assist. Give me a fucking dumb EV

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Breaking news, Boeing whistleblower found dead after repeatedly falling onto a hail of bullets. Was found to be an accident no further investigations planned

Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!

Musk is a scam artist, founder my fucking ass

No its not, I was down in Florida on the gulf side, my hotel was right beside a 3 mile bridge cops cut off access to my hotel because of Cynco de mayo (sorry for my butchering) my GF at the time drove around a cop car to get into the hotel, had our room key in my hands to show the officer, told us to keep driving or he was going to arrest for pulling an illegal manuver. Went about 100 yards past em back towards town I got out and walked over to explain we were just getting back from dinner. Cop instantly grabbed his cuffs and had his hand on the gun. Luckily others had complained and hotel staff came out to calm down the cops.

Fuck American cops

Twitter is such a shithole

Didn't he go to Harvard? Its no like he started on the struggle bus like the majority of people.

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I've been on the DP bandwagon since using my GTX 660Ti

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I preferred Blazing Saddles myself

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Wait till the perfect second to hit record on the radio to make a mix tape

I believe there is an all powerful being made of spaghetti and meatballs floating somewhere out there. May you all be touched by his noodley appendage!

Qbitorrent uses jacket for in app torrent searching. That file hashing is pretty awesome for emule, never heard of that before

Since its gonna happen regardless, make Boeing build em.

It was def the unpaid moderators, just look how many there are!

Sounds like y'all should start building your own infrastructure as others have done

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Revoke "Citizen United vs FEC" would be step 1

So then who pays the investigators? Money trees?

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Sex is legal, selling thing is legal but selling sex is... Illegal?

Can someone show me the logic here?

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If it don't work on Firefox I won't use it. There are better FOSS options anyways

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About fucking time, been sending those fuck head munitions after being told we shouldn't but did because Canada upholds its contracts.

The United Federation of Planets

But in this case with servers running Lemmy

Stop using Meta products? Worked pretty good for me

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The rich need more slaves workers

Its only a sin when they think it is

I went from a 1.5/1 Gbps fibre connection down to a 20/10 Mbps when I moved. There is a MASSIVE difference. Rural internet is dog shit and no one cares

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I don't care about the environment because line go up


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Just ban him from social media. Fuckhead can't stop emself

Yeah, quite a few that opposed Putin just so happen to walk out of windows and poison themselves, one even put cuffs on beat the shit out of himself and gladly ate poison, while locked up

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I wonder how much money the govt will give him now that he lost 44 bil... ya just know that is what will happen

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Not to mention that per weight beef is cheaper

Now another 10 years of "polish"

Firefox ftw

I don't know a single person who has ever used HDMI to steal copyrighted content. Seriously? Who would rip a 2 hr move by watching it vs the 10 min it takes to rip a movie digitally.

Like shit ya got CAM, WebRIP, BRRIP and SCENE. I doubt HDMI was used in any of these scenarios.

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They never disclosed how much caffeine/sugar was in the drink till after the first death. Too much caffeine can kill you.

Car manufacturers can't secure their shit and insurance companies have to punish everyone because of their incompetence.

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