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Joined 11 months ago

A classic nerd from Norway.

Dream about the day we could install Windows on our cell phones and carry our computers with us everywhere. And play snake on our dumb phones.

Its doing pretty well when its doing a few words at a time under supervision. Also it does it better than newbies.

Now if only those people below newbies, those who don't even bother to learn, didn't hope to use it to underpay average professionals.. And if it wasn't trained on copyrighted data. And didn't take up already limited resources like power and water.

This is corpo bullshit, in proper cyberpunk mood. We could need a Silverhand soon.

Anyone think Fediverse active userbase is going to fall as much too, only slower? That most people will return to their comfy commercial social networks now that the reddit and twitter demonstrations is in the past?

I'm hoping not. I like it this active. I don't want to go back to ads and "personalised" feeds and yearly new useless features.

25 more...

How long until we got upscalers of various sorts built into tech that shouldn't have it? For bandwidth reduction, for storage compression, or cost savings. Can we trust what we capture with a digital camera, when companies replace a low quality image of the moon with a professionally taken picture, at capture time? Can sport replays be trusted when the ball is upscaled inside the judges' screens? Cheap security cams with "enhanced night vision" might get somebody jailed.

I love the AI tech. But its future worries me.

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I disagree. I hate ads with a passion too. But as long as we can pay a sum to remove it, it is fair to have a free option with ads. A kinda unlimited "demo".

We are fools for thinking anyone would give away their own time and effort for free forever. We have completely lost the perspective of how much things should cost because of how much we've taken for granted that was paid for with our personal data. And the biggest fools is those who think most software developers and server admins can live reliably on donations alone.

Though Youtube is taking the ads a bit far, maybe. One shouldn't scare away users before they have even become customers.

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Im a big fan of "you can either pay me to fix this issue, or fix it yourself" model. Nobody should be pressured to maintain a open source project once they're done with it themselves.

A registry key which is probably reset every 3rd update anyway, as usual.

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Its worrying we're fallen so far into consumerism that they dared even try. Unless we put a big stop to the damn subscription trend, they will try again. And again. Until we one day accept it.

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Don't need to tell me twice. I've distrusted Brave since I saw their advertisement for it. It just feels like they sell the browser in same mood as pyramid schemers does their products.

But its just my gut feeling. Got no good reason why people should avoid the browser. And because the CEO is an ass isn't a good enough reason for most people.

My doc is also googling stuff very often.

Probably not bad. If I could have memorized the entire dotnet framework documentation, I would. Until then I will keep googling, and I will usually recognize if the solution is sound. Probably the same with doctors and health.

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I'm no fan of sports games. I dont play sports games. Also the kind of people I hang with also dislike sports games. And the last sport games I read about, a decade ago, had horrible reviews and awful graphics. So therefor I declare the Sports game genre for dead! /s

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Refusing to choose sides? She chose the side of the civilians, isn't that a valid side to these people? Is the only choice in which side should get to slaughter the others?

No, just that there are no invisible walls. After 7 hours of flying, she reached a paper-cutout of the planet.

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I don't think you can do that without being called a weeb (at least on the western part of the internet).

Non-fun fact: If you punish kids unfairly enough, they'll stop giving a shit about lying because they get punished whether they lie or tell the truth anyway. Fucked up personal experience.

But they do still hide stuff. And lose all respect for punishment.

Once. It'll better be one hell of an ad because it will lose them my subscription. I stopped watching television back in the late 90s because of all the ads, before even I had internet to watch pirated media. I don't wear clothes with too visible logos. Just saying to illustrate how this ain't an empty threat.

Losing a single customer probably doesn't matter to them. But I hope Im not the only one?

I cant see Ozymandias as a good guy. At all. None of the "heroes" are, but Oz was the worst of them.

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Oh hell no, my last known action on this earth is NOT gonna be spent complaining about someone else's music skills. Unless they are playing a vuvuzela or something..

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If you haven't, and you enjoy scifi/cyberpunk fiction, you should read Cory's book "Radicalized". Four short stories, all of them damn relevant to today.

The first story, "Unauthorized bread", is my fav. Hackers versus the coldness of corpos and shitty landlords.

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Browsers. Firefox hasnt given me reason to doubt. Yet. And I find that odd. Still uses it. Because every other big browser have given me reasons.

Generally "free" stuff from big companies is giving me more and more the heebie-jeebies. Even if they have good reputation. But there's NO WAY I could ever pay for everything I use. Nor donate to every deserving person who has given their free time to create and publish FOSS.

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Dont forget ink recipe. A new type of ink had to be invented for the printing press. Soot, turpentine, and walnut oil should do it.

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Yes. Yes it is. Excellent story so far. Gameplay is the best of DnD mixed with the best part of Divinity Original Sin 2. Difficulty is maybe a bit harsh the first few levels when an encounter with a bad initiative can take you out before its your turn. It looks graphically good and runs fine on older graphic cards. The companions have interesting backstories and related quests.

I havent tested it in co-op yet.

I have encountered a few bugs: Actors missing in cutscenes. Money-stacks getting corrupted. The ugly pre-order clothes just disappearing after a patch. But nothing serious.

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Would be nice if every game publisher was required to contribute a version of their game, that can be played without an external network or license, to the country's main library. For cultural safe-keeping. I know at least one country does that for books.

Eh.. They chose to use the email protocol to send each emoji?! So external users or third-party clients (or school and work accounts for some reason) will be spammed. Won't a bunch of gmails get marked as spammers then?

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I find it insane that tvshows regularly show people watching 70+ year old tvshows. Nobody does that in real life. Doesn't feel authentic.

I find it insane that we've reused characters in stories for thousands of years, but just a century ago it suddenly became illegal until almost every character was old enough to be forgotten and culturally irrelevant.

Fan fiction of relatively new IPs should be sellable, imho, without having to beg a corporation for permission. Its stuff we've grown up on. Disney and others are literally holding our culture hostage and dictates terms.

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Of course nobody want to optimize. Its boring. It messes up the code. Often reqires one to cheat the player with illusions. And its difficult. Not something just any junior developer can be put to work on.

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Find it really effin fascinating. But then keep dressing in mens clothes.

I have a fascination with gender swapping (and general body transformation) but it has never extended to clothes. I dont get why its so often clothes and crossdressing that other people of this kind enjoy. I just would appreciate a different body. And lower height. And not being so scary-looking. But being socially able to dress in female clothing doesnt interest me at all.

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They are all named some variant of "tutorial_Ch01" or "testprogram" probably. And one repository named "My Unnamed MMO" (or some other overly complex but trendy genre) that has like 12 lines of code so far and a crappy drawn pixelart png.

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going “Huh, I feel like I’m missing stuff

Thats how it is to read a Marvel comic too. I love it. But it is not for everyone. And in comics there is too much to keep up so you just accept that you cant.

You take a game series that has a reputation for being great (but not that many have actually played it). Then you add the D:OS fans to it. Give people four year to "pre-order". Have the DnD movie be a success a few months before (if we don't look at the Hollywood accounting). Then have the game release first in a 3 month chain of big game releases, right after a summer of game drought. And not be a buggy mess despite its complexity. By a developer studio who have wanted the DnD game license for a long time and very much want it to be their best.

Of course theres gonna be a lot of players then. But I don't think it will be easy to repeat in the future.

A lot of communities went to Discord for some reason. I don't get it, its not the same as reddit at all.

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Yeah, theres a very good reason I dont use Spotify anymore. Not any music streaming services at all. Only good ol' reliable mp3s. Their idea of "service" is to silently remove songs from my playlists as their licenses expire, and then top it by replacing "Hotel California" with the WORST cover song I've ever heard.

Imagine if Sony stopped selling on Steam, and Steam in response silently replaced my "Days Gone" game with "The Day Before"? I would have been so pissed. But with music it seems that is totally okay.

I know I heard my name called occasionally as a kid. Clear as day but directionless, seemingly from very close to me. I figured its just a bug in a developing mind. But could also be that my mom got damn angry if I didnt hear her calling so I was always listening for it, and like the article describe, I picked up noise and the brain filled in the expectation.

How long until some nerd points out that it used to be opposite.. Oh, I just did, didn't I. Im that nerd. Darn.

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In a normal world, someone in power who immediately starts blaming without any proof or cause or connected reason, should have been marked as crazy and shamed out of any place of power. I don't care if its left or right or between. They should be as relevant as those who blame aliens for building the pyramids. They have no place deciding the fate of others.

That a lot of US are so ready to fight immigrants that they dont mind their politicians jumping blindly to conclusions and seeing enemies everywhere.. Its scary. Even on this side of the Atlantic.

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The most active famous person I've found on Mastodon is @georgetakei@universeodon.com .

Other famous people:

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I had to fight an annoying bug like this in our companys frontend code once. That specific country's pretty-date settings insisted on returning only the last two digits of a year, and the UI framework's date input field read it like that before parsing it back to a date.

I've always felt theres multiple sides to Microsoft. Theres devs making a damn good and simple product. Then comes the enterprise devs that over-engineer the product. Then theres the marketing coming in and try to buy up competition or bundle the product with other products to force it on people (MS way of advertising). And THEN the suits either ruin the product for money or shutting it down for not either making enough money or for not helping their enterprise products make money (like for example VSCode is a product that helps MS make money on Azure).

Meanwhile BG3 has gotten massively quest patched, added user requested features, a few new companion endings, etc, all within 2023. And that game was in better shape at launch than SF was.