
1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

don't trust anyone who paid for twitter

watch my stupid youtube videos

OBS is so good that I don't know why anyone would ever use X-split.

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It's mental to me that most console games still don't let you change the controller bindings like you can on PC.

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Wait, this is AI? (looks at hands) oh goddammit

At least Hi-Fi Rush and Pizza Tower were pretty damn good.

Oh good. Always thought rizz was stupid because it sounds too close to jizz.

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Pretty cheap for a 256TB drive

The more I use ChatGPT and the like, the more I realize "the old ways" is usually just faster and easier. At best, I might use it to point me in the right direction instead. Which is very helpful, but it's nowhere near good enough to be a replacement for most of its applications.

I know the article is about Gemini but people are realizing that AI isn't replacing anything any time soon way faster than the people making it.

I sadly don't have any programming friends

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Yeah, there's so many communities on world that even if you're on another instance, a good chunk of content just isn't available.

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Just when I forgot about it

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Can confirm. I don't talk much lol.

This should be considered a war crime

Nuzu was a pretty good name even if it's already dead

Mechanical keyboard users in shambles

Everyone's wondering where we went wrong as a society but honestly a year of game pass during a time of my life where I didn't get new games very often sounds way better than getting like three games for Christmas.

No one's talking about it because it costs $30 more than just buying the physical version outright

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Code spellcheck is a godsend

I appreciate World's transparency but it's been a lot nicer on lemm.ee for me. Not having a way to kill time when I need to isn't the end of the world but definitely annoying.

A feature so useless that I use VS Code almost daily and had no idea this existed

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I see Picard Maneuver posting and I know nothing about Star Trek lol

I still use Reddit but because there's no decent app anymore my usage is down like 95%.

I just do what I did with reddit and only browse all whenever I get REALLY bored.

I was on world but people are assholes and kept ddos-ing it and heard lemm.ee was pretty good. Can confirm lemm.ee is pretty good. Bonus: beehaw doesn't defederate lemm.ee and their communities are pretty cool.

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It was one of the few things I DID know about this game lmao

I mainly make game reviews and I often get comments shocked at how I only have 600 subs, so go check me out if you have the time. I just made an hour long video about Pokemon Crystal a few weeks ago lol.


How in the hell do you counterfeit CHEESE????

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Dude's practically ascended to godhood with how much he's been able to push Mario 64.

Honestly once ChatGPT started giving answers that consistently don't work I just started googling stuff again because it was quicker and easier than getting the AI to regurgitate stack overflow answers.

I've been playing these stupid games since the first test fire lol

Same. Feels like employers refuse to hire anyone.

Can't you just do that with a Google doc?

Repressed memory

Jet Set Radio Future is up there for me. Even twenty years later it sounds like it came from the future.

Not being able to bind the controller on PC is even more insane to me. Why can I change my entire keyboard layout but not change the controller AT ALL?

Nitro rad is legit

I haven't noticed any downtime yet so good enough for me

Just bought my first Tamagatchi in 2023 lol

Nice wallpaper

For some reason everyone in my class (I am no longer in school) had a competition to see who could get to a pyramid in a video game the fastest and for some reason I chose Sonic Unleashed and somehow won

I'm currently making an Astro theme to make static sites way easier and then after that I'm probably going back to working on the API viewer I was making with Svelte, Tauri, and Rust. (Think of something like Postman but way less bloated.) I mainly just need to finish the settings and redo the data input form and then it should be ready for a first release (but it'll still obviously be far from finished.)