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don’t compare cops to pigs. Pigs are beautiful and intelligent creatures who would never hurt anyone.

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and some people still claim it’s not a genocide

fair enough, but a pig wouldn’t go out of their way to attack someone based on their skin colour or gender expression

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fuck off sealion

JKR is a garbage human being

she has proved this over and over again

she wants trans people dead.

as someone from the apple world, our lightning standard isn’t that much better. Not only is it slower, but the plug also gets full of dust. I usually clean it out with a toothpick every couple months.

It’s just one of those things that are quite annoying but won’t be changed until we have portless (and always overheating lol) phones.

that’s a terrible bridge you can’t even walk over it

counterpoint: there’s not a single “amazing” game of this genre. Elite Dangerous does the space sim perfectly, but it’s boring apart from that. No Man’s Sky has the wonder and exploration, but every planet is functionally the same. Starfield expands on No Man’s Sky with a comprehensible story and actual gameplay. Star Citizen will never come out. Did i miss anything?

this is the reason i haven’t bought overcooked on my xbox despite us playing a ton of coop games together

we cook together well enough (i chop he stir) but screw that noise

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they’re very annoying, just like the other 14 year olds on the internet

which is why i don’t play, but still hope to win. Saves money.

a person who chooses to ignore the israeli nation committing genocide on the palestinian people

i’m not you, but i can only recommend you to get out. As far away from the fascists as possible.

no, not currently. I worded that wrong. They’re gonna be the second strongest party according to polls and general vibe of the country rn. The fascists are coming back, and they’re coming back strong. Attacks against jewish and queer people have risen rapidly. Fuck, even i’ve been the victim of a fascist attack.

same on Memmy for me

I’ve been reading a lot about Jainism

I’ve been vegan for a while now and the concept of nonharm as a philosophical/religious focus of your life seems very interesting to me.

The concept is basically just, do your best not to hurt anyone, human or nonhuman. Unless it’s in self defence. I quite like that idea. More people should try it.

lovely with some rice and beans and antifascism

was so disappointed when i learned that

i spent 2500€ on a guitar and it’s not even made in america, it’s a made in mexico fender

and i love it

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air travel is negligible.

the real killer is the animal industry and traffic.

and quitting animal consumption is a lot easier than not driving.

but you can do both?

And by reducing demand you’re already helping.

And this is just me personally, but i couldn’t even imagine eating someone who had a mother.

can i just draw an ID in crayon and send in a selfie of me wearing my sick shades and an N95 mask?

getting rid of humans for most jobs is a good idea

as long as we have universal basic income and basically fully automated gay luxury space communism

yeah, but why not do the best you reasonably can to reduce overall harm? That’s literally the definition of veganism

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apple offers one as well if you’re on safari

the german government right now is a horrible neoliberal mess trying to greenwash their actions

they are not left at all

if they were, we wouldn’t need Last Generation blocking roads.

Someone else who uses ProtonVPN! Don’t see too many users out in the wild. I love it!

boy do i have a movie for you


almost everyone pays to have animas abused and hurt for them. Thinking, feeling animals. It’s horrifying. And much worse than just kicking puppies.

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that, and a djungelskog. Trans and gay icons.

can i just draw an ID in crayon and send in a selfie of me wearing my sick shades and an N95 mask?

cliche answer but it’s gonna have to be anything Daft Punk, probably Random Access Memories because the entire album is just a love letter to the joy of music.

can we get four, anyone? anyone?

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i remember seeing this many years ago, still remember it vividly. The entire area is just beautiful.

I, too, would like to know this

(spoiler alert: nothings gonna work:( )

sure looked pretty all shattered tho

yeah it’s already 12 years old and will probably last me the rest of my life. Nothing on it you can’t fix in one way or another.

i like exponential growth let’s go

what is this vegan propaganda, implying that a food animal such as the pig has any sort of feeling or emotion

We’ve been having a great time with Diablo 3. Also, all borderlands are great fun, we’ve enjoyed BL3 a lot.

Other than that, Trackmania is always fun and Vampire Survivors is a blast. Gangbeasts is hilariously frustrating and Battleblock Theater is quite fun if you’re into sidescrollers.

i have a bunch of mim fenders and i have to agree, they’re fantastic instruments. And this Kurt Cobain Roadworn Jaguar is honestly the second best guitar i’ve ever played.

yup. But you should at least strive to do the least harm reasonably possible. That includes not killing anyone who had a mother for a snack.