
3 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The traffic argument is so infuriating. When will American journalism, and Americans at large, realize the very simple truth: no large city in the US will ever exist without traffic, without a fundamental shift from our car-centric culture and development to transit-oriented?

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Godspeed Godot, fuck every single tech company enshittifying the whole sector to hell.

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fuck spez, viva la fediverse

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So I mean, if this was in lieu of data collection and tracking, this is what more of the software world should actually do. Running platforms isn’t free, and making the user the product is a malicious and unsustainable solution.

That said, I certainly wouldn’t pay Twitter - I think I’d rather donate to a Mastodon instance, or pay for some other private alternative. Musk is awful for so many reasons, holds way too much power, and deserves no money of mine.

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sorry for the potentially dumb remark but… couldn’t you just avoid navigating to QAnon websites? I’ve never had an issue unintentionally navigating to one. It also seems like this repo owner is quite opinionated and trying to create a “no bad sites” filter list, which… honestly, you can control your own destiny with web browsing.

if this is to protect kids on your network, I think it’s probably a good idea to have a broader conversation with them about evaluating sources, tell them about media bias checking sites, and just generally educating them on red flags to distrust. This will probably serve them much better than trying to block right wing sites, especially since plenty of normal websites have harmful right wing content. YouTube in particular disseminates extremely misleading and harmful material via ads (lots of anti-trans hate speech).

In any case, I can’t find another repo - if you need the filter still, maybe you could fork the list yourself, and remove anything that you don’t find objectionable? (again, I feel like this is an example of why to not rely on a third party to block websites based off opinion/politics)

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Dickinson, however, said internal studies showed some 88% of his civilian workforce would not leave Colorado Springs for Alabama.


actually though how do you justify charging for your normal bloody unaltered logo lmfao

This just feels like non-technical fear mongering. Frankly, the term “AI” is just way too overused for any of this to be useful - Autopilot, manufacturing robots, and ChatGPT are all distinct systems that have their own concerns, tradeoffs, regulatory issues, etc. and trying to lump them together reduces the capacity for discussion down to a single (not very useful, imo) take

editing for clarity: I’m for discussion of more regulation and caution, but conflating tons of disparate technologies still imo muddies the waters of public discussion

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An unethical, evil bastard society that ought to be extinct.

Unequivocally, death to eugenics.

Keep in mind there’s everyone not in tech. Loads of people probably use their iPhone and MacBooks, or windows and android, or some other combo - might never even look up a single Linux distro, or think about what servers are.

wait, it’s all enshittification?

always has been

don’t do this unless you’re intending to end your relationship lmao, this would actually be panic inducing.

I would really like to see Spaces added if possible. This app is quite good and would be excellent to recommend seriously as a Discord alternative, with the mainline Element client being substantially slower and clunkier. Spaces support would deliver that.

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yeah, OK, I didn't realize QAnon had outright financial scams out of it. Wow.

(Found this research on one particular scam - helps put it into perspective. Linking for anyone else who might be unaware)

I mean, that would be kinda crazy, and I also don't think it would do any good to try and filter them. Like, you've got conspiracy-driven right wingers under your domain - no matter what way you spin it, you're dealing with shitty people. You're either going to bring them to a fever pitch in an argument over you blocking their internet access, or you're going to give them access and have to deal with them perpetuating their harmful views to you and all around them.

If you're at that point, better to consider whether or not you really want those people in your lives.

If you're in a situation where you can't cut those people off, what do you expect to achieve other than a different form of conflict by inhibiting their internet access? If you're going to be quiet about doing it and hope they don't understand, is it really healthy to be pulling those strings and manipulating like that? Hell, I'm not even sure it would be ethical, I feel like that kind of manipulation would be really shitty to do, even to shitty people and their shitty views.

EDIT: I'm of course assuming the adults need "protection" because there's no path to just, like, discussing things healthily. If there's a healthy way to discuss... that should really be the preference.

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bc why just have HTTP requests and plain text when you can c l o u d S a a S

To be honest, other than the argument of “everything is political,” I get where The Verge is coming from.

When I was a kid about ten years ago, it felt like EVs were uncontroversial and just the next logical step for cars. I don’t remember nearly the same levels of backlash. People in my family on both sides of the political spectrum didn’t really care too much one way or the other on them.

Now it feels much more scrutinized, both by people on the right who don’t typically care about environmental issues, and some leftists who want transit instead. And that scrutiny tends to be pretty harshly worded.

Maybe it’s down to factors like the costs of EVs. They’re damn expensive so I could see why people would get more frustrated at them. Though how they’re “woke” escapes me.

I’m not really sure what to make of this - I’ve been hearing people both bring up that he sold stock in isolation, and I’ve heard others say this is part of a routine pre-planned stock sale. Presuming he’s not performing obvious inside trading, I imagine it’s the latter.

I know capitalism bad and unity CEO bad, but is there actually anything to this? If not, why does this keep getting brought up? (I mean this as an actual question, not loaded)

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Congrats! That’s awesome and I’m glad you got through it :)

OK, I guess that's a valid edge case. Still, I'd be wary of how that would really work out - if they were to become aware that you were filtering the internet, I would suspect that could lead to some really bad conflict.

Though, for the very elderly, yeah they probably wouldn't notice. There's some nuance there I didn't think about.

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respectful counterpoint: marketshare is important, especially if we want to get more users to use ethical softwares instead of corporate controlled proprietary messes.

that doesn’t mean this particular issue needs to adapt to a Windows-style approach (and in fact it already can with flatpakref files, AppImages, etc.), but dismissing accessibility to people unfamiliar with Linux or dismissing having a goal of increasing Linux usage is harmful to the longevity of desktop Linux in society, and harmful to the goal of competing with the monopolistic, proprietary platforms that currently dominate.

Yeah, another commenter made the point of very elderly people, which admittedly I might not have the best perspective on needing to handle. They would probably not notice, and it would probably not create any real issues.

My reaction was more if you tried to do this to a normal, younger to middle aged person - where I would suspect if the filtering were to come to light, it could create some very nasty conflict. But also in that case I'd suspect anyone trying to reach QAnon material is more likely intentionally trying to get to it, versus some 80-something who might have one Q moron in their Facebook feed that sends them somewhere no one ought to go.

might be a cool thing to try and contribute

out of curiosity, what does that mean precisely? being able to import/export an OpenAPI spec? (not super familiar with OpenAPI, I know you can get an OpenAPI collection in a json file)

Fully agree.

it’d be interesting to see some examples of what your script came up with - I’m a bit skeptical of what an AI would come up with in terms of a commit message, and I’d think you’d need a pretty complex system to get commit messages to be maximally useful. I’ve found LLMs can stray towards being too high level and struggle if you ask more specific questions.

but I could also see it as being helpful for a sort of audit log for what changed, and I don’t think it would be too harmful, as long as you’re checking what the LLM is generating and making sure there’s corresponding code changes, that it’s not hallucinating etc.

hard to tell without examples - perhaps you could expand your post with some?

an aside, sorry you got such an overwhelmingly toxic response. the amount of angry people on this platform who feel the need to morally educate everyone around them objectively sucks and makes it a really unpleasant place to be.

Yeah, that's fair - but I suspect if it is anyone not super elderly, or just anyone not bumbling their way into it unintentionally, they may be more likely to be aware of your actions - and that's bound to create some very nasty conflict that you might be no better off if you get into.

As the other commenters pointed out though - for certain classes like the elderly, and maybe anyone else not-at-all technically savvy, it might make sense. I'm sorta responding assuming intent of the person to get to QAnon, and assuming they might know enough to find they can access it on other networks but not home.

yep, the author reached out and asked if they could include me - I am more than happy to share my displeasure of Insomnia and pleasure in FOSS ;)

cory doctorow is the prophet of our times

yeah but it removes access to all but one collection - you can’t organize things into separate collections without a login anymore. plus if you have existing collections, it’ll block access to it unless you downgrade (which seems to forcibly update even if you turn updates off)

y’all need to speak for your own companies. obviously some companies will not allow it, and I’d be personally skeptical of allowing it if I ran a company - but I also work at a place that effectively has given a quiet go-ahead to use it, with objectively talented engineers regularly making use of LLMs for boilerplate and other aspects of work.

obviously, there’s some calculus on when to use it, and you better damn inspect your outputs, but treating as a blanket rule that OP is a terrible employee at their company when you don’t know the company is rude as hell and uncalled for.

well, closer at least, given voice calls in a group is still proposal stage: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/3401

but most people I know use discord primarily for text chat (outside of gaming)

Haven’t seen much yet, but driving through Colorado and its mountains comes to mind. Absolutely gorgeous state, and the roads going through the lush green forests and steep mountains + rock faces were awe inspiring to me, having spent most of my life in California cities.

I read the article, and stand by my statement - “AI” does not apply to self driving cars the same way as robotics use by law enforcement. These are two separate categories of problems where I don’t see how some unified frustration at AI or robotics applies.

Self driving cars have issues because the machine learning algorithms used to train them are not sufficient to navigate the complexities of roads, and there is no human fallback. (See: autopilot)

Robotics use by law enforcement has issues because it removes a human factor to enforcement, which has concerns of whether any deadly force is ever justified when used (does a suspect pose a danger to any officer if there is no human contact?), and worries of dehumanization exist here, as well as other factors like data collection. These aren’t even self driving mostly, from what I understand law enforcement remote pilots them.

these are separate problem spaces and aren’t deadly in the same ways, aren’t unattractive in the same ways, and should be treated and analyzed as distinct problems. by reducing to “AI” and “robots” you create a problem that makes sense only to the technically uninclined, and blurs any meaningful discussion about the precisions of each issue.

No problem. Trying to raise awareness of this tool bc Insomnia totally screwed me up at work today.

I just swapped from NVidia to AMD, since Proton was not working under NVidia for Starfield at launch (and I’ve generally been unhappy using NVidia for a while).

I can finally also use things like Wayland where NVidia just doesn’t support it well enough to be a good option (e.g., weird issues with full disk encryption unlock screen, no night light support)

I know CUDA and productivity apps might push you in the other direction, but if your main priority is gaming, I suspect AMD will be nicer. My first impressions is that it plays way better with Linux and reduces headaches that shouldn’t exist but you’ll deal with under Nvidia.

Yeah, I’m annoyed by this as I’m looking to script a rudimentary Bruno->postman tool, so I won’t be blocked at work on Monday. means I need to dig into their tooling.

they have an internal bru2json method that is used when exporting a collection into a single file, so I wonder what the benefit is keeping it in the proprietary format at all. maybe it makes it a bit easier to edit by hand, which is a supported use case, but there’s JSON tooling to enable good autocompletes/schemas iirc

EDIT: I has made script (very wip) https://github.com/wtpisaac/bruno2postman

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Going by this commenter this seems like a nothing burger.

Obviously, fuck this CEO for all he’s having occur to Unity, but the stock sale doesn’t ultimately seem that important or relevant.

+1 on this. Easiest way to get around school filters - used to have this setup when I was in high school (well, OpenVPN, but same thing just different VPN tech).

“changes to improve” increase profit margins

“your overall experience” sadism