Just got my new Limited Run Glover for N64

Coeus@coeus.sbs to RetroGaming@lemmy.world – 64 points –

No, I don't know what the point of buying this was.


Damn I am jealous. This was one of my favorite games growing up. I still have my copy, but would have gloved to get a new sealed product like this. Where did you even hear about it?

I honestly don't remember, it's been over a year since I ordered it. I just saw that they were doing a run and I collect N64 so why not.


Wish I could get some of these Limited run items but by the time I even find out about them existing they’re long sold out.

Yeah I keep an eye out on eBay for the ones I miss

I remember as a kid I was too dumb to actually beat the game, so I would just go to the end of each level and use the "call ball" cheat to win 😂

I loved using the cheat codes