
1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All of my Bluetooth devices work flawlessly these days. What are you using?

Most software is a terrible pile of unreadable code with no tests and horrible architecture choices, that somehow manages to keep working just through the power of years of customers finding bugs and complaining loud enough to get them fixed.

If you write any automated tests at all, you're already better than most "professional" software companies. If you have a CI/CD pipeline, you're far ahead.

Was it ever good?

I don't think you understand how fractional reserve banking works. The first paragraph of that Wikipedia page already clearly contradicts you. The banks can still only lend money they have (otherwise how would they lend it? Where would it come from? Only the central bank can print currency). What fractional reserve banking is saying is that banks can invest some portion of the customer deposits that they hold into non-liquid assets, often in the form of loans to other customers, but it could also be invested in other things eg government bonds. The interest banks earn by doing that helps pay for the interest they pay to customers on their saving. They also have to carefully manage their liquidity: maximising returns while still holding enough liquid assets to cover any potential spikes in withdrawals.

Even when investing customer funds, banks still have to meet captial requirements set by the regulators which basically say that their risk-adjusted assets have to cover the liabilities of customer deposits, so that for example they can't just invest all the deposits in Bitcoin as that would pose too high a risk of insolvency. The reason SVB went insolvent recently was that they successfully lobbied the Trump administration to relax capital requirements for banks of their size, then made risky investments that lost money and they suddenly had less money than they owed their customers.

The studies are from 2018 and 2020, "new study" in the post title is a complete lie

Yeah that's never gonna happen, unless the EU forces them by law.

One of the many reasons I'm so so happy to be back with an Android phone after having to use an iPhone for work for a few years

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Unless I've misunderstood something, community names are already globally unique and multiple identically named communities cannot exist, you're just not looking at the full name.

Memes@lemmy.ml and Memes@sopuli.xyz are different names, for example.

Sometimes we ignore the part of the name after the @ if it's unambiguous, but it's still there.

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Why would we need to defederate? Just don't subscribe to their communities and you won't see their content

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Even just calling it a "new study" is already a lie

Pretty important detail missing from the headline:

However, if ending the war would include Russia returning the territories that it has occupied and annexed throughout the conflict, only a third (34 percent) of respondents said they would support that decision.

It's amazing how much people will upvote something without reading it if the title confirms their biases

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I only recently found out about iPhones having 50% market share in the US and that's insane to me. I think anyone who's used both Android and iPhones a lot knows that iPhones are both a worse product and worse value for money, so in a fair market they would be the minority

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It would be nice to spend one day on Lemmy without seeing a half dozen posts telling me to switch to Firefox nor 100 comments on every post that's even vaguely browser-adjacent about how ever since they switched to Firefox their life has been nothing but joy and rainbows

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Ah the classic "I'm going to vote no to something good for me because I wanted something even better" argument 🤦‍♂️

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Study by company that makes remote work tools finds that remote work is good

120 stars... not exactly a common household name. Meanwhile zed the editor has 12k stars, gaining or losing 120 wouldn't even register. Your comment is delusional

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Yep that's generally how housing prices work in Germany, since rent is heavily controlled and fixed interest rate loans are readily available, the value of a property adjusts depending on the current "cost" of a loan

I love Lemmy but I find the extreme pro-FOSS bias and hatred of everything else to be pretty abrasive and not conducive to useful or interesting discussion. And that's coming from someone who both loves to use and contribute to FOSS. But my preferred desktop OS isn't Linux which apparently according to the Lemmy hivemind is a big no-no.

I think more Lemmy users need to learn that the upvote and downvote buttons aren't meant to be used to indicate agreement and disagreement respectively, it's to indicate if a comment is valuable contribution to the discussion regardless of whether or not you agree.

In a post discussing Chrome, a few comments about alternative browsers make sense. But if there are 100s and 100s of comments all just saying some variation of "switch to Firefox otherwise you suck" and those are the only ones that are upvoted, then the whole comment section becomes pointless.

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As a person in Europe currently using it, I am very confused by this comment

The Chinese ones are cheap because they're being subsidised by the Chinese govt to be sold that cheaply overseas as a deliberate economic attack tho

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Agree to disagree I guess! I used an iPhone X as my daily driver for 3 years and was overjoyed to get the Android UI back when I switched back. The iPhone visuals are more consistent but the UX is significantly worse imo. There are a few things that I reckon are mainly just Apple being stubborn and refusing to admit they were wrong - e.g. the lack of a back button

They probably don't even have personal projects

I do. It happened somewhere in my mid-late 30s. The two main contributing factors have been:

  1. Years of therapy so that I'm able to have my shit together
  2. Having a kid so I've got a reason to have my shit together

Order of those two is very important!

Great, now do Amazon

Nobody in EU uses SMS, it stopped being a thing as soon as everyone had phones with internet and you could use better chat apps. So we don't give a crap about iMessage being open or not.

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I wouldn't recommend small instances to newbies. New users will likely use the All feed a lot, until they discover the communities they like. And on a small instance the All feed isn't going to have as many communities in it. Also the experience of searching for communities is worse on a smaller instance.

I think these aren't problems for experienced users but I don't think we want to expose newbies to them if we can help it.

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Individuals can't block whole instances yet (apart from via a browser extension), once that feature arrives there will be a lot less call for defederation I expect.

Misleading post title: altered the original to remove the word "recent"

We have come full circle!

What are the performance targets? And does the value of the package depend on share price?

Then why not use the same app?

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I think there's a wide range of people on Lemmy too but the extreme right and extreme left have ended up on instances that have been defederated from the main group. So what you're seeing are the sensible, rational people, and in America such people are considered left wing I guess 😉

I dunno what you're doing wrong but I bought an apartment in Germany a couple years ago and that wasn't my experience at all. I saw plenty of nice places big enough for a family of three for 250-300k. We had a little bit more than 50k in savings and were able to buy something much bigger than we need with a large garden (we spent 440k), but could easily have gotten something big enough with 50k savings. We're in a medium/large city but just not right in the middle, more towards the outskirts. Still only 15 mins bike ride to the centre though!

You forgot to tell us if you're white or black

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Everyone who has kids or plans to have kids should go to therapy, it's the only way to stop the cycle of trauma

Mate get yourself a second one, you'll never go back

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Clojure: hold my beer

The reasons why almost nobody has heard of them don't matter, the point is that nobody has heard of them - meaning they have no fame to steal or popularity to piggy back off of

I think there will be much simpler and better alternatives to defederation in future, we just haven't built them yet. I.e. ways to just achieve the targeted goal without the huge blast radius.

For example a community (or whole instance) might be set up so that only subscribers/locals can post and comment, and users from instances with open registration have to apply first before they are allowed to participate. Vice Versa an instance could have a default setting to hide communities from certain other instances, and let users customise that. I think that would address the main reasons beehaw defederated but without nearly as many downsides

Because it perfectly embodies one thing the Lemmy hivemind hates the most about how large, for-profit corporations tend to behave