Australia rejects proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in constitution to World – 952 points –
Australia rejects proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in constitution

Australians have resoundingly rejected a proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in its constitution and establish a body to advise parliament on Indigenous issues.

Saturday’s voice to parliament referendum failed, with the defeat clear shortly after polls closed.


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Ah the classic "I'm going to vote no to something good for me because I wanted something even better" argument 🤦‍♂️

Their argument is that the Voice isn't even something good. It doesn't give Indigenous people any powers they didn't already have, and the Voice can be ignored just as easily as the advice of the royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody recently was. Interview with the Black Peoples Union describes in better detail.

But even if that weren't the case and they did think it wasn't worthless symbolism, successful collective bargaining doesn't just settle for every first offer. So I don't know why you're claiming it's a bad strategy, it's how unions have won important gains for workers. It's a strategy that has been historically shown to work when applied correctly.

Except when it's put to a general vote like that, all the nuance is lost, and the voters remember "well we resoundingly voted no on the last one, why vote this one in?"