8 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

pls no more punchlines in the title!

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Their argument is that the Voice isn't even something good. It doesn't give Indigenous people any powers they didn't already have, and the Voice can be ignored just as easily as the advice of the royal commission into Aboriginal deaths in custody recently was. Interview with the Black Peoples Union describes in better detail.

But even if that weren't the case and they did think it wasn't worthless symbolism, successful collective bargaining doesn't just settle for every first offer. So I don't know why you're claiming it's a bad strategy, it's how unions have won important gains for workers. It's a strategy that has been historically shown to work when applied correctly.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that BlueSky is a for-profit business, like Twitter, like reddit. I urge everyone to avoid it where possible, just like I would go back in time and urge people not to make Twitter a thing.

They will inevitably go down a similar path. Even in the best case hypothetical scenario, they are still beholden to the interests of shareholders and advertisers. They have to make money from you, or from rich companies, to survive. Mastodon instances, on the other hand, are scalable enough that they can sustain themselves off self-funding or donations. Just like Lemmy, they don't have an intrinsic motivation to throw in ads, or to get you addicted to scrolling and arguing, or to censor communities that offend their sponsors.

It's no co-incidence that you're feeling some similarities between Lemmy and Mastodon, in fact Mastodon users can actually post here! 'Fediverse' programs all use the same language (protocol) to communicate and so some are able to interact. I've had a Lemmy<->Mastodon conversation before. Admittedly it's not ideal to do that everyday, because of the obvious difference in formats, but having the ability to do that can be useful, especially if one service has a community that yours doesn't.

If anyone considers themselves a historian and thinks anything is unbiased, their experience and insight will be dubious at best. Understanding that everyone has a distinct worldview and therefore bias is literally high-school history class, years before History 101. Do they think, or any reddit alternative for that matter, is unbiased or neutral??

Not only is it irrelevant in context (FOSS, forkable, the devs in question only moderate this single instance), it's especially unreasonable coming from /r/AskHistorians. They of all people should be able to understand bias, context and causation. If anything, this bias is just a guarantee that they won't sell out and extort the userbase.

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If this was a specific-purpose non-politics instance like many are, I'd say power to you. But for an general-purpose instance that advertises itself as being:

A generic Lemmy server for everyone to use. is a general-purpose Lemmy instance of various topics, for the entire world to use.

...then there's a need for some serious self-examination. Preemptively blocking thousands of users, and talking about blocking another long-lasting substantial community because some other community made comments about them? This is disappointing, this does not sound properly thought-out.

You're right, defederation should only be considered as a last resort. Not as a broad-spectrum discriminatory first action.

Like some of the top-ranking comments here are saying, that place has a very large proportion of people who were coming from the banned subreddits like The Donald, various straight-up hate communities, and typical alt-right groups. So naturally, alternatives that were founded by anarchists and socialists (raddle, were almost always disregarded there, possibly with the exception of the Wolfballs admin (I can't remember too well if they got much attention with the 'they're not all like that' line)

It's always funny to me to see newer users complain about a lot of political (incl. FOSS) users in an inherently political project, which was picked by many precisely because its political values prevent the for-profit shittery that has been doing for 15 years, and that alt-right social media alternatives frequently do whenever they get enough users. Yes, we're going to voice our concerns when people show up at the door and want this to be just like reddit was, or bring over the uncritical mainstream ignorance we came over here to avoid.

eh, reddit leans left

The left-right spectrum isn't a helpful model (Piped link) on an international forum. As you've seen in all the replies, people have very different ideas on what is left and what isn't... there is actually no true definition. Many people will, for example, argue that liberalism is the status quo and therefore centrist since the advent of socialism/anti-capitalism and fascism. This is especially true outside of the Five Eyes countries (US, UK, AUS, etc.) where the political atmosphere is clearly different for historical and cultural reasons. On top of that, reddit is so huge that different communities have noticeably different leanings, so naturally someone will object when any generalization is made.

they both trend towards extreme levels of authoritarian dick sucking

Congratulations, you just pissed off all the anarchists lol

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I made this account a long time ago, the landscape was different. The three biggest (federated) instances were this, and Wolfballs (alt-right, run by a right-libertarian but dominated by shameless racists and neo-nazis, most instances defederated from them).

Since Lemmygrad was often preemptively defederated from other instances, I wanted a stable well-connected instance that wouldn't die after a few months (learned that lesson the hard way on PeerTube) and am a socialist tech-expert. So the choice was simple. No regrets, and I wouldn't change it now.

I did have an alt on the former GTIO instance (civil debate only, no political-oriented bans) because I did want to see the garbage being posted by Wolfballs losers on there and practice deconstructing the flaws and refuting. I also had an alt on an instance that wasn't federated at the time. They were all appropriate choices given the landscape then and now, and I've had the foresight and fortune to almost never have an instance I use block one I wish to interact with. But unfortunately many so-called general instances have made dubious defederation choices which do make me worry that I may need to start making alts just to continue interacting with some communities in the future.

Communities defend communities.

Swearing to protect is vapid symbolism that anyone can feign with ease, and the laws are rarely decided by the people subject to them. The fact that so many people trust state police is amazing once we take a step back and analyse it.

Interesting case studies include real places that evicted police and politicians.

You have hurt the feelings of 448 million Europeans.

I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.

To generalize this out to other wars and conflicts, even regular old arguments, there are almost always pre-existing conditions and tensions leading up to the first major attack. Even things like WWI, where the catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But there is quite obviously more to the atmosphere, national ambitions, etc. etc. that make it so that the separatists wanted to assassinate him, and make it so that Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia and used this as an excuse. A war would have happened anyway, no matter who attacked first.


::: spoiler spoiler

If you really want to make the more rabid and trigger-happy Hexbear and Lemmygrad users mad, you have to say you're a Democrat :::

I'll call for their manager and attack the manager specifically. Is there a term for that yet?

Mander gets my seal of approval. Since the start, it's been what a federated community should be. It has a clear scope and is open for basically everyone to use, not trying to be a redundant general-purpose instance creating the tenth community named '196' and banning half the instances from using it.

If I browsed these types of joke-sharing communities more often, I'd petition community mods to create a rule against it. I don't think that's too harsh.

Security is a cat and mouse game. There's always a way to steal from anyone, especially a convenience-oriented business.

I believe that most of the things people do, or try to do, on reddit (and therefore reddit alternatives) just aren't appropriate for how the site is structured. Reddit is a 'link aggregator', that's what it was designed for. People post links to content.

So it's no surprise that forums are a better option, structurally, for a ton of communities.

Large, explicitly general-purpose communities shouldn't be defederating with such trigger-happiness. It's damaging to its own users ability to join communities they like, and for other instances' users to constructively post and support their own communities. The point of federation isn't to form cliques.

Also, it's in pretty bad faith to assert that most of the people complaining must be from Hexbear. Most of the posts I've seen so far pointing out the contradictions in this announcement are from long-time active accounts from all around the place. (Your account, on the other hand, is literally one post old...)

If one can get past the 20 most invasive, tactless, eternally-online members of Hexbear and Lemmygrad, they're generally great places. Unfortunately, those people are the main ones getting attention and alienating people on other instances.

It's disheartening whenever I see a legitimate chance to teach someone something and a Hex account just makes an absolute malicious shitpost that isn't even worth calling a dunk. That, and a couple of highly-active users in particular who will consistently take the worst possible interpretation of a post and insist anyone who disagrees is a bad actor. Sankara would roll in his grave if he could see those post histories.

I haven't checked it out since before the reddit API influx so things may be different now, but from memory they were explicitly centred around being super friendly and pleasant, to the point where normal disagreements by people on other instances were banworthy there. So they were very quick to defederate from many other instances, especially anything liberal (as in, libre; freedoms) or political.

I want it to succeed and become what reddit used to be.

I want it to exceed what reddit ever was. It's tempting to look back at those days and want to remake it, but really, we can and should go further in making good communities. And with federation, in theory, it's so much easier to have a small town booted up without it constantly feeling an inch from death, the death-struggle of almost all comfy communities that haven't become popular.

I want to say pirate culture has a strong history is deplatforming, so it's almost instinct to have a migration fallback plan. But I know they used to have a fallback on (anarchist reddit clone) when reddit started forcing them not to host or supply links to content. They had good reason to be prepared and it paid off.

Horseshoe theory is not a useful method of political analysis, nor is the left-right spectrum it is founded on.

This vid explains in more detail

You joined a site and didn't read the global rules. There are many places for shitposting, some that even embrace it, and this place makes it as clear as possible that this isn't one of them.

The lack of forced monetization is why I joined Lemmy. It's a feature.

A beautiful slick theme, and Xonotic in the launchpad. This desktop looks like a good time!

I would personally try and make the window panels darker to match all the parts seen in the first image.

The first rule of moretankie196 is you do not talk about the first rule.

The second rule of moretankie196 is you DO NOT talk about the second rule.

Huh, I'll have to look for a mute button, thanks for the hint. Mine keeps yelling at me to finish unloading then churns out a nonsense marketing phrase. Utterly annoying.

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The unfortunate thing is that these show up as small emotes on, so the users generally don't realize they're huge disruptive images to others.

Claim ignorance? How? "I didn't learn in school that neo-nazism and abusing children is frowned upon in society" ?

Do you mean 'concern trolling' or 'sealioning'?

'Concern trolling' is falsely pretending to agree with an idea but raising concerns, in order to sew discontent. Something like, "I agree with giving them a Voice, but I'm concerned that ... ", an insincere astroturfing attempt.

'Sealioning' is when someone relentlessly stalks a person asking them for evidence or arguments, in order to 'just try and have a debate' when the other person doesn't want to. The term comes from from this comic, which describes it well. It's personal harassment pretending to be civil debate.

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I am quickly fragged by space-aged weaponry, provided I don't explode from the strange atmosphere. Best case scenario isn't good, food seemingly doesn't exist.

I do appreciate when a worker in a restaurant has a legitimate conversation and is social, if they can see when it's appropriate and welcomed. And to add context, I'm not talking about the waiter hovering like you're describing, I'm talking about something I've only ever seen from immigrant family restaurants where they've come from a culture where eating is still a social community activity, or possibly when a chef takes pleasure in knowing you're enjoying their experience. The always transactional nature of eating in society has started to annoy me. But it's very different to when someone is being paid to try and make your experience good, that's inevitably plastic and coerced.

The authors ideals and beliefs are relevant, because those guided their decision to make a Free and Open Source, federated alternative to reddit, and avoid capitalist modes of funding (like integrating ads or other exploitative methods). That's why this existed long before reddit was extorting through their API.

Given this definition of racism, it creates an interesting problem: how can one solve systemic racism, without doing actions which take race into account? If someone needs help, is it unfair to treat them the same as someone else who doesn't need help? Or would it be more unfair to treat them the same as someone who doesn't need help, and therefore keeping things the same, leading to them still needing help? And, regardless of whether it's fair or not (subjective morality), is it more beneficial to society (material outcome)?

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Basically any opinion of the modern Internet I give.

I'm a certified computer expert, but I sound like a Luddite when it comes to anything mainstream.

As far as imageboards go, I believe lil b was the origin, not mere traction. KYM can hopefully confirm.

Is there an option to do All search results instead of local?

Oooh, I didn't know about the map enthusiasts one :)