1 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Bananas. 30 minutes later it's "hello fibre and potassium, time to visit the loo!" But seriously, there are so many great fruits.

Some from me: Blackberries are my hands-down favourite (and available everywhere in the wild in the UK autumn), raspberries, apples (so many varieties), navel oranges, mandarins, dragon fruit, watermelon, pears, rockmelon/cantaloupe, soft peaches (rare; most need a hammer and chisel), plums, damsons (in jam), and grapes.

Thanks, and for that Issue link. As you say, I expect it's just nuking the cookie and everything related to it just disappears.

At least it's on someone's radar. :)

Edit: I sent a message to support, as suggested by slazer2au, and got a response pointing out that 30 days seems to be hard-coded into mlmym:

That and those settings all being stored client-side explains everything. Not sure why those choices were made, but now I know why.

s/country/world/: FTFY

"Think of the children" is somehow the gotcha for so many of the hard-of-thinking amongst us.

Staggering that Myst is at that price. Sure, it's great, but it was one of the first CDROM games and its gameplay reflects that.

Most level-headed reaction to the issue I've seen to date. Thanks for saying it.

If a company has had a decent record to date, I prefer to wait to see if they hang themselves with their own rope rather than rage quitting on insufficient information.

They've done some questionable things in the past that can be explained by over-zealous PMs and such, so I'll wait to see how this plays out.

If I'm sick in public and don't know the cause (i.e. could be COVID), I'll wear a surgical mask. If I'm in an environment where COVID/similar may be likely from others, I'll wear an N95 mask.

I have boxes of each, left over from the coronalypse, so it makes sense to me.

I once wished for this, especially back in the days when there were next to no laws regarding it, but there's zero chance as the money and attention has moved to it. There's political capital in demonising online discourse.

I'd love to see DOI automating a copy of each entry to This would improve the likelihood of them remaining available.

Sure, it would make grifters like Elsevier mad, but scientific knowledge worth a DOI entry shouldn't be limited to a for-profit organisation.

Edit: Worded first para badly. I meant anything assigned a DOI ID, regardless of where the work is hosted.

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First line of the article:

Two of the biggest deepfake pornography websites have now started blocking people trying to access them from the United Kingdom.

This isn't (yet) the UK blocking access to them as part of a Great Firewall of Britain thing. This is the sites themselves blocking visitors from the UK, the same as porn sites for various US states.

As with porn sites, it'll be using the geoIP tag of your IP address, which is notoriously unreliable, especially near geopolitical boundaries.

Using a VPN or even a third-party (rather than your ISP's) DNS server will often get around them. However, doing so will eventually probably get you in trouble.

This is, sadly, accurate. Telling someone to use an OS/platform that isn't connected with a brand they recognise seems to send many people into a tailspin.

I'll refrain from the obvious "They Live" cynicism...

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“This is illegal!”

Bung in the post

“This is legal… for a fee!”

If the punishment is a fine, it is targeted at those who can’t afford the brib—I mean fee.

I had a girlfriend who was born without this connective tissue between her brain hemispheres.

Other than being weird, for reasons that could be explained myriad other ways, she was able to control each eye independently when she wanted.

Watching her watch TV and me while I walked past was... odd.

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My 9 year old LG smart TV (WebOS, but never connected to the network) will occasionally "overlay" RGB colour artifacts over the entire screen. There's no pattern of time, day, on duration, HDMI source, etc.

It just occasionally happens, probably once every month or two. Putting it into standby and back on again fixes it every time. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Great video. (For those unaware, the video's title is just copying the one used by a UK newspaper when the game was released).

Parallax was one of my favourite C64 games, and Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder were my favourite Amiga 500 games. Just amazing.

Growing up outside the UK, I was completely unaware of the Daily Star's manufactroversy and the RBL's IP-related histrionics.

I think you've got the right approach, FWIW.

Not sure that big business favouritism is the intent, but it's definitely more lucrative for them. Especially with Vimeo and other alternatives out there.

I remember when streaming took off in a big way - some on YT and others on (later Twitch and now Amazon's Twitch) - and I thought you'd have to be objectively bonkers to rely upon an opaque and ever-changing algorithm for your financial future. Some have gamed it well, but it's pretty easy to see how they've survived - fake shock/reaction content, alt-light or worse content, polarising opinion, thinly-veiled advertorials, and so on.

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I always refer to it as Xitter or Xchan. I'm yet to encounter someone who doesn't know which fallen brand I'm referring to.

None. And any that were damaged by it were pedo guys and it never happened.

This is it. Facebook (or Meta, can't recall which) put a value of something like $40 per user per year on their users' data. With a population of 450M, I don't imagine any company to just walk away from $18B per year when they only get these $1-2B fines every few years.

They probably think of it as a tax that they actually have to pay, or a cost of doing business.

Guild Wars 2. Love it.

Started playing in beta, took a break for years, and have been playing it again with friends most evenings for a year.

Road Runner, Tom & Jerry, Wacky Races... I'll still watch them if I stumble upon them.

Meep meep beats Acme Inc every time.

TIL this is a thing. I started doing that over 30 years ago with SLS and Slackware when that was the only choice.

This was pre-PnP (also pre-JPEG!), so you had to know all the addresses, IRQs, DMA info, etc, of your hardware or you'd get... unexpected results. make it and they will come...

After countless distros and flavours over the years, I still use Debian for servers and now use EndeavourOS for desktop/laptops.

If using Firefox:

  • uBlock Origin: Ads be gone. You need to select/add the blocklists you want.
  • Privacy Badger: Automatic tracker blocker with no configuration required.
  • Cookie AutoDelete: Saves cookies for the pages you want it to, and nukes everything else.
  • Firefox Multi-Account Containers: Keep your activity in separate silos. That Banking container cookie won't be visible to that Porn container's JavaScript, Meta's container can only see Meta's stuff, etc.

I use a bunch of others, but the above are my bare minimum.

Don't believe anyone who tells you that one extension does everything.

I'm from Australia, but now live in England.

Cereal? I've not really eaten it since I was a kid. But I always preferred something plain - without sugar or such. Weet(a)bix, porridge, or - if I had no other choice - Special K.

I've always hated sugary stuff before noon. Don't ask me why. Meanwhile, my friends would pile tablespoons of sugar on their sugary super-sugar sugar puffs.

These days, I have a single slice of toast with butter. With a cup of tea (milk, no sugar). Perfection.

Nice. But as a BitWarden user, it's useless to me. I've never put all my eggs in one account basket.

Passwords on one service, MFA on another, email on yet another, etc.

Where I grew up, there were signs on highways and such saying "Police Aerial Surveillance", "Police Speed Traps" or whatever. I never found one that didn't have "Pigs In Space" scrawled on it.

If you don't get the reference: The Muppet Show.

Decades later, and halfway around the world, I'll look up at a police helicopter and think, "Oh look: piiiiigs in spaaaaace."

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The whole full circle thing aside, I’m delighted we’re still able to do this 🖕🏻 with the current protocols.

My choices > your shareholders.

That we* get the government we deserve.

*Global we, not just where you live.

Exactly. This kind of thing is just a tax they have to pay, unless they can convince a court otherwise. Unlike normal tax.

I once saw some great advice saying we should celebrate when someone mispronounces a word: it means they learned it from reading.

It reminded me of a time when my uncle was barely literate and pronounced the word 'esoteric' as 'ee-SOTTER-ick'. I realised what had happened, but didn't really know how to correct him, then found a way to say the word myself in the flow of the conversation.

He never mispronounced it again, and there was no uppity nephew embarrassing his uncle. In the years since he's published a number of books, so couldn't be happier for him.

high cpu usage by just moving the mouse.

This sounds like co-operative multi-tasking on a single CPU. I remember this with Windows 3.1x around 30 years ago, where the faster you moved your mouse, the more impact it would have on anything else you were running. That text scrolling too fast? Wiggle the mouse to slow it down (etc, etc).

I thought we'd permanently moved on with pre-emptive multi-tasking, multi-threading and multiple cores... 🤦🏼‍♂️

Saw that in the cinema and went into real (medical) physical shock at the kerb-stomping scene. I'd never thought of or seen that before. Holy crap, it shook me for hours after as I warmed up again, etc.

My Endeavour laptop got it today. Couple of tweaks and it was running perfectly.

Funny you mention desktop: I've been waiting for Plasma 6 before rebuilding my Ubuntu desktop with Endeavour. Didn't want to jump the gun, find out that it impacts gaming performance, and then have to rebuild back again. :) Guess I have a desktop to rebuild now...

I think this really is the best solution to news sites.

I self-host FreshRSS, make good use of its filters, and I can chew through headlines and articles in no time using the web view on a PC or mobile web.

Now I'm thinking the classic Windows troubleshooting method is used by LG...

I don't necessarily disagree, but Reddit wasn't all OC at the start, either.

I guess now there are so many social media sites now that some people spend all their time, to paraphrase Cory Doctorow, cross-posting between 5 sites for Internet points or to build a following. It sucks, but plugging away posting OC will build it up over time.

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Self-hosted communities (here, Reddit, etc), GitHub searches,, LibriVox and, Twitch's "software development" category, and Mastodon hashtags are a few places I find mine.

Doesn't Lemmy let users block instances? So no issue here.

The problem seems to be with Mastodon (and possibly others like Pixelfed, Bookwyrm, etc), which I think is controlled at instance level. Fortunately, the admin of the Mastodon instance I'm on has defederated Threads.

There were a couple for me:

I was young when Alien came out, but my grandfather had it on VHS soon after. Ermagherd. Still one of my favourites films.


But there's one I'll never forget. A woman on a boat, with a metal bucket tied to her belly, with a heat source underneath it, that contained a rat. The rat would do anything to escape the heat... and the film showed the process. I was probably 10 at the time, and it's an image/predicament I'll never forget. No idea what the film was called.

I definitely admire the integrity and the effort.

But, economically speaking, you get what you incentivise for: if you can game the system and get the click/eyeball ratio, then they're going to do that.

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Think of the problem being solved. The Fediverse solves multiple problems, but most notably ensuring that our contributions won't be paywalled by some corporate grifter. The post and comment data itself is free and open, subject only to TOS and regional legislation.

If you consider your conversations valuable, stick with something like secure messaging application groups. And then hope nobody in that group does what you imagine in your second point.