Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet

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Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet

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I'd love to see DOI automating a copy of each entry to This would improve the likelihood of them remaining available.

Sure, it would make grifters like Elsevier mad, but scientific knowledge worth a DOI entry shouldn't be limited to a for-profit organisation.

Edit: Worded first para badly. I meant anything assigned a DOI ID, regardless of where the work is hosted.

you're thinking of scihub. if you have some 130 TB? of spare storage you can mirror their entire repository

except Sci-hub hasn’t been adding new papers since 2020. Anna’s Archive is a better bet, because they aggregate both sci-hub and libgen, among others. They also make torrents available for data hoarders. Their torrents total over 600 TB at this point, but include books in addition to articles.

sci-hub and libgen already outputs list of torrents. do they also archive supplementary information? that's where most of actual interesting data is, sometimes it's open source, sometimes it's not. (at least in my field)