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Joined 1 years ago

Too old to be a boomer, he'd silent generation. The rest of your comment is still probably accurate though.

I'm to young for the first one but too old for the second one. I'm also used to society ignoring my generation so that's fine.

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The point is to make the case difficult and time consuming, hoping to cause a delay. One common method I have seen is to print every email in an email chain. The efficient way would be to print the last email in a 30 reply long chain and have it make up about 5 pages of the filing. Instead of doing that though, you can print every email in the chain and turn it in to 50+ pages pretty easily. Trump does not want this case to be handled efficiently and having a 5000+ lage filing, full of repeated and unnecessary information is one way to make that happen.

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Qbittorrent let's you set a torrent to download in sequential order and download first and last pieces first. This let's me play files as they are downloading.

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But without Isreal as an intermediary, how are politicians supposed to funnel billions of dollars to their friends in the defense industry?

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Hey, Israel has every right to defend themselves from starving children lined up for food. You must be one of those antisemitic people I've been hearing about.


Lack of net neutrality is a huge part of it. Korean ISPs bill sites like twitch for the data they use.

The average human takes 20000 breaths per day. For comparison, the average American take 4700 steps a day so steps actually win since the break even point is around 4000 steps.

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Mildly amusing if you ask me.

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I didn't know about the leak until now. Now I'm going to track it down when I otherwise wouldn't have. Thanks Warner Brothers.

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He just showed that he's was able to post (only) 100mm for his bond. No reason that shouldn't go to her first.

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China has spent decades building up their reputation of a place that produces cheap, inferior copies of better products and they aren't going to shake that overnight or even in a few years.

To be fair, it's the same amount of sugar as most other sodas and had less caffeine than a typical coffee. The real issue is that a lot of their marketing targets a younger audience who probably shouldn't be drinking caffeinated drinks yet.

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As a gamer, proton/lutris still isn't quite to the point that I am ready to make the jump. It's very close though and I'm going to make the switch probably in the next 24 months.

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Helium 3 is what we're planning to use in fusion, that's the point.

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You think the kids that sat at the back of the classroom, saying learning math is a waste of time because they'll never need to use it, can form an opinion on this? They see the words "interest rate" and decide this news is completely irrelevant because they can't understand it.

MS surprise launched hifi rush with zero marketing, put it on gamepass day 1 then complains it didn't meets ales expectations and shuts down the studio that made it. Now, 48 hours later, they are saying they need more games like that.

It may not be directly referenced in the article but cloud gaming was absolutely a part of what led to the closure of tango gameworks.

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Actual 80s kids grinded this level until they could make it through without taking much damage. When you only owned a half dozen games you got pretty good at all of them.

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Get scene releases from trusted sources (not public trackers) and ensure that the hash matches what is in the nfo on predb.

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1 mod, 5.4 million subscribers. Good fucking luck.

Maybe it's because I grew up with 8 and 16 bit rpgs but I despise level scaling. It really takes the enjoyment out of playing for me so I just don't play games that have it. Some games have min and max enemy levels based on location but others keep the enemies in lock step to you and it just makes playing the game feel pointless. In either case, every game with level scaling would be better without it.

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I just watched this movie 2 days ago at my parents and the trauma is the same as it was in 1984.

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I had to はし (hashi) over the はし because I forgot my はし at home.

Same word phonetically, three meanings. With Kanji it's easy.

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Ask her why the same thing is happening globally, I'd love to see her brain run out her ear.

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No, that would mean it can be used on it's own. It's literally a dumb terminal for the ps5 and nothing more.

The millennial equivalent to 1997 is about 5vor 6 years ago and there are more of them than us gen xers. They're definitely worse off with a proportionally higher cost of living.

Their search isn't great, I get better results using on Google

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We need to stop diminishing racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry by calling them anti-woke.

My icq# was 4706179 and I doubt I'll ever forget it.

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Try liking sonic the hedgehog games. The characters are all children but the fandom does not care.

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I'm a man in my mid 40s and I have no problem drinking the milk straight from the bowl.


What does this have to do with orange "dictator from day 1" being undemocratic?

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If it's not haunted then why is it sweating?

Center seat, about a third of the way to the back. This is where we setup to calibrate the surround systems back in the 90s and I'm not aware of any change to this so I still sit there.

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The rest of the world doesn't exist, it's just a scam made up by the passport cartel to fleece you of your money every few years.

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Knowing what cults often do when their leaders are young, teenage girls, this is incredibly sad and disturbing.

Every now and then, Florida does something I agree with. It's always a surprise. Maybe also ban parents from making social media channels that exploit their children.