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I might have made a new friend in the real world! It’s quite exciting as that doesn’t happen often and I feel very lucky, if the friendship sticks.

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Thank you! I hope you find good friendships along the way , too.

Thandiwe Newton is an amazing reader! Her rendition of Jane Eyre is stunning. I’m currently working my way through her reading of War and Peace and it’s equally gorgeous.

She has a voice for each character and helps one dig into the stories. Listening to her, I’m not brought out of the story thinking of her as an actress.

I’d listen to her read the phone book!

Willie in Temple of Doom. So what if she wasn’t cut out for the big adventure! She liked her life in Shanghai- dresses, performing, champagne, and nightlife. She didn’t ask for any of what happened next!

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Growing up I would hear people hating on her. But this was pre-internet so perhaps the World Wide Web has lessened the Willie bashing?

Practicing what I call Micro Pleasantries helps me feel good about life. Can be as simple as complimenting someone on their awesome new shoes or giving up your seat on the bus (or allowing someone to merge) It makes me feel better and hopefully makes someone feel better , too.

Schitt’s Creek - about halfway through the second season where things really start to gel. I unabashedly want all of Moira’s outfits.

Puff pastry! The constant fear the butter getting too soft, the (seeming) hours of rolling then resting in the freezer, the failure of witnessing the butter melt out in the oven was just too much for me, especially when the pre made frozen stuff is quite good.

That said, I love a challenge and have been thinking of trying it again.

This answer is adorable and cheered me up. It works!

As an adult I wasn’t ready for the curb scene! Poop, now I’m thinking about it.

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I love this and wish people would still get more dressed up to do random stuff.

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Something completely unforeseeable would off me within the first six months, is my guess. That tiny hangnail that breaks some skin which leads to an infection would be my demise. Assuming I didn’t have access to antiseptic, antibiotics, and the like.

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Team America. While I’m not offended by any of it, something tells me a lot of folks would be (and it wouldn’t even be over the puppet sex).

It’s a fucking masterpiece!

So true! And it’s something that I had never thought of before seeing the movie.

I like a cotton/stretchy blend. Straight cotton would get baggy in the knees and butt, I think.

Now, unfortunately the stretchy stuff probably means micro plastics when washing.

Hahah- i started calling myself a San Francisco conservative: absolutely left leaning but compared to the folks in SF I’m not blue enough.

Listen to music! Especially something that makes me dance, like 90s house music.

Gold Diggers of 1933 - pre-Hayes Code and funny! It’s fast talking and much of it came across as modern to me.

Every so often I knit an item of clothing that fits, has the right yarn, and is the right color for my complexion. It’s wonderfully satisfying, especially since most wearable knitted things take a couple- few months to finish.

I donate most of the “not my look” items. One day I hope to see one in the wild!

For me it’s constantly having that word you’ve used 1k times just out of reach, coupled with feeling like there are two (or more) levels happening in my head: one trying to have a verbal conversation and the other wondering silently when my migraine/headache will go away.

True! But with my luck this would all happen whilst camping in the wilds.

My dad was very similar, though conservative, and while not open minded he was an excellent critical thinker.
He, too, listened to all the right wingers and I’ve often wondered if he was still alive would he have been a Trumper.

It’s all so weird but hearing of similar stories like yours gives me a bit of solace.

There is a brand of crackers called Finncrisp which to me taste like savory grape nuts. Delicous!

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Thank you for this suggestion!

Love a good Tingle title!

Doubly so if it’s on public transportation. Ran into it the other day but was too chicken to call them out.

So very, very gross.

Haha- it’s always the shoes, isn’t it? I walk a lot and it’s really driven my footwear choices over the years. There is little crossover between the truly comfortable (hello, plantar fasciitis) and fancy stylish.

Though back in the day I would wear heels and tights for my retail jobs. Definitely helped me sell more!

I absolutely love the 70s Wicker Man!! It’s weird in the best possible way with Christopher Lee jamming it up to 11.

He’s such a whiner!!!

Sadly no. XBox does support Vision though and it’s really beautiful.!

Soooo good with lox!