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Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.

Uhhh, that already happened.

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I don't know enough about the man himself to confirm or deny... I guess he was the propaganda minister when Leni Riefenstahl was "discovered" (though according to wiki, it was Hitler who was mesmerized by her work and had Goebbels assign her to the task)

I don't understand your point... Obama won two presidential elections in a row. It would seem as though that "selling himself as a progressive convincingly worked out pretty well for him id say.

So you're saying that the people want a progressive candidate, but the Dems would, at most, give us the option of someone who sells themselves as progressive but is an actual neo-liberal?

Oh, maybe I do get it after all. I was going to say that Gore was pretty progressive and did technically win, but that was 25 years agola

Do you understand how Congress functions? Do you think they're fucking dukes and duchesses or some shit?

This thread is about AOC. You forgot which Democratic party figure you were supposed to be railing on in this thread.

I hope you understand that it will be reflected on your next performance review.

Big tough guy on the internet, but let's see how you feel when Trump's brown shirts are knocking on doors to check if you're harboring any trans people...

I wish I was joking, but be prepared because this shit can happen fast. Then maybe you'll think back on this election and wonder what could have happened if all you stupid motherfuckers would just shut the fuck up and vote for Biden.

"Wahhh we had four years to choose a better candidate and we did FUCKING NOTHING. Now we're looking literal fascism in the face and we're suddenly all concerned about who our presidential candidates are." You know we have a whole process for this, right? It doesn't start 5 months before the election.

It's so fucking juvenile. We get it, you're not going to vote. Stop spreading your cancer.

There's enough to be upset with Biden about, the failure of his student loan forgiveness plan isn't one of them. Even after being shot down by the Supreme Court, his administration has continued to forgive millions billions in debt through various other means.

They really have been trying to get it done. He's not the one you should be criticizing for this...

Edit: fixed

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Well if there is one thing conservatives have never understood (and feel angry and small and left out because of it), it's art. Especially performance art.

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Ohhh I love a nice paranoid scheme and murder web. Something to look forward to

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Aren't those, like, the only two brands of GPU?

Driving it will protect you from scurvy

Yeah dude I'm sure these old motherfuckers who dedicated their lives to ONE SINGLE ACADEMIC PURSUIT that is completely unrelated to science in just about every way, knows better than the EPA as to whether or not this plan is cutting air pollution.

Once again, we've encountered one of the many fatal flaws of our system: requiring every citizen and lawmaker to be an PhD level expert on literally every subject or else things break and people die. We're all the ones who have to abide by their dumbass decisions when it literally kills our children. Very cool.

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Read the original post:

The justices in a 5-4 vote rejected arguments by the Biden administration and Democratic-controlled states that the plan was cutting air pollution.

The court—that is 9 old people who have studied nothing but jurisprudence for the last 3 or 4+ decades —have decided that they are better qualified than the Environmental Protection Agency and the hundreds of thousands of scientists, engineers, and experts that make it up, to judge whether or not an EPA plan to curb pollution actually curbs pollution.

This (and the other decision that just came down about the SEC) seems to indicate to me exactly how they plan to rule in the Chevron Deference case, and it does not look good.

My only (admittedly convoluted) hope is that they decided to choose a couple of the regulatory issues on this session's docket as a handout to the Captain Planet villains that make up the GOP, so they don't lose their shit when they uphold Chevron.

I'm not holding my breath.

The fact that this country isn't on fucking fire about Project 2025 is a very bad sign.

Typical American smh

It's because they are all fascists. "Conservative" in America is just a synonym. Fascism has always historically been a boon to corporations due to their integration into the corrupt machine.

Corporations could not care less if someone is "conservative," what they care about is money, power, and control. And fascism seems to be a good way to get that done, while also having the added benefit (in their minds) of causing millions of humans to suffer.


I cannot count the times that I found an "unloaded" gun, both mine and others, that was found to contain a cartridge over the years.

You know what's interesting? I can count exactly how many times I've experienced this. It's zero. Zero times.

I mean really, imagine making a statement like that as if it's a normal thing for a private citizen of a modern society to say.

So many insecure people too afraid to face the real world without the ability to end human lives in a split second.

Everything, literally everything they do, is projection.

If I played my hardest, I would have broken the controller.

How many years of GOP control before they pass an amendment to HIPAA that excludes gender-affirming care from its protection?

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Whoa this guy's badass.

He knows what's really going on, and it just happens to always be opposite of whatever "the media" says.

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Nobody falls for that shit anymore. Try to come up with something more convincing.

While there is absolutely truth to what he's saying there, I do think it is sort of a "grass is always greener" thing.

For example, Tarkovsky famously butted heads constantly with Soviet censors/authorities about the content of his films (though to be fair, he was making some out there shit). I believe it's ultimately why he left the USSR.

While I am not a fan of capitalism, there is something to say about everyone does what they do best.

And you think capitalism uniquely allows people to "do what they do best"?

I'll make sure my virtuousic drummer friend who was forced to become an electrician's apprentice in order to survive knows about this.

Because they don't know what a "fascist regime" is. They're dumb.

I was with you, but I don't think becoming "ungovernable" would help anything. Cool slogan and all but seems pretty counterproductive.

"rocket barrages" lol that's rich.

Then Israel responds by murdering 100x civilians including women and children.

Complete disproportionate response after Iron Dome basically prevents any Israelis from dying from those so-called "rocket barrages."

Each time it's one or two Israeli soldiers killed by the one rocket out of 40 that made it in, and by a week later 1,200 Palestinian civilians are murdered. Cool.

Over and over for 5+ decades. It's just objective fact, the numbers are publicly available. I don't forget, so the people in Gaza and the West Bank sure as shit don't (between fighting off "settlers" with AR-15s from New Jersey storming their villages in the middle of the night). Israel created every Palestinian terrorist after decades of oppression, displacement, apartheid, and dire hopelessness. Almost like it's what they wanted.

And now literal genocide. Their end goal. A final solution if you will.

Only when he accidentally takes too much and falls into a k-hole.

I'm assuming that's the Laffer behind "the Laffer curve," AKA the unscientific bullshit "graph" he drew on a cocktail napkin that would essentially become the basis for supply-side economics AKA "trickle down."

That Laffer?

Because ruining the US economy and setting us on a 3+ decade ride towards record (and frankly inhumane) income inequality once just wasn't enough I guess.

Fucking ghouls.

Unfortunately it's much scarier than that. Google Project 2025 if you're not already familiar.

Yeah this doesn't actually happen and no you haven't fucking seen it first hand.

Dude, Anthony Weiner? Did you skip the second half of his wiki page, or...?

I would never go as far as to say that they're "quality," but I do think YT comment sections aren't the complete shitshow that they were a decade or so ago. It really does depend on the channel though too.

I mean just because you say some pithy thing at the end doesn't make it wrong. Nobody should still think, in 2024, that Bitcoin is in any way anonymous. If you want privacy you don't use Bitcoin.

I guess that makes me a shill for Monero 🙄

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Where's the quote from?

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It's "real" as in it exists, but you say so yourself that it's just an estimate.

Cheers. Sounded like Marx, but wasn't sure if it was in Kapital and wasn't about to wade through that beast to try to find it lol.

It isn't a real count of users who have clicked the dislike button, YouTube no longer makes that data available.

So I would not put much stock in that number.

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Yeah that thought experiment is so capitalist-brained that the person doesn't even seem to understand your issue with the premise as a whole. That it's ridiculous to put so much consideration into thought experiments about maximizing profits while selling water in the desert.

Then they respond to this as if you just gave a legitimate response to their thought experiment, and that you wouldn't be heckled by a room full of MBA students if you said what you just said in the marketing class the original commenter likely heard it.